11am - 1pm (pickup, takeout or dine in) with live music and a bake sale by St. James 5th graders to raise money for their 5th grade trip
The Blood Mobile will be on site for blood donations. If you give a pint, you get a pint of gumbo for free!
Lunch Menu
Chicken & sausage gumbo or shrimp gumbo, house salad, bread, and dessert. Water and iced tea available.
Drive-thru pickup of boxed lunches will be available, as well as pints and quarts of gumbo, rice, coleslaw, dessert, and mini baguette. Pick up in your car on Fourth Street in the pick-up lane (Northbound lane on Fourth Street) in front of the church at Bishops Hall.
6 - 8pm (pick up or dine in) with live music as well as a jump house and activities for children ages 3 and up. The nursery will be open for younger children.
Dinner Menu
Chicken & sausage gumbo or shrimp gumbo, house salad, bread, and dessert. Beer, wine, water, and iced tea available.
SUNDAY GUMBO sales will be available on the following dates:
March 13, March 20, and March 27
We will have a take home meal day on March 11 for Day School families. Order forms will be sent home and returned before Mardi Gras break.