February 6, 2019 - Walking Together in Faith
Love - St. Valentine
Dear St. Isidore School Parents,

“We love because he first loved us”— 1 Corinthians 13:4
Throughout February, we will celebrate the monthly gospel value of LOVE . Love is considered the greatest of feelings and is something we all crave. Love is unique because it comes in many different forms and the meaning can differ from person to person. Throughout the month, we will explore different expressions of love, starting with the ultimate love: God’s love. God’s love is best described as unfailing and unconditional. At times, we make mistakes and wander from our path, but God’s love for us does not waiver.

100 Days and Counting
On Monday, we celebrated 100 days of school! They say time flies when you’re having fun, but it also flies when you are learning, growing, and moving forward. It was wonderful to see the students and staff enthusiastically celebrate the milestone with themed decorations, lessons, and crafts. A couple of our teachers even came dressed in costume as 100-year-old teachers. I am proud of how much we as a school community have accomplished thus far, and I look forward to finishing out the school year strong.

Student of the Month
Congratulations to our new Students of the Month for for February/March: Callan Lee (second grade, Mrs. Bobich’s class) and Emily Waizenegger (seventh grade, Mrs. Lettire’s class). Faculty and staff nominate and vote on students based on the monthly Gospel Values. February’s Gospel Value is “Love,” and March’s Gospel Value is “Integrity.” Callan’s teacher said she is loving to all her classmates and is a peacemaker on the playground. Emily’s teacher said she has a humble heart and positive attitude, and she volunteers to help when needed. We celebrate you both !

Grandparents Day
On Friday, our third-grade class will celebrate Grandparents Day! This tradition allows the third graders to invite their grandparents or a special loved one to a mass. Following mass, the third graders sit down to a special breakfast with their loved one. Games will be played, photos taken, and memories made. This heartwarming tradition is a wonderful display of LOVE . Thank you to the third grade teaching team of Mrs. Goetze, Mrs. Gerberich, Mrs. Byron, and Mrs. Reid for going above and beyond to make this day wonderful for all.

TK/K Staff Update
We are delighted to welcome Mrs. Corinne Vernon to our TK program. Mrs. Vernon has taken over as the full-time TK enrichment program teacher. She comes to us with a very distinguished background, which includes ten years as lead teacher at a Montessori School in San Francisco. In addition, she has a strong understanding of the SIS community, as two of her own children previously attended school here. We are blessed to have her join our team.

Mrs. Amanda Wenzel is transitioning to Kindergarten as the permanent instruction assistant in Mrs. Boyle’s and Ms. Camenson’s class. She is looking forward to joining the Kindergarten team and will be working closely with some of her former TK students.
Mrs. Wenzel’s warm disposition and compassion will be a valued asset.

Auction News
Things are ramping up for this year’s school auction, the St. Isidore Gala! Don’t miss out on this spectacular event. Click here to purchase your ticket. Look for an email this Friday from your auction team, including the online silent auction preview. Online bidding will begin Monday, February 11 . See detailed information in the auction section below. Thank you for your support!

PEP Hours
Please note that we are now more than halfway through the school year. Each school family is responsible for 20 PEP (volunteer) hours to be completed by May 1, 2019 . Please take a moment and update your log sheet in the school office. If you are in need of hours, please see the Volunteer Opportunities section listed below or consider helping with this year’s auction, the St.Isidore School Gala .

Next week is Random Acts of Kindness Week (RAOK). It is celebrated nationwide to encourage acts of kindness. Kindness is encouraged here daily through our faith, but this is a special time where it is celebrated in the larger community. I encourage you to do a RAOK, small or large, with your child. It is proven that it actually feels better to do an act of kindness than to receive an act of kindness, so go and spread the LOVE .

In closing, I want to thank you all for the kindness, support, and LOVE that you show me, the staff, and each other throughout the year. Thank you so much for the concern shown regarding my recent medical procedure. All went well, and I am resting comfortably.

God bless,

Maria Ward
Important Dates
  • Thursday, February 7th - February birthday free dress.
  • Friday, February 8th - Grades 3,4,5 attend mass. 3rd Grade Grandparents Day, 8th Grade Loaves & Fishes.
  • Monday, February 11-15th - Random Acts of Kindness Week
  • Thursday, February 14th - Happy Valentines Day!
  • Friday, February 15th - Grades K, 1, 2 attend mass. 12pm dismissal.
  • Monday, February 18th- No School in honor of President's Day.
Please pray for all those who are suffering or are in need of our thoughts and prayers, especially the Vitzthum Family's uncle - Brad Goforth and Rita Edwards. May God keep them in His tender, loving care.
Auction Online Preview starts Friday, February 8th. Online Bidding will begin Monday, February 11th.

Don't miss out on an item that sells out immediately! Click here to view POPULAR ONLINE AUCTION ITEMS RELEASE DATES . Please take a couple of minutes to login to your account and vault your credit card.

  • Please consider donating a bottle of wine to our Wine Grab happening the night of the auction. Click HERE for more details.

  • Auction Tickets are on sale now! Click HERE to purchase tickets.
  • We are still in need of volunteers! Click HERE to view our sign up genius
Sponsorship opportunities for the St. Isidore Gala are still available.  Please contact the sponsorship team if you are interested. Thank you for all those who have already sponsored our school. More information and forms can be found here. Click here to view current sponsors.
Our sponsor of the week is Bronze Level Sponsor Syntero Group! Syntero Group is a boutique law firm dedicated to Trusts & Estates, Tax Business and Real Estate. They have been a constant supporter of
St. Isidore School. Thank you Syntero, we value your generosity!
Did You Know?
Several SIS Alumni volunteered their time to help judge the annual SIS Science Fair. Pictured is alumni, Paul Wolfert, class of 2011. We truly appreciate them sharing their love for science with our students.
If you are a SIS Alumni or the parent of a SIS alumni please take a moment to complete the online form. Click here .
Random Act of Kindness
Random acts of kindness are deliberate attempts to brighten another person's day by doing something thoughtful, nice, and caring. Go out and spread kindness SIS. Please let the office know if you do or witness a RAOK.
Bake-Off Thank You! Thank you to everyone who baked for Annual Bake-Off. All dishes were delicious, truly a treat, and an appreciated act of LOVE! Congrats to the Bake-Off winners: 1st Place : The Pacas Family, 2nd Place : The Shuler Family and 3rd Place : The Tippins Family and the Pregenzer Family. 
Science Fair
Thank you to everyone who participated in this year's Science Fair. You all did a wonderful job! Listed below are this year's winners.
7th Grade
Honorable Mention : Alex LeCoque -Force in H 2 0
3rd: Gabrielle Navarro -Fiat Lux
2nd: Audrey Bowes- Magnet Mania
1st: Kayven Upadhyay -Citrus Circuit

8th Grade
Honorable Mention: Hayden Motas- Toasty Buns
3rd: Chance Frost- Breaking in Leather
2nd: JP Perez- Flamin Fabric
1st: Christopher Coleman- Into Thin Air

1 st through 3 rd place winners will continue to the CSDO Science Fair which will be held on Saturday February 9 th at St. Joseph Notre Dame High School, Alameda.
Challenge Success
Schedule time for family: Strive to gather the family for 20–25 minutes at least 5 times per week (family meals, outings, and game/ movie nights all count).
Library Corner
The SIS Library and Book Fair Team are working hard as we prepare to Roar into Reading! Stay tuned for volunteer opportunities at this year’s ext-ROAR-dinary annual reading event – which opens April 2 nd . Be prepared to unleash your inner dinosaur!
School Sunshine Effort
The purpose of a Sunshine Effort is to offe r support for families in our community. The type of support varies on the circumstance ~ from an illness or a family member’s passing to welcoming a new baby. In any case, we offer to provide a little “sunshine” for the family by coordinating meals, transportation, or simply writing a kind note.

Click here to view the Sunshine Effort for the Mallein Family (TK). They just recently welcomed a new baby girl to the family.
Nurses Note
The school has confirmed cases of Influenza reported. If you child is not feeling well please keep them home to rest. Also please encourage them to wash their hands frequently.
After School Opportunities
Toyology is back by popular demand. The program will run Thursdays,
Feb. 21, 28; Mar. 7, 21, 28 Apr. 4 (No class Mar. 14).
Time: 3:00pm – 4:00pm in the Science room. Click here for information.
CYO Girls Volleyball is starting in late-February! Click here for information, Click here for registration and click here for CYO Concussion information. Please contact Marci Dublin for more info at marcidublin@yahoo.com .
CYO Track and Field program will begin February 10th and run until May 11th. The program is offered for grades 2-8. For more information and to register click here .
St. Isidore Father's Ministry
Fathers of St. Isidore School are invited to join the Father's Ministry on Thursday, February 7th from 6:30pm-8pm in the St. Isidore Room. Click here for more information.
Scrip News... Click here to order! We have a few long weekends coming up and they offer a great opportunity to get away or catch up on home projects. If you plan on hitting the road, fill up your SCRIP form with gas cards and In-N-Out. If you choose to stay local and tackle a home project make sure you have plenty of Home Depot, ACE Hardware, Pottery Barn, Crate & Barrel, and Home Goods.
Volunteer Opportunities- Week B
School Sponsorships

The Brown Family