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Friday - October 25, 2024

The Season of Stewardship at St. James'

During October and November, we are celebrating the Season of Stewardship. Most of our Sunday’s, the sermons will be geared to the particular ways we are called to be Stewards of God’s creation; Stewardship of Relationships, Stewardship of Abundance; Stewardship of Giving; Stewardship of Truth… Each Sunday you will see some visual changes in our sacred space and entry that reminds us about how the little investments (acorns) can help us become a place of growth in all the ways God has planned for us (Oak trees). Keep watch for a letter from Rev. Stacy and the Bishop’s Committee as we think about the ways we invest in our community of St. James’.

A Stewardship Letter and Pledge form have been sent to everyone in the congregation, which includes a link to an online pledging form. A link to online pledging can also be found in the Friday Announcements that are sent out each week via email. For those of you who prefer paper over online, please pick up your letter and form before you head to coffee hour. For those of you who cannot make it to worship with us, we are happy to mail everything to you, or if you are up for a visit, to bring it with us when we visit. 

Sunday, November 24 is our final Stewardship Sunday. We will have a celebration during our coffee hour with "Musical Bingo" which should help us move to the beat in our seats.

Click here for online giving

All Saints' Day observed

on November 3

All Saints Day will be celebrated on Sunday, November 3rd, with a reading of the names of those who have died, but played an important role in our lives. During Coffee Hour, please look over the list of names. If you do not see the name of a loved one there, please write it down clearly for us so we can read their names during the service.

We will also be taking photos for our photo directory on Nov. 3 at coffee hour!

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Cookie Decorating

Attention all families/children with an interest in Cookie Decorating: Please mark your calendars for a decorating gathering on Sunday, November 17th.

This will be held right after church in the Parish Hall. We will have our own table for decorating away from the Coffee Hour tables. The cookies, frosting, and decoration supplies will be provided. The children will bring the joy and their decorating talents! The decorated cookies will be frozen for future use in this quickly approaching holiday season.

Any questions about this event please see Wendy or Janet T. (Janet's email is

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Call for Donations for the FIA Pantry

  • Small bottles (30-50 oz) of Laundry Detergent, fragrance free is a favorite!
  • Chunky Soups
  • Crackers
  • Baked beans
  • Jello/Pudding
  • Sugar
  • Spices Meal Helpers (hamburger or any flavor)
  • Tea
  • Conditioner

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Winter Clothes for Crossroads

St. James’ will be including our friends at Crossroads in a few of our projects for the Holidays. They have a huge need for gently used winter clothing, for clients of all sizes, genders and ages. Especially needed would be outer clothing (coats, boots, snow pants) but long pants, sweaters, and sweatshirts will be accepted too. Please keep this in mind as you prep for winter. If it is easier we are also accepting packs of new socks and gloves/mittens. Again, any sizes are appreciated. If you have clothing to donate, please bring these items to church by December 8. Thank you!

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Bible Study

Wednesday Bible Study Notes from October 23: Chapter 4 of the Book of Matthew reports the leading of the newly baptized Jesus in to the desert by the Spirit. There he was tempted by the tempter (Satan, devil) and wins the debate. He returns to Galilee and the Ministry begins. There is a bit more of chapter 4 that we need to finish before moving into Chapter 5, The Sermon on the Mount. We will go along with the crowd as Jesus begins to teach the disciples how to live in the Kingdom of Heaven. Hint - they may need to make some personal changes. There is much we can learn and all are always invited to join us. If you are interested let me know and I will send you the email with a simple study guide. Kathie S.

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This continues growth since its beginning a few months ago and we have had participants from two churches besides St. James'. 

October's service is tomorrow, 10/26! We will meet outside until the weather drives us in. We meet at 4:30 on the last Saturday of each month. Please prayerfully consider being part of this effort in the two sessions prior to the election. A litany is prayed followed by a guided reflection, and cookies. It is a soothing time with old friends and new and anyone is welcome. Feel free to pass the word. 

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Still Waters

Still Waters is on the calendar for November2, 11:00 to around 12:30. We meet primarily for fellowship, prayer, a meal and a time for discussion. All are welcome but we do need to know if someone is coming so that the meal is sufficient. The topic for November 2 is What to do About Advent...or not. You are all encouraged to give us a try. You by contact me with questions or an RSVP. Thanks. Kathie S

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Monthly Socials

Women's Lunches are on the third Thursday of each month and Men's Lunches are on the fourth Friday!

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Interim Vicar

Rev. Stacy Salles’ office hours will typically be Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 am to 5 pm. She has an open-door policy, but it's always best to make an appointment. To send Rev. Stacy an email, please write to: 

If there is a pastoral emergency, please call Rev. Stacy at 734-649-7726. PLEASE leave a message and she will call you right back. If there is a non-pastoral issue that needs clergy attention, please call the church office at 734-426-8247, or email Rev. Stacy at the email address listed above.

PLEASE NOTE: If you would like to contact the Rev. Carol Mader, please use her new email address,

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Prayers are needed for:

  • For peace in the world, especially the Middle East, Ukraine, Latin America, and Africa.
  • In the Diocesan cycle of prayer, St. George's, Milford.
  • In the Anglican cycle of prayer, the Scottish Episcopal Church.
  • Connor Gates (Louise French’s cousin) 
  • David Driscoll
  • Deb Wilson
  • Debbie Stoll
  • Duane Nagel and family
  • Elizabeth (Deb's cousin)
  • Elizabeth Kryder-Reid (Louise French’s Cousin)
  • Ellen
  • Gia Kullgren (Alice Van Wambeke’s daughter)
  • Joel and family (Margaret Breeden’s nephew) 
  • Pam and family (Janet Cook’s cousin)
  • Ramona (Deb’s friend)
  • Rhea Rosenbusch
  • Sandy, who has moved to Towsley
  • Sue Gunter 
  • The Perkins family
  • The Schaberg family
  • The Soffredine family
  • Virginia

Sunday Service Team

October 27, 2024

The Twenty-Third Sunday after Pentecost

The Rev. Stacy Salles, Interim Vicar

Dr. Gwangwon Park, Music Director and Organist

Kathie Sandmaier, Children’s Ministries

The Rev. Roger Parker, Preacher

Julie Lowery, Reader

Pam Heidt, Intercessor

Jackie Shock, Server

Andy Duncan, Usher

Amrhein and Schaberg, Coffee Hour

Robin Meloche and Lynne Slager, Altar Guild

Bishop's Commitee Members

Julie Lowery (Co-Warden)

Jackie Shock (Co-Warden)

Pam Heidt

Sandy Riley

Shannon Verbal

Deb Wilson