Weekly News: January 30, 2025 | |
Love All.
Seek Peace.
Live and Care Generously.
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Assisting with Sunday School
Consider volunteering with Sunday School! Help support and nurture the faith of our youngest members. Sign up today!
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Important Nursery Updates
As we begin the next construction phase of our Vision-in-Action construction project, Nursery will be held in the Parish Hall (look for signs on how to enter the Parish Hall). We ask that children use the bathroom before being dropped off (as the bathroom facilities are quite a distance away!). If you’d like for your child to have some water during snack time, please bring a water bottle at drop-off. If you would like to leave a change of clothes in the Nursery in case of any accidents, please put everything in a Ziplock bag with your child’s name. As always, there will be diapers and pull-ups available in case of emergencies.
It is time to update Nursery records for 2025. Please be sure to take a form with you on Sunday and return it to one of our Nursery workers. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Megan Olson, our Nursery Coordinator (olsonms@gmail.com or (317) 439-6426).
We have recently hired two new nursery caregivers. They will begin working in February. Be sure to stop in and say hi next month!
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Mark Your Calendars for the Annual Meeting!
Our Annual Meeting will take place on Sunday, February 9th at 11:30 am in the Nave. We will have coffee and donuts available for this year’s meeting.
The Nursery will be open during the Annual Meeting for children up through fourth grade. Pizza lunch, a movie, and Valentine’s crafts will be provided. Please let Megan Olson know if your child(ren) will attend so that we can plan accordingly. Contact Megan at olsonms@gmail.com or
(317) 439-6426.
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It's Not Too Late to Make a 2025 Pledge!
Pledges to our 2025 Annual Fund Campaign can still be made by submitting a Pledge Card. You can mail them to us (1525 Mulberry Street, Zionsville, IN 46077) or place them in the plate on Sundays. You can also enter your pledge online through Realm. Head to https://onrealm.org/StFrancisZville and sign in. If you do not have a Realm account, or if you need assistance completing your pledge card, please contact the office -info@stfranciszionsville.org or 317-873-4377.
So far, we have received 86 pledges for a total of $364,121. Our goal is to receive 90 pledge cards for $402,834.
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End of Year giving statements were mailed last Thursday.
Please contact the office if you have any questions.
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Flowers for the Altar
Honor a loved one by making a contribution to altar flowers for Sunday worship. There is a sign up sheet in the vestibule of the church by the bulletin basket, and checks can be made to St. Francis-In-The-Fields Episcopal Church with “Flowers” in the memo line. You may also click here to give online.
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Retired Palms
If you have any Palms you’ve kept from Palm Sunday, please bring them to the church and place them in the vase labeled “Palms” by the columbarium door.
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Our Next Food Collection Date – February 2nd
BRRR…it’s cold outside! Let’s help keep our neighbors warm by donating canned soups and chili to The Caring Center.
We are thankful for the items that have been added to the Blessing Box either by church or community members and items donated to the church on Children's Sunday. There is an ongoing need for hearty soups, canned pastas, canned chicken, tuna and Spam, mac and cheese with cheese packets (specifically those that do not require milk - see example), and cereals.
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Baby Shower Postponed
The shower for Fr. Joél and Kyle has been postponed. Please continue to pray for their surrogate and the babies.
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Adult Formation at St. Francis | |
Ladies' Book Club
The Ladies' Book Club meets weekly on Thursdays at 10 am in the Hybrid Room. This session, Pam Wampler is leading a discussion on Richard Rohr's The Universal Christ.
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Sunday Ministry Teams
Do you feel called to serve in worship on Sundays? You might have just the gifts to help! Training is provided and some mild case of nerves is expected.
Reach out to Jared (info@stfranciszionsville.org or 317-873-4377) and let him know you’re interested and willing to give it a try.
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A Letter from the Bishop
Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Dear Ones,
Our Diocese is made up of people of different political views, but I pray that we will remain united in our faith in Jesus Christ and live in such a way that we proclaim and ACT on the belief that God loves you—all of you—no exceptions. We are living in days that we have anticipated with simultaneous, mixed realities where some are safe and secure, and others are extremely vulnerable. These securities and vulnerabilities are real.
Many of you have heard me express that our priorities ought to be God, Family, Church. It is because our priorities are aligned in this way that we remember the abiding love and care of God in Christ and the divine promise that God will be with us always.
We remember our families—our families of blood and/or friendship. Our families include migrants, undocumented immigrants, trans kids and adults, and LGBTQIA siblings. Those who are threatened by the recent executive orders are not ‘other’—they are us. And we remember our churches—sacred places of worship, care, and service that will not be co-opted for ends that are counter to Christ’s gospel of love.
I invite all of us to be engaged in this work we share. Please read the recent statement by the Presiding Bishop about our commitments and values as the Episcopal Church to protect the vulnerable. And if you haven’t viewed Bishop Mariann Budde’s sermon at the National Prayer Service, please watch it at this link and hear her speak to our diocesan missional pillar to stand with the vulnerable and marginalized. I look forward to being with the clergy of the diocese for a pastoral check-in by Zoom tomorrow (Thursday, January 22nd at 4:00 pm Eastern/ 3pm Central).
May God continue to bless, protect, and keep you.
Bishop Jennifer Baskerville-Burrows
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Registration for Summer 2025 is Open at Waycross
Give a child in your life the gift of summer camp at Waycross! There's something for everyone, with a variety of sessions to choose from:
- Adventure Camp
- Canoe & Kayak Camp
- Creative Arts Camp
- Ready, Set, Camp!
- LIT I - Leaders in the Community
- LIT II - Leaders at Camp
Click here to find out more information.
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Applications are Open for Summer 2025 CIT & Staff Positions at Waycross
Join the Waycross Summer Camp Team!
What Makes Waycross the Best Summer Job?
- Change Lives: Help campers build confidence, overcome challenges, and experience God’s love.
- Grow as a Leader: Develop skills in teamwork and problem-solving.
- Build Community: Work with a caring and passionate team, creating friendships that last a lifetime.
- Make a Difference: Be a role model who helps campers discover adventure, faith, and community.
Visit Waycross's website for more information and to apply!
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Get the Word Out with the St. Francis Newsletter
Do you have an announcement to make to the community? We want to help you get the word out! To feature your "Good Word" in the newsletter, please send a detailed description of what you would like to announce to info@stfranciszionsville.org by 9:00 AM on Wednesday for consideration. All announcements will be reviewed by the staff. Any announcement submitted after the deadline will be considered for inclusion in the the following week's newsletter.
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"Vision in Action" Capital Campaign Corner | |
Important Construction Updates
The Youth Wing is currently under renovations. As a result, the Nursery and Sunday School will be in the Parish Hall until further notice.
Updates will be posted as they become available to stfranciszionsville.org/vision-in-action. You may also find the projected construction schedule there.
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Church Calendar
What's coming up at church? Check out the St. Francis Calendar online. Are we missing an event or meeting? Please reach out to info@stfranciszionsville.org to include calendar events.
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Church Office Hours
The Church Office normal hours of operation are Monday through Thursday in person from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm, and Friday remotely from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. If you have an emergency please call 317-873-4377 and press 7 at the menu for pastoral care. A priest will be in touch with you shortly.
The office is closed on Tuesday mornings for the duration of the Vision-in-Action renovations.
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Sunday Readings
Sunday Morning Ministry Team
If you are signed up to serve on a Sunday and can no longer do so for any reason, after you find your substitute, please contact the lay leader in your ministry and the parish administrator to let them know who your replacement is. This ensures that the bulletin is correct. For a full schedule of serving team members, please contact your lay leader.
Presider & Preacher: The Rev. C. Davies Reed, Rector
Altar Guild: Lele Casalini, Kenny Winget, Anne and Larry Boley, Megan Olson, Jenny McGraw
Music: Robert Bolyard, Music Director; Lynnly Schroeder, Soloist
8am LEM & Lector: Anne Foster
10 am LEM: Malorie Voris
10 am Lectors: Elliot Noble, Gabe Reynal
Ushers: Laura Noel, JT Noble
Greeters: Kathy & Terry Cox
Technical Director: Kate Unroe
Virtual Usher: Paulette Feltus
Counters: Richard Klabunde, Elizabeth Selm
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St. Francis In-The-Fields
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