With our whole being may we give witness to the
goodness that is all around us.
Gospel Living
Unity in Diversity

Happy Feast of St. Francis

We accept Pope Francis' invitation
to further Laudato Si'

“We have the opportunity to prepare a better tomorrow for all. From Gods hands we have received a garden, we cannot leave
a desert to our children.” - Pope Francis

Pope Francis released his Laudato Si’ encyclical in 2015, an urgent call to ecological sustainability. And this year, he invites all of us to take significant action. Building on our Franciscan legacy of caring for creation, FSPA accepts Pope Francis’ invitation and commits to the seven-year movement for the greater good known as the Laudato Si’ Action Platform. And we promise to make our voices heard whenever opportunities arise. 
Join us to learn more

The FSPA Ecospirituality Team’s November 9 Lunch & Learn will focus on our Laudato Si’ commitment, specifically how our ongoing efforts fit under the seven goals and how we’ll develop future programs and projects to increase our action.