St. Francis of Assisi Episcopal Church
Weekly E-Blast
January 23, 2025
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PO Box 445 (mailing address)
8818 SW Miley Road (physical address)
Wilsonville, OR 97070
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Third Sunday After the Epiphany
Sunday, January 26, 2025
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Preparing for Sunday
St. Francis subscribes to a weekly service called Preparing for Sunday, which provides some brief commentary on the bible readings for the upcoming weeks. It can be found on the Sermons & Services page on the St. Francis website ( . I encourage all of you to consider looking at it prior to Sunday, particularly if you are a lector for the week.
Father Brendan
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Participants in this Week's Services | |
Serving at 8 am
LEM: Peggy Danford
Intercessor: Dale Rushton
Lector: Ron Coleman
Lector: Chris Onstad
Ushers/Greeters: Jim and Mary Kirk
Altar Guild: Ron and Sue Coleman
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Serving at 10:30 am
LEMs: Doug Horton and Susy Mekarski
Intercessor: Mary Stewart
Lector: John Wisecaver
Lector: Marianne Burnside
Ushers: Clair Wilkins and Richard Martens
Usher/Videographer: Joe Clifford
Welcome Table: Nyla Emory and Ann Frazier
Altar Guild: Apryl Garmon and Doug Horton
Flower Guild: Linda Hammersley and Sandy Wilson
Coffee Hour Hosts: Michele Baer and Marcia McCampbell
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This Week at St. Francis
Thursday, January 23
10:00 am - Book Group
11:30 am - Threads of Love
7:00 pm - AA Men's Group
Sunday, January 26
8:00 am - Spoken Eucharist
9:00 am - Adult Formation
10:30 am - Eucharist, Live Eucharist on YouTube/Facebook
10:30 am - Sunday School
12:30 pm - Misa
4:00 pm - Dinner Church
Monday, January 27
9:30 am - Bell Choir Rehearsal
7:30 pm - AA
Tuesday, January 28
12:30 pm- Caring Committee Meeting
Wednesday, January 29
12:00 pm - Noon Eucharist
1:00 pm - Staff Meeting
7:00 pm - Choir Rehearsal
7:30 pm - AA
Thursday, January 30
11:30 am - Threads of Love
7:00 pm - AA Men's Group
Sunday, February 2
8:00 am - Spoken Eucharist
9:00 am - Adult Formation
10:30 am - Eucharist, Live Eucharist on YouTube/Facebook
10:30 am - Sunday School
12:30 pm - Misa
5:00 pm - Taize
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If you would like your announcements to be included in this newsletter, or in the Sunday bulletin, please email them to the office at by Tuesday evening (7:30 pm). Please include a contact person within the announcement in case there are questions. Announcements will run for two weeks or until the event takes place.
All Saints' Crackin' Crab Feast
All Saints’ Crackin' Crab Feast is back! Our messy, fun, noisy feast of Oregon Dungeness Crab from Portland Fish Market, with Scissor Rolls from Portland French Bakery, Macaroni & Cheese (regular and vegan), and Coleslaw.
Saturday February 1st:
First Seating at 4:45 P.M. ALMOST SOLD OUT!!
2nd Seating at 7:00 P.M. SOLD OUT!!!
Cash Bar for beer and wine. Childcare is available at the 4:45 pm Seating.
Outreach Ministries at All Saints include St. Francis Clothing Closet, Hot Meals, and the Woodstock Food Pantry.
Crackin' Crab Feed Prices:
Single Tickets:
- Regular Ticket $60
- Children under 6 free.
- Senior Ticket $50
Contact Terri Hoffmann ( if you’d like to join a group and/or carpool!
Adult Formation
Please join us for conversations about hope and courage, based on Ladder to the Light, by Steven Charleston. Bishop Charleston is a member of the Choctaw Nation and shares daily meditations on social media, based on indigenous wisdom and spirituality. He was bishop of Alaska and Dean of the Episcopal Divinity School at Harvard, lives with his wife in Oklahoma. You don’t need to have his book, but you might love it. We hope to see you at the conference room table in January!
