Dear St. Isidore School Families,
During this Lenten Season, students are focusing on those in need in our global community. This includes opportunities for reflection, almsgiving and prayer. Students continue to collect loose change to fill the Rice Bowls for Catholic Relief Services through April 11th. Beginning that day, the students will participate in packing food for Kids Against Hunger. To learn more about this program click here.
Thank you to all who were able to attend the State of the School Address on Tuesday. We understand there is never a perfect time for all to be present. We will be sharing our slide deck/video once it is available. We appreciate the continued opportunity to partner with our parents as we plan and prepare for the upcoming year. The School Advisory Board has prepared a survey to seek feedback regarding this school year. We appreciate you taking a moment to participate.
Thank you so much for your generosity in support of this year's Fund-A-Need. The new air purifiers arrived this afternoon and will be installed in the classrooms next week.
Please see the 2022/23 School Calendar. We have placed as many secured dates for your planning purposes. As a reminder, the calendar is tentative and we will update you of any changes that are made.
Our student-led Stations of the Cross, led by 3rd and 6th grades, will be in-person once again. Please feel free to join us on Thursday, April 14th, at any time between 10:00 AM - 11:15 AM. We ask that you check-in at the front office when you arrive.
The 2022-23 Registration will be shared through a constant contact email tomorrow.
In prayer and partnership,
Mrs. Carol Bender