Holy Week — March 24 - 30
- 3/28 Maundy Thursday: 7 pm Holy Eucharist, foot washing, stripping of the altar, and the Watch at St. Cross (Hermosa).
- 3/29 Good Friday: 12-3 pm Meditative service at St. Francis. Sit in the quiet of the chapel as we contemplate the last words of Christ; this is a come-and-go service.12-3 pm Labyrinth Walk in Parish Hall. 7 pm Veneration of the Cross at Christ Church (Redondo).
- 3/30 Holy Saturday, 8 pm the Great Easter Vigil at St Francis.
Taizé - Tuesday, April 30 at 7:00 pm in the Chapel
Easter Sunday — March 31
Celebrate Easter at the 8:00 am and 10:00 am service, followed by our Easter Egg Hunt immediately following the service.
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St. Francis Choir to perform
Maurice Duruflé's Requiem
at the Easter Vigil
Saturday, March 30 at 8 pm
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As part of the upcoming Easter Vigil service, the St. Francis Choir will be singing five movements from Maurice Duruflé's Requiem composed in 1947 for choir, soloists and organ, shortly after the close of World War II. The work is based on the original, ancient Gregorian chants from The Mass for the Dead.
The music is original, stunning, and evocative in its daring juxtaposition of modern, innovative music with the free-flowing chants from the ancient church. It is also, in part perhaps due to its ancient roots, powerful, intensely moving, and eternally hopeful music, which, when performed as originally intended in a sacred service, can be an overwhelming, transformative experience.
We hope you will join us this Saturday, March 30 at 8 pm for this very special service.
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Easter Flowers Memorial and Thanksgiving | |
Easter decorations in the Church and Chapel have been given to the glory of God by: | |
Joyce & Chris Ally
in loving memory of our parents, and in thanksgiving for our family.
Joan A. Bacon
in loving memory of John W. Bacon, beloved husband.
Anna Eakins
in loving memory of James Eakins, Mioko and Jack Kozaki, and in thanksgiving for my wonderful St. Francis friends and my family.
Jamie Bellows & Wendy Pratt
in loving memory of Shelly Crilly.
The Ferme Family
in loving memory of Shelly Crilly.
The Breckenridge Tchen Family
in loving memory of Jack and Florence Breckenridge
Geoffrey Leo Guenther
in thanksgiving for the use of the Chapel while Wayfarers is unavailable.
Dick Briggs & Sara Schulz
in loving memory of William & Elenor Briggs, Fr. Harley Wright Smith & Mary Stewart Smith, Kenneth Daniel Schulz, and Williams Hewitt Stewart IV
Mark & Bobbette Hamilton
in thanksgiving for our church family at St. Francis.
Lisa Jester
in loving memory of Alice and Vincent Jester and Edith Coen.
Susie Zimmerman
in loving memory of Shelly Crilly for all her wonderful work in the world and at St. Francis, and for all who love music in our world.
Frances & Hal Yee
in loving memory of Lynette Kau Yee.
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Yun Lee
to the Glory of God.
Joanne & John Shultz
in loving memory of our parents and in thanksgiving for our sons and their families.
Elaine & Lloyd Mistele
in thanksgiving for our children and grandchildren.
Lucreta Taylor
in loving memory of George and Donna Taylor, and Matt and Helen Stanovich.
The Tenny Family
in loving memory of Geraldine Lawson.
Karin Petersen
in loving memory of Ted, Elsi, and Mary Ann and in thanksgiving for Margaret and Carly, the Lab.
Rhonda Woodfine
in loving memory of her mom, Brenda Hillman.
Wendy Pratt
in loving memory of her parents Joan and Ted Pratt, and Shelly Crilly, and in thanksgiving for her husband, Tom Schuart, and siblings on the East Coast.
Marcia & Mike Schoettle
in loving memory of Margot Vander, my twin sister.
Jane Sharp
in loving memory of Benjamin T. Sharp and in thanksgiving for Thomas Francorsi.
Bill & Shelly Zak
in thanksgiving for our daughters, Elizabeth, Christine and, especially today, Kimberley, who is celebrating her birthday.
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Fr. Jason's Week in Review | |
March 21: Admin tasks; Holy Week Prep; pastoral visits.
March 22: Dentist appointment; sermon prep; day off.
March 23: Rachel’s birthday party with her school friends; Palm Sunday prep; sermon prep.
March 24: Palm Sunday services - everything went well, and the readers and music were wonderful!
March 25: Worked from home on Holy Week/Easter services.
March 26: Pastoral phone calls; admin tasks; Holy Week/Easter prep.
March 27: Archie came home sick from school; worked from home; went to Tenebrae service at St. Andrew’s, Torrance, where I was able to sit with Jennifer in the pew (thanks to our fearless babysitter); I later learned that Tenebrae means “darkness” in Latin.
March 28: Home again with Archie, as he had to be out again since he’d had a fever the day before; Holy Week prep.
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Antiques Show Meeting
Sunday, April 14 at 11:30! | |
Please join us for an update. We still need someone to coordinate the luncheons for Thursday and Friday, May 30 and 31. We’d also love to get two volunteers to handle general staffing (together). It’s a job that can easily be done from home.
Antique Show Gala Silent Auction Donations needed!
Do you have the perfect treasure to make our Gala Silent Auction a huge success? Please consider donating to our Opening Night event on Wednesday, May 29. Popular items include personal creations such as jewelry and culinary specialties, social experiences like wine-tasting events and group dinners, sports and theater tickets, luxury home items, and much more! If you would like to donate, please contact Mary Deley at mary_deley@yahoo.com. We are happy to coordinate, pick up and provide you with a tax-deductible donation statement.
Submission of Ads for The Antiques Show Program
The Antiques Show program includes paid advertisements acquired by parishioners which help defray printing costs. Please pick up ad letters from the visitor’s desk in the church office and request ads from businesses you frequent. (All details are specified in the letters.) Be sure to take last year’s program with you to entice submission of an ad. For ad rates and questions, email Karin Petersen at lapdogdesigns@cox.net or 310-375-0962, or Wendy Pratt at wpratt@earthlink.net.
Thank you all for your ongoing support for this important fundraiser!
—Jamie Bellows and Wendy Pratt, Co-chairs
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Please note that our next Taize service will be held on Tuesday, April 30 instead of the usual fourth Tuesday. I invite you to arrive a few minutes before 7:00 pm to enjoy the musical prelude, segueing into 45 minutes of contemplative worship in our candlelit chapel, followed by a reception in our board room. If you'd like to be on our e-mail reminder list, please contact Kristina Pela at krab3@yahoo.com or 310-941-2498. | |
"Good Grief" loss support group | |
Loss comes in many different forms: loss of a loved one to death, divorce, dementia ... loss of health due to aging, an accident or a diagnosis ... the list goes on. If you are feeling a loss and would like to be part of a supportive community, please contact Kristina Pela at krab3@yahoo.com with your interest. A team of parish volunteers will offer a weekly grief support group starting up after Easter here at St. Francis. Meeting dates and times will be established once we've learned people's availability. | |
By Your Side Training Winter 2024 |
The Canterbury
April 15 through May 13
6:30 to 8:30 PM
Since 2011, the mission of By Your Side (an Episcopal Communities & Services Compassion Program) has been to support people in times of change and difficulty, particularly in health crisis, and to be at their bedside at the end of their lives as needed. More than five hundred volunteers have been trained to be a compassionate presence.
We continue to develop teams of people to serve in hospital and long-term care settings, especially in our ECS communities. There, team members have had the opportunity to deepen their understanding of what it means to really be "with" the residents they support, and residents become even more aware of the needs of neighbors having difficulty with changes in their lives, with challenging diagnoses or increasing frailty. In the larger community, individuals and spiritual care teams strengthen their understanding of what being together through the end of life can really look like. We all gain tools for taking care of ourselves while being present for those around us. The pandemic brought all of us to an acute awareness of life's fragility, realizing that what is most important is connection. Please join us in this exploration. There is no obligation to volunteer.
Our next 10-hour training is at The Canterbury, 5801 Crestridge Rd, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275 on Monday evenings, April 15—May 13, from 6:30 t0 8:30 pm. For further information and to register, you may contact Susan Bown at sbroun@ecsforseniors.org or (626)403-5424. A fee of $70.00 (which includes all materials) is due by the second class. ECS team members are complimentary; scholarships are for public enrollees. CE (2 hrs.) for nurses is available for an added $30.00 under California Board of Registered Nursing Provider CEP 16239.
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Sunday Holy Communion
8:00 am
Rite I in-person worship in the Chapel, with hymns. This service is not live-streamed.
10:00 am
Rite II in-person worship in the main church with choir and music.
For other worship services and parish events, visit our calendar.
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Livestream Worship and Sermons Online
We livestream Sunday 10am worship on Facebook and YouTube. You can view past sermons or entire livestreams on our YouTube channel.
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Nursery School and Sunday School
Sunday school for children in kindergarten through fifth grade will be held in the Parish Hall from 9:50 am to 10:40 am (ish ... the kids typically come in at the Peace). There is a nursery for children 6 months to 5 years old.
Contact: Kristina Pelá
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Pastoral Care
In need of prayer? Send prayer requests to Fr. Jason.
Contact Kristina Pelá to arrange for a Lay Eucharistic Minister to safely bring you communion.
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Parish Directory
Our directory is available online. If you need the password, contact the church office or email Claire Erbeznik.
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Calendar of Events
All of our worship services, events, and small groups are listed on our church calendar.
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and Notices
Please send all notices you wish to be included in the enews or bulletins to Father Jason.
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Coffee Hour
To volunteer to help one week after the 10am worship service, see the sign-up sheet at Sunday coffee hour.
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Yoga with Jill
A spiritual mind and body practice led by Jill Lynch in the St. Francis Parish Hall.
Mondays 11:00-12:30 pm – Level 1/2 Hatha for Strength and Mobility
Wednesdays 9:00-10:30 am – Level 1 Gentle Yoga for Vital Mobility and Balance
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