ANNOUNCEMENTS - June 18, 2020
Worship Online Sunday 
This Sunday, 6/21
Ruth Portzline, CLM, will be preaching
Denise Clark, CSM, assisting
Special Music: Amy Cons and Garry Warlow. Accompanist: Brian Barber


   Click on the links below to go directly to that section of the newsletter.
Prayer List
Featured Article
Amazon Smile
Worship Videos
Featured Article
Message from Leadership Board
COVID-19 Reminders
PJ's Drive Thru Retirement Celebration
Online Bible Study
Children and Youth Ministries
Congratulations Graduates!



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Prayer requests can be submitted

or through the church email,  

All "Ongoing Prayer Concerns" will be listed for two weeks.  Please submit a new prayer request, if you desire to renew the listing for 2 additional weeks.
  • Just go to our website
  • Click on the 'Give' button in red and register.
Once you've registered, you can either make donations by debit or credit.  
OR try  
 All you have to do is text the amount you wish to give to 877-960-2396.
You will immediately receive a one-time registration link, then just follow the prompts to complete your donation!

It's quick and secure.
The same vendor that handles electronic giving for us, Vanco Services, has state of the art encryption, so you can rest easy that your transaction is 100% safe and confidenti
If you have any questions about mobile or text giving,
email Lou Lescas at



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The Daily Devotionals and
Special Emails/Announcements are also posted on our website:

Our previously recorded worship videos can be accessed  here or
through the "Videos" tab on our website.  
stjohns6 14 20 
Last Sunday's Worship Service 
June 14, 2020   
Special Music by:
Valerie Sharper, Lynne Tomlinson,
Ron Oedemann;
accompanied by Brian Barber
Happy Father's Day!

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       The St John's Leadership Board continues planning the re-opening of our church sometime in early July after state and local governments and the Conference ease restrictions. We and numerous other churches in the area are planning reopening for in-person worship after Pennsylvania moves Bucks County to Green from the current Yellow. We are planning for a safe and healthy reopening of in-person worship. We want worship to be as spiritually fulfilling as possible and will need also to follow safety guidelines to safeguard everyone's health. More details to follow as plans become more defined.

          St. John's is complying with Governor Wolf and Bishop Johnson's directives related to COVID-19 precautions. We will re-open for in-person worship when we are directed to safely do so. Daily Devotionals and a daily prayer list are being sent to all on our email list, and we will be gathering as a church family each Sunday for online worship.  The service will be posted on the front page of our website ( Sunday mornings.  I hope you will join us this week!
          Please consider mailing your tithes and offerings (820 Almshouse Rd., Ivyland 18974), or donate via our website or text giving (877-960-2396).  Although we are forced to be on a hiatus from worship right now, our expenses are not on hiatus.  Thank you for your generosity.
                                    Pastor Janice 
Communion offering for June:
Jesus Focus Food Pantry in Southampton
Donations may be mailed to the church -
please note "Communion offering" on your check.

To my friends in Christ at St. John's:
Where do I even begin?
After almost 3 months of recording worship services in an empty sanctuary and having meetings and Bible studies online (thank you for that opportunity, Zoom!), it was such a blessing to see so many of you last Sunday! I was overwhelmed and awed by the fact that so many of you "drove through" to wish me well as I retire from full-time ministry. And it was such a blessing to have the opportunity to share Communion with all of you! Thank you for the gift of your presence. I know that some of you were waiting in line for close to an hour.
I was also overwhelmed by the many notes, cards, and extremely generous gifts of all sorts that you brought that day. I certainly did not expect any of that! It seems so inadequate to simply say "thank you" in a message like this, but please know how very appreciative I am of your encouragement and support - and not just last Sunday but throughout our journey together over the last 19 years. As I said in my sermon last Sunday (and this is a quote from Winnie the Pooh), "how lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard" Please know that I will never leave the church family I've cherished all these years - I will always be with you in spirit, and I'll always be there cheering you on in my prayers. God has a great future planned for St. John's and I can't wait to see the results.
I especially want to thank all of you who took the time to write notes. I have read and become teary-eyