Lord, we lift up this nation struggling with itself these days. Encourage us to faithfulness, righteousness, and compassion for all God’s Children. We lift up Sean, our Presiding Bishop, Mark, Gail & Bud, our Bishops, Rock+, our priest. We pray for Bart, our Seminarian, in his formation. May they be strengthened and encouraged as the work with us to proclaim your Good News in this world. We pray for Donald, our President, Glenn, our Governor, and Steve, our Mayor, and all our elected officials. Guide them to lead us to the common good.
We ask your prayers for peace; for goodwill among nations; and for the well-being of all people. Remembering especially Gus Miller, Erin Yagla, Meghann Batten, Court Warfield, Andrea Alexander McCallum, Haden Hopkins, Pam Bowers, Hilda Kelly, Harry Hassell, Bower family, Smith family, Mary Ann Harris, Bob & Mary Lou Brown, Diana Timberlake, Kristi Elles, Pam Gillette, Ruth Beaudry, Tom & Fran Burke, Dennis Ray, Dawn Haase & Family, Kimette Cannady, Traci Smith, Alicia Wood, Jenny Bruce, Anna Marie, Dale Halter, Judy Sledd, Floyd Moore, Debra Molter, Tim Yagla, Erik Klauss, Teva Rittenhouse, Bobbi Prentice, Steve Crain, David Bandas, Jessica Wingo, Sharon Street, Margaret Belyea, Tom Slaughter, Ray Tyson, Calvin Stanley and Lee Chambers.
We ask your prayers for the poor, the sick, the hungry, the oppressed, and those in prison. We also ask your prayers for those serving in the diplomatic corps, the military, and as missionaries: Larson Flanagan, Kemper Jones, Greg Ericksen, Matthew Thomas, Philip Morison, James Ashley, Ellie Deas, Andrew Brunson, and Katherine Murphy.
We ask your prayers for those who have died.We ask your prayers for those who grieve.
Our citizens who live in Hanover County, the Board of Supervisors, School Board, and Manager. The print and broadcast media. The churches of metropolitan Richmond: members and clergy. All who live in poverty. All who suffer from mental illness. Our citizens who live in Ashland, Hopewell, Colonial Heights, and Petersburg, the town and city Councils and Managers. All who work in banks and finance; all making financial decisions for greater Richmond. Prisons and jails of metropolitan Richmond: prisoners and staff. All who are unemployed or underemployed. All public servants.
For all those who seek peace in the world and for ourselves, that we may bring about God's Kingdom here on earth. For our enemies, and for those who wish us harm.
Praise God for those in every generation in whom Christ has been honored.