Dear Parish Family,
I hope and pray your Christmas is off to a wonderful start. Thank you for joining us in limited capacity in church and on our live stream Christmas Mass. Although this year was very different, the joy of Christmas was still unmistakable. I am also very grateful for your generosity as you know that our numbers a unfortunately very down. This too shall pass!
  The promise of Christmas is one of great expectation. We know that this world is far from perfect and that hardships not only fall to the world, and to our country but often in our own homes as well. We are called to invite Christ into the cold and the dark just as He was born into that very same scenario in Bethlehem. Remember how far from perfect was the situation allotted to Him on that first Christmas morning.
  Joseph and Mary had no idea what was in store for them. They had no guarantees whatsoever as to what was before them. They completely surrendered themselves to God and trusted in Him without any hesitation. They had the promise of an angel and bravely accepted the will of God. This is what we must do now in this year ahead. Let us trust completely in our Lord’s protection and guidance in this New Year. Whether life seems to be smiling on you or whether the times have become uncertain and challenging, follow the example of the Holy Family and boldly press on into the days ahead, knowing that the joy of Almighty God will always be with you. God our Father will never abandon us, and His Son promised us that He will never leave us orphans!
Merry Christmas and a very Blessed Happy New Year!

Magno Cum Gaudio,
Father Brian Patrick Woodrow
January 1, 2021 ~ Holy Day of Obligation
2021 Mass Intentions, Altar Flowers &
Sanctuary Lamps
We are now accepting Mass Intentions, Altar Flower and Sanctuary Lamp Donations for 2021. Please contact the Rectory Office to reserve your dates.

  • The 2021 Mass Intentions Book is now open. The offering for each announced Mass is $10. At this time, we will accepting Mass requests for the months of January, February and March 2021 ONLY. We will open the remainder of the 2021 Mass Book at a later date.  Moving forward, masses can be requested by calling the rectory office according to the current rectory office schedule. You may request up to THREE masses.

  • Many people have special days in the year which they commemorate. Flowers on the altar of St. Dominic’s Church can fittingly mark and anniversary of a marriage or death, or may be used as an expression of joy of thanksgiving at any time. Anyone may give flowers at St. Dominic’s for any Sunday desired. Please remember that there are no flowers on the altar during Lent or Advent. Flower Donations will NOT be accepted January 3 & 10; February 21 through April 18 (Lent/Easter); or November 28 through December 28 (Advent/Christmas). Currently, the suggested donation for Altar Flowers is $100.00.

  • Consider donating the Sanctuary Lamp that burns in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament in the Church in memory of a loved one who has died, to celebrate a special occasion or to honor a living person. The suggested donation for each Sanctuary Lamp is $5.00. 
2021 Religious Calendars
The 2021 Religious Calendars are available in the Rectory Office. This year we have a smaller number of calendars available. You may pick up your calendar during Rectory Office hours. Please call the Office at 732-840-1410 and let us know when you would coming in. Thank you for understanding.
Vigil of Reparation ~ January 1, 2021
9:00 PM - The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be celebrated in reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Following the Mass - Eucharistic Adoration, the Holy Rosary, Prayer, Confession
12 Midnight - The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be celebrated in reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
For more information, contact Fr. Marian (484) 368-4636.
Stay Informed
Please continue to visit our website ( The website is an important communication for our parishioners to keep
up-to-date on parish news and announcements.