St. James' Dexter



January 27, 2023

Join by Zoom

Annual Meeting is this Sunday, January 29

We will be meeting after the church service. A light lunch will be served. Donations of side dishes (veggies, salads) and desserts would be appreciated.

Questions? Contact Grace Brand
More information on Faith in Action

FIA Food Pantry needs

·  Dish Soap

·  Common Spices like garlic powder, onion powder, Italian seasoning, etc.

· Laundry detergent, especially fragrance free

· Cleaning products like multi purpose cleaners, toilet bowl cleaner, bleach, etc.

· Jelly/jam (strawberry is popular, grape is not)

We will soon be open 5 days a week because the needs are great. Our shoppers are so grateful. If you’d rather have us do the shopping for you, we can do that! Thank you!!

Prayers are needed for:

  • A just end to the war in Ukraine
  • Joyce Oberg
  • Chuck Single
  • Roger Parker
  • Wendy and Len Arntson
  • Ellen
  • Betsy Watson
  • Paul Masson-Minock, as he recovers from knee surgery
  • Linda, Jerry Brand's sister
  • Emma, Melissa's friend
  • Kathy, Nancy, Sara, Lisa, Sue, Barb and David, friends of Mother Carol
  • In the Diocesan and Anglican Cycles of Prayer: St. Michael's & All Angels, Cambridge Junction/Onstead; St. Stephen's, Troy; The Church of Pakistan

If you do not wish to include your full name in the prayers, please let us know.

Happy Birthday!

January 28: Tom Spiess

January 29: Chloe Slagell

February 1: Melissa Pung

February 2: Joyce Oberg

February 3: Emma Tamer

February 4: Jack Edington

Office hours

Carol will be in the office on Wednesday from 12 - 6 p.m. and Thursday from 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. (weather permitting).

Many thanks to our Sunday service team

Celebrant: The Very Rev'd Carol Mader

Music: Alice van Wambeke and our choir

Reader: Lisa Volker

Intercessor: Sandy Perkins

Altar Guild: Julie Frost, Janet Tornow

Usher: Julie Lowery

Coffee Hour: Light lunch for Annual Meeting. Salad, veggie, or dessert donations welcome!

If you can't attend in person,

join Sunday's service online via Zoom

9:30 a.m.

Link to online service
E-mail Kathie for Zoom link to Bible study on Thursday

Bible study: Thursdays at noon

The Epistle of Paul to the Romans is considered to be the first writing of the Christian Bible. In it we see the importance of the epistles received by the early church. We will also do some exploration of "Lectio Divina," sacred reading. Having a notion of this ancient practice will deepen your Biblical reflections. 

Next book club discussion

Our next book club book will be There Will Be No Miracles by Casey Gerald. We will be meeting via Zoom on Thursday, March 2, from 7 - 8 p.m. See Mother Carol if you would like a copy of the book.