St. Dominic Catholic Church

Bulletin For The Week of January 22nd

Have You Heard God Calling Your Name?

Deacon formation classes are beginning this fall.

The application process for men interested in becoming aspirants for the Permanent Deacon Formation Class, beginning in the fall of 2023, has been scheduled for Saturday, January 28, 2023. Prospective aspirants and their wives are asked to gather at the lower level of the Cathedral of St. Peter (Undercroft - South Entrance), 200 W. Harrison Street, Belleville at 10:00 Saturday the 28th. Those desiring to be considered must complete the application and return it to the Vocation Office no later than March 4, 2023.

If your schedule doesn't permit you to attend the meeting on January 28, 2023, don't hesitate to contact the Vocation Office to schedule a time with a formation team member to receive the application and review the process. For an application, please call 618-722-5043.

Are You a Young Woman Seeking God’s Will In Your Life?

If you are a women 16-33 years of age come join the Daughters of St. Paul for Discernment 101, a series of Saturday morning talks, prayer, and community to help you grow in your relationship with God and discern how God is inviting you to live out the gift of who you are in the world.

Our next session is Saturday, January 28 on “Transformation in Christ” from 8:30-12:00 at Pauline Books & Media (9804 Watson Road, St. Louis, MO 63126). Join us for 8:30 Mass, followed by light refreshments, a talk, discussion, and Eucharistic Adoration. A Zoom option is also available. For more details or to register, please visit or email

Printed versions of the weekly bulletin

are available at St. Dominic Church

Pro-Life Lapel Roses

Members of the Knights of Columbus Council 2869 will offer Pro-Life lapel roses after the weekend masses on January 21st and 22nd. Wearing a Rose is a great way to show your support for the Unborn! Please help the Knights defend Life!

St. Vincent De Paul Casseroles

St. Vincent De Paul Casseroles will be made in the parish cafeteria/kitchen (date to be determined). There will be a second collection the weekend of Jan. 21 & 22 which will be used to buy the ingredients for the casseroles. The number of casseroles we make depends on the amount of money collected, since each casserole costs roughly $12-$15. If you want to get a head start or if you miss the collection you can also drop off a monetary donation in the box in the breezeway with “St. Vincent Casseroles” on the envelope. There is a need for volunteers to help make the casseroles. Contact the rectory if you can help.

How About A Bible Study Or Learn More About Our Catechism

Interested in doing a Bible study? You can listen to Fr. Mike Schmitz “Bible in a Year” podcast on Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts. For 20 minutes a day, Fr. Mike reads the Bible and shares his reflection. Or maybe you are interested in learning about the Catechism. Fr. Mike Schmitz is also hosting a Catechism in a Year podcast. Listen wherever you get your podcasts. If you want to understand more about what it means to be Catholic, this podcast is for you.

Start any time of the year. Any questions, contact Diane at 618-910-9266 or go to Bible in a Year or Catechism

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