SAVE THE DATE! Outreach Auction 2025
Here’s a date to put on your calendar — June 14, 2025! Your Outreach Ministry will be holding an auction to raise funds for the many outreach programs supported by St Francis. The auction will be a very fun event where we come together to show our love for others, both locally and internationally.
Based on our experience in 2023, we have decided to focus on a live auction (plus a number of other fun events), so of course we need to be thinking about items that can be auctioned. We are particularly interested in experiences — dinners, vacation homes, fishing trips, airline miles, restaurant gift cards combined with theater or movie tickets, cases of wine or wine tastings, spa visits — these are just a few thoughts. No doubt you will have lots of other creative ideas.
Please contact Carole Biskar ( or Ann Frazier ( if you have questions or suggestions.
Dinner Church
Our next gathering for Dinner Church will be January 26 at 4 pm in the Parish Hall. Father Brendan will make the main dish and we will have a potluck for sides, salads, and desserts. There is a sign-up sheet in the Information Center. We will have dinner, break bread, and celebrate the Eucharist.
Lenten Booklets
It has been a tradition at St. Francis for many years to produce a booklet of readings, artwork, poems, or any other printable items to be distributed parish-wide during Lent. Its purpose is to share items that speak to us as parishioners as we journey through these 40 days. It can be an original piece, something that you clipped from a magazine, a passage from the Bible, or a piece of art that has special meaning for you, to name a few options.
Booklets will be available starting on Ash Wednesday. Please send your submissions to Jodi at by February 28.
Taizé Prayer at St. Francis
For a time of prayer, reflection, and peace, please join us for Taizé prayers at the Cross of San Daminano. Come to the church at 5:00 pm for the service or 4:30 pm if you would like to sing through the chants prior to the service.
Our next Taizé Prayer service will be February 2.
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Did You Know? - Deacon Bench
This bench was given in thanksgiving for the ministry of Deacon Cliff Stewart. Also in the East Garden is a bench “Dedicated to St. Francis in memory of Wilfred “Bill” Burgess.”
There are also benches in the East Garden in memory of Eleanor I. Prince, 1925-2013.
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Ministry Prayers – Altar Guild
Each week, in our Prayers of the People, we pray for a ministry here at St. Francis. This week, we pray for our Altar Guild. The Altar Guild of St. Francis is a group of men and women who work mostly behind the scenes of Sunday Worship.
We are divided into teams that each have a Sunday for which we are responsible. We do everything from cleaning and polishing to preparing the wine and the bread in their appropriate containers. These are then placed on the credence tables with spotless and specially folded linens. Altar Books and Gospel are marked with the verses for that Sunday.
General cleaning of the Sanctuary and Sacristy happens at least twice a year. Our Altar Guild supports the Special Events Ministry so their beautiful plans for Advent and Lent are completed. We also are called upon to prepare and assist for special services such as Memorial Services, Baptisms, and Weddings.
Those of us in Altar Guild are grateful to have this opportunity to serve our Church. We always welcome new members to our team.
Are you interested in joining this Ministry? Contact Kay Sharp for more information.
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William Temple House Donations
As you clean out your cupboards and closets following the holidays, please consider giving your no-longer-needed (or wanted) items to William Temple House. The donation boxes are in the office hallway. Thank you for helping others! If you’d like a tax receipt, please let Jodi know.
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Wilsonville Food Bank
The food bank is in need of CANNED FRUIT, CEREAL, TOILET PAPER, and TISSUES. They DO NOT need peanut butter at this time. They also do not need rice or pasta, and cannot store fresh fruit. Do not put any type of fresh fruit in the cart. It goes bad before they can use it. Please put any donations in the cart in the Narthex. A volunteer takes the food to the Food Bank every Tuesday.
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