January 3, 2024

Saint James the Less Weekly News & Updates

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A Note From Father Rock

Greetings, Church Family! Happy New Year!

First off, many, many thanks to all the people who worked so hard to make all of our Christmas services so special. The Choir and Reggie kicked it off with the Choral Evensong, and it continued on through the 31st. Everyone, Altar Guild, Hospitality Team, Greeters, Vestry, Ushers, Readers, Clergy, staff, and all the other helpers, it could not be Christmas without all the "elves" jumping in and lending a hand. Thank you!

As we move into the coming year, I pray for us all. May it be a year of growth and peace. May your devotion to God and the depth of your connection be even greater this time next year than it is now. And let us not neglect the importance of our Fellowship. This community, the myriad networks of relationships that is a parish, is so vital and important. 

In the coming weeks we have a few things coming up, a new Book Club starting Jan. 16th. Another Lunch & Learn (Jan 28) after church looking at the changing face of drug policy with marijuana now legal, sort of, and the implications for us. (Hanover County Community Services is leading this.)

Take the time to be connected, and let someone know you love them, through word or deed. That will definitely help it be a happy new year!




Wednesday, January 3, 2024

  • 7:30am- Eucharist Rite II (with bagels & coffee to follow)
  • 10:30am- Vinyasa Yoga with Lorie

Thursday, January 4, 2024

  • 6pm- Hand Bells Choir
  • 7pm- Parish Choir

Sunday, January 7, 2024

  • 8am- Eucharist Rite I (no music)
  • 8:45/9am- Adult Sunday School
  • 9:30am- Children practice for Epiphany Play
  • 10am- Eucharist Rite II (music)

Monday, January 8, 2024

  • 10:30am- Good Grief Group
  • 10:30am- Vinyasa Yoga with Lorie
  • 7pm- Dream Group (Harrisons)
Click Here to Watch Services Live or Later

January Calendar

  • 1/7- Epiphany Obs., Epiphany play 10am
  • 1/15- Martin Luther King Day- Office Closed
  • 1/20- Supper Club
  • 1/21- Contemplative Service 5pm
  • 1/28- Lunch & Learn- Drug policy & prevention

Pledge Envelopes

If you ordered pledge envelopes this year, they are ready to be picked up in the Narthex. If you ordered them and they are not in or if you would like envelopes, please let me know. We are happy to help! Thank you!

Book Club Starting January 16th

We will be starting our next Book Club (a non-fiction piece) starting on January 16th at 10am. We will be meeting in person (and via zoom for our hybrid friends) on Tuesdays at 10am for 9 weeks. If you would like to be added to our mailing list to receive information about the group, let us know. We hope you will join us!


Sunday Schedule:

  • Children's Sunday School- Sundays 9am (no Sunday School this week for the play)
  • Nursery- Sundays 9am
  • Children's Church- during the 10am service

Children's Supplies -Help us get ready for the new program year. Click the link HERE to see the needs for our youth and children’s programming. Thank you all so much for your continued support!!!


Please join us for the Epiphany Play on January 7th. Anyone that would like to participate should arrive at 9:30am to the library. There will be no Children's Sunday School this week. We will pass our costumes and scripts as well as a brief practice. If you have any questions, please reach out to Miriam. 

Family Lego Night

Get your bricks ready! We will be hosting a family Lego night in January 24th at 6pm. Meet in the Sunday school room and we will have all the legos you need for your creations. Come join us for legos and of course snacks! 

Go Fourth Sunday 

We will have our January Go Fourth Sunday on the 28th in Brydon Hall. We will be making blankets for CJSTUF. Dinner is provided. Let Miriam know if you have any questions! 

Triangle of Hope Youth Pilgrimage Accepting Applicants

2024 pilgrimage, July 24-August 4, Virginia


Current 8th graders and high schoolers interested in learning and engaging with the historic legacy of the Mid-Atlantic Slave Trade are encouraged to apply to participate in the Triangle of Hope Youth Pilgrimage. The Triangle of Hope Pilgrimage is a three-diocese program dedicated to transforming the long history, ongoing effects, and continuing presence of slavery in our world through repentance, reconciliation, and mission. There will be pilgrims from Kumasi, Ghana, Liverpool, England, and Virginia participating in the 2024 pilgrimage in Virginia. Ideally, students will be current 8th or 9th graders, so that they can complete the three-part pilgrimage before graduating from high school. Costs and other information are on the application form. Questions? Contact the Rev. Rock Higgins.


  • Sign up to bring meals for the Clinic Volunteers HERE
  • Help stock our Emergency Food Pantry (outside the clinic)
  • Send in your Pop Tops for McDonald House
  • Bring in Hygiene or laundry items for Peter Paul
  • Donate to ACES (Click HERE for current needs)


Lord, we lift up this nation struggling with itself these days. Encourage us to faithfulness, righteousness, and compassion for all God’s Children. We lift up Justin, Archbishop of Canterbury, Michael, our Presiding Bishop, Mark, Dabney & Gail, our Bishops, Rock+, our priest, and Dawn+, our Deacon. We pray for Bart, our Seminarian, in his formation May they be strengthened and encouraged as the work with us to proclaim your Good News in this world. We pray for Joe, our President, Glenn, our Governor, and Steve, our Mayor, and all our elected officials. Guide them to lead us to the common good. 

We ask your prayers for peace; for goodwill among nations; and for the well-being of all people. Remembering especially Gus Miller, Erin Yagla, Meredith Moon, Meghann Batten, Dennis Folsom, Court Warfield, Andrea Alexander McCallum, Janet Taylor, Joy Stevenson, Andy Newchok, Rebecca Hottman, Haden Hopkins, Kim Keene, Pam Bowers, Hilda Kelly, Lee & Susan Chambers, Harry Hassell, Joel Blunk, Holly Rison and family, Bower family, Gavin Yonce and family, Smith family, Lyde Longaker, Mary Ann Harris, Michele Parks, Gini Dryden, Steve Sullivan, Leslie Crabbs, Diana Timberlake, Bob & Mary Lou Brown, Kay Kemper, David Bandas, Trinity Episcopal Church, Rone Deas, and Lee Roberts.

We ask your prayers for the poor, the sick, the hungry, the oppressed, and those in prison. We also ask your prayers for those serving in the diplomatic corps, the military, and as missionaries: Larson Flanagan, Kemper Jones, Greg Ericksen, Matthew Thomas, Philip Morison, James Ashley, Ellie Deas, Andrew Brunson, Liam Higgins, and Katherine Murphy. 

We ask your prayers for those who have died. We ask your prayers for those who grieve.  

Our citizens who live in Hanover County, the Board of Supervisors, School Board, and Manager. The print and broadcast media. The churches of metropolitan Richmond: members and clergy. All who live in poverty. All who suffer from mental illness. Our citizens who live in Ashland, Hopewell, Colonial Heights, and Petersburg, the town and city Councils and Managers. All who work in banks and finance; all making financial decisions for greater Richmond. Prisons and jails of metropolitan Richmond: prisoners and staff. All who are unemployed or underemployed. All public servants.

For all those who seek peace in the world and for ourselves, that we may bring about God's Kingdom here on earth. For our enemies, and for those who wish us harm.

Praise God for those in every generation in whom Christ has been honored.


Click HERE to read past sermons


January 3

Kathryn Roberts

January 4

Lee Chambers

Hunter Fines

Dylan Friedman

January 6

Jim Sanders

January 8

Aleta Meyer

January 9

Virginia Meade

Conde Dyer


Saint James the Less Episcopal Church

125 Beverly Road

Ashland, VA 23005

(804) 798-6336


The Rev. Rock Higgins, tssf Rector

The Rev. Deacon Dawn McNamara Deacon

Reggie Long- Organist/Music Director

Miriam Smith- Christian Formation- Children & Youth Director

Kasey Buckland- Parish Administrator

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Weekly E-News Deadline:  If you have an announcement to be shared with the parish, please get the information in no later than noon on Monday.