St. Francis Weekly     
October 4 - October 11, 2020 
We will be using Localive to stream our services going forward.  This link will take you to a stream of the service:  

The bulletin for the service can be accessed at: 

NOW OPEN: Residents can drop-off their absentee ballot at any of the four locations: 1) Government Center Parking Garage. 888 Washington Blvd 2) Harry Bennett Library, 115 Vine Rd 3) Yerwood Center, 90 Fairfield Ave 4) Lathon Wider Community Center, 34 Woodland Ave Ballots must be deposited no later than 8 p.m. on November 3rd.
Quote of the Week. . .

Food for Thought. . .
From Kimberly Miller and offered during a recent Morning Prayer service.  Thank you, Kimberly. . .

Sherwood Island
September 23, 2020 ... The warmth of the autumn sun penetrates my skin as it sparkles on the water, squint-worthy, like millions of fireflies rolling on the tide.
I relax as my toes sink into hot sand.
Two little girls, three and four, strip to their undies and run to the water to throw stones and splash around.  Their laughter carries on the wind like dandelion seeds, beckoning like music for me to go inward.  To read more, click here. . .
Link/Pic of the Week. . .

A St. Francis focus this week.  

A reminder of the amazing world in which we live, and a glimpse of Assisi. . .

Be Still And Know That I Am God (Nature and Earth's Beauty)
Be Still And Know That I Am God (Nature and Earth's Beauty)

Assisi Italy - Must Visit Attractions & Best Things To Do
Assisi Italy - Must Visit Attractions & Best Things To Do
Going Deeper . . .         

A wonderful interview with Michael McCarthy.  Perfect for the celebration of the Feast of St. Francis.

Weekly Schedule

Sunday, October 4--Feast of St. Francis

10:00 AM      Worship with 
Eucharist ( )
                       Celebrant: Debra Slade
                       Preacher: Mark Lingle

Here is the Godly Play Lesson remembering St. Francis of Assisi

Following Worship       Zoom Coffee Hour with a blessing of the animals this week.                       The Zoom link has changed!!  Please use this link!!                                                               ( pwd=ZHJrVXg4T3RIY3hoYUcvb0c1cnVWUT09)

This Week at a Glance

Tuesday (6)
 10 AM - Noon  Sign up for Private Prayer in the Church
11:00 AM  Hymn Selection Committee
5:00 PM  Prayer Shawl Ministry Zoom (Access Zoom Call Here)
6:00 PM  Evening Meditation Zoom(
Adult Forum:  Sikhism--Inni Kaur, Guru Tegh Bahudar Ji Foundation  via Zoom (

Wednesday (7)
8:30 AM  Episcopal Church in Connecticut Zoom Meeting -- Priests & Wardens
6:00 PM  Liturgy Committee Meeting

Thursday (8)
9:00 AM  Morning Prayer 
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM  Sign up for Private Prayer in the Historic Church

Friday (9)
11:00 AM  Zoom Sing-a-long (

Sunday (11)  Pentecost 19A
10:00 AM   Worship with Eucharist (
11:00 AM Finance Committee Meeting
Save the Date

Tuesday, October 13 @ 5:00 PM
Prayer Shawl Ministry

Tuesday, October 13 @ 6:00 PM
Evening Meditation

Wednesday, October 14 @ 8:30 AM
Episcopal Church in CT Zoom Meeting with Priest and Wardens

Wednesday, October 14 - Sunday, October 18
ECCT Annual Convention

Thursday, October 15 @ 9:00 AM 
Morning Prayer via Livestream

Friday, October 16 @ 11:00 AM
Zoom Sing-a-long

Sunday, October 18 @ 10:00 AM Pentecost 19A
Sunday Worship with Eucharist

Sunday, October 18 Following the 10AM Service
Zoom Coffee Hour 

Tuesday, October 20 @ 5:00 PM
Prayer Shawl Ministry

Tuesday, October 20 @ 6:00 PM
Evening Meditation

Tuesday, October 20 @ 7:00 PM
Adult Forum with St. John's Lutheran Church--Joan Carty, 
President and CEO of the Housing Development Fund

Wednesday, October 21 @ 8:30 AM
Episcopal Church in CT Zoom Meeting with Priest and Wardens

Wednesday, October 21 @ Noon
Stamford Clergy Meeting

Wednesday, October 21 @ 6:00 PM
Vestry Meeting

Thursday, October 22 @ 9:00 AM 
Morning Prayer via Livestream 

Friday, October 23 @ 11:00 AM
Zoom Sing-a-long

Sunday, October 25 @ 10:00 AM 
Sunday Worship with Eucharist

Sunday, October 25 Following the 10AM Service
Zoom Coffee Hour