From "The Corner"
Community, Environment and Sustainability
April 2021
What is Earth Day?

Earth day is a global movement to create awareness about the impact we have on this earth’s natural resources and taking action to reduce our carbon footprints. Read more...
Leaving The World Better Than We Found It
Since Earth Day's founding over 50 years ago, April 22 has been an occasion for people to reflect on how they can better treat the environment. Did you know that high-density living...
How does limited green space impact your Community?

“A lot of places in downtown Toronto are crowded because of buildings and we have limited access to green space. We need more green space because it’s good for the environment and helps people to move around and get connected to other people." Read more...
Straight Talk with The Corner @ 240

We interviewed Resource Worker, Alaa Mohamed, to discuss sustainability, Repair Café, and how the pandemic has impacted The Corner @240. Read more...
Balcony Gardening - Where to Start this Spring

Last March, The Corner @240 welcomed Lara Mrosovsky, author of “Grow Without A Garden”, for a series of workshops teaching residents about gardening on balconies. Read more...
Vaccinations in St. James Town

The St. James Town neighbourhood has been hit hard by COVID-19. Our densely populated community has been dealing with high numbers of infections and associated
consequences of illness, anxiety, and grief.
Responding to the food insecurity crisis in St. James town
Three community agencies in the St. James Town are working together to respond to food insecurity issues and challenges caused by the pandemic.
Sometimes I feel...
A poem by By Nick Gurev

Sometimes I feel as ancient as the hills 
Some other times as young as morning dew 
One sunny day the soaring spirit wills 

In The News
Annamie Paul calls for AstraZeneca vaccine pilot to be extended to racialized communities.
Here’s where to get vaccinated against COVID-19 in Toronto.