This week we continue our Wednesday Night programing with dinner beginning at 5:45 (for those who reserved a meal this week) and programming at 6:30. Below you will see a list of multiple Life Groups, classes and others ways to get involved throughout the week.
For Wednesday Night, along with Life Groups we will have nursery care, Kid’s Clubhouse (K-4 grade), Rise (5-6 grades), and Youth Group. If you have any questions please contact Josh or Rebecca ( /, and we look forward to being together!
Adult Sunday Discipleship Class
James Anderson will be teaching a series entitled LIFE IS GOD'S STORY Sunday mornings in Patterson at 9:15 from January through March. All are invited to participate.
Description: God is love; He is the source of love. God is life; He is the source of life. God has made life about relationship to share His love. Human history and the future have five major events that we get to be a part of. Each one of the historical and future events have implications on how we live day to day.
Intercession Group: 9:30-10:15 Sunday morning
Calling all intercessors! Steve and Barbi Partlow lead a time of prayer every Sunday morning in the Resource Room. We pray for the world, the nation, the city, and the church.
1st Sunday Life Group
Ross and Betty Anderson’s life group meets after the service in the History Room on the first Sunday of each month. We discuss the sermon, share concerns, and pray. Visitors welcome! Bring a bag lunch if you'd like. We usually wrap up by 1:30.
Sunday Evenings: 7:00-8:30 pm starting on Sunday, January 12
Keith and Sarah Hill will host a Life Group on Sunday evenings, 7:00 to 8:30, at their home, 4604 Grove Ave. Meetings include discussion of the weekly Marinate, fellowship, and prayer. All are welcome!
Sanctuary Mondays at 3:00 pm led by Susan Herring
We gather in my home for a time of experiencing God’s presence (Sanctuary) in Praise and Worship. Newcomers are welcome. Please contact Susan for details on where to park.
Tuesday Morning Bible Study
The Tuesday morning bible study of the Women's Fellowship will resume on January 14th in the Common Grounds Room. We will gather at 9:30 AM for fellowship and start our bible study at 10:00 AM. All are welcome. For questions or more information, please contact Gale Drew at
Tom and Judy Roberts’ Life Group: 6:30-7:30 Wednesdays
in the Resource Room
Our life group will discuss the Marinate questions from Sunday's sermon. It is a valuable time of discussing Scripture, growing in our faith, and in community. It is also a great opportunity to develop relationships. There is no homework, and all are welcome.
Gilpin and Pam Brown’s Life group: 6:30-7:30 Wednesdays
in the Library
Pam and Gilpin Brown will be leading a life group in the library at 6:30 after the Wednesday night dinner. Our format is to check in at the beginning and then discuss the sermon using the Marinates. We will end with any prayer requests that members may have. We’d love to see you!
Prayer: 6:30-7:30 Wednesdays in Common Grounds
This Life Group/ Class setting will be going through 24/7 Prayer’s “Prayer Course,” featuring teacher and founder Pete Greig. Pete has been very involved with the Alpha Course and these sessions feels very akin to a prayer course with the Alpha format. Josh Modrzynski will be facilitating these evenings as we explore topics like: “Why Pray?,” Intercession, Unanswered Prayer, Contemplation, Spiritual Warfare, and more. This is a Life Group for anyone, new or seasoned in your prayer life, that wants to grow in prayer.
Alpha Part B: 6:30-7:30 Wednesdays in the History Room
Join us as we continue the Alpha Course, led by George and Ginny Greene. In Alpha, we explore the foundations of faith and welcome all questions and discussions. All are welcome, feel free to invite a friend or neighbor!
Moms Bible Study: 9:30-10:30 Thursday mornings starting January 16
Whether you are a mom of littles, a mom navigating the college years, or somewhere in between, you are invited to this bible study! Our study is called “Devoted” and will take us through the stories of women in both the Old and New Testaments. We will look at God’s activity in their lives and how we are called to follow their examples of faith in life’s struggles and daily routines. Join us for fellowship, discussion, encouragement, and prayer. Childcare is available as needed. Please let Rebecca know if you plan to attend:
First Thursday Book Club
All are welcome to join the First Thursday Book Club. We meet on the first Thursday of each month at 10 AM in the church parlor. We discuss the book of the month and enjoy a time of sharing and reflecting. Please contact Susan Herring for more information:
Discerning God’s Voice, 7:00 pm on 3rd Thursdays
Do you want to grow in hearing and discerning God’s voice? We are a life group that seeks to obey Paul’s words in 1 Cor 14:1, “Follow the way of love and eagerly desire gifts of the Spirit, especially prophecy.” We meet once a month on the 3rd Thursday (sometimes the 4th) to intentionally listen in prayer and share words of knowledge, encouragement, or prophecy. This month we are meeting on Thursday, January 23rd at 7:00 pm at the Roberts’ house. All are welcome, please let Rebecca know if you plan to join us:
Laughter and Lunch
Laughter and Lunch meets monthly at various homes for a time of sharing the gift of joy, fellowship, and laughter. Look out for announcements in the enews for the next gathering and please let Susan know if you plan to attend: