Take Home a Poinsettia!
Take a poinsettia or two home with you after service today!
Antique Show Planning Meeting
Sunday, Jan. 14
Join us in the Board Room at 11:30 am as we begin planning our Annual Antique Show. The festive opening night Gala will be held Wednesday, May 29. The Antique Show will run May 30 through June 1. All hands on deck! We look forward to seeing you there! Contact Jamie Bellows for details at bellows151@aol.com
St. Luke’s Breakfast Outreach
Saturday, Jan. 20 at 7 am in Long Beach
Volunteers needed to help collect clothing for distribution, and pass out food to the hungry. Contact Gayle Taylor gaylentaylor@gmail.com to sign up.
Altar Guild Meeting
Sunday, Jan. 21
After the 10 am service in the Board Room.
TAIZÉ Service of Wholeness and Healing
Tuesday, Jan. 23 at 7 pm
Join us for a contemplative evening service in our Chapel, held by candlelight. Feel free to come a few minutes early and let the gentle music, the flickering glow of the candlelight, the soft chants, and the moments of silence allow you to still your spirit and take in the Peace.
Annual Meeting and Potluck
Sunday, Jan. 29
Join us in the Parish Hall on Sunday, January 29 after the 10 am service for our Annual Meeting and potluck! We will hear about the 2023 year in review and enjoy food and fellowship.
For the potluck, please bring something from the following categories according to the first letter of your last name:
- A-H Main Dish
- I-P Side Dish or Salad
- Q-Z - Dessert or Fruit
As always, you do not need to bring something to join the event—all are welcome in fellowship. If you have any questions, contact Mary Deley at mary_deley@yahoo.com.