January 18: Admin tasks; service planning; pastoral visit.
January 19: Taught about the Episcopal Church/organized church at PV High School in their comparative religion class with Mr. Bryce Stoddart.
January 20: Archie and I took items from our home as well as the Zimmerman home to Hawthorne High School, where it is destined to be delivered to help military families in need.
January 21: Sunday services; met with the Altar guild to talk about plans for the Installation and Lent.
January 22: Met with Senior Warden; answered emails; service planning; pastoral calls.
January 23: Worked from home to get writing done for Annual Report and other things.
January 24: Pastoral visit; staff meeting; pastoral visit; finished writing Lenten devotions; worked on Installation service; Friar’s Appreciation Dinner - everything about it was great: the food, the program, and the company were all top-notch.