January 8, 2025
Recently, you may have heard me talking about the potential reunification of the Episcopal Dioceses in Indiana. There are currently two dioceses: North Indiana (Bishop Doug Sparks), which encompasses the top third of Indiana; and, Indianapolis (Bishop Jennifer Baskerville-Burrows), which includes the lower two-thirds of the state. How our diocese got the name of the capital city takes some explaining. The state was one diocese until about 100 years ago then decided to divide into two dioceses (rather than three!).
Every Episcopal congregation in the state has been asked to host a couple of community conversations about the potential reunification of our dioceses. This will include some history about the diocese; it will also answer the question: why are we talking about this now?
I was asked by Bishop Jennifer to serve on one of the sub-committees examining reunification. All the members of all the committees from both dioceses met for an overnight retreat in December (because nobody had much else going on!). It was a very positive experience which I’ll share more about when we meet.
I have scheduled two opportunities for you to join me in conversation to learn and to share your thoughts about a potential reunification of our dioceses. I expect the meetings to last about an hour.
Those dates will be:
Sunday, Jan. 19th – 11:45 AM (Following the 10:00 AM Mass)
Wednesday, Jan 22nd - 10:00 AM
Both meetings will take place in the hybrid room. No RSVP is necessary, just bring yourself (and if you would like a beverage, please bring it).
I look forward to sharing details about this exciting potential adventure for our denomination in Indiana.
In peace,
Fr. Davies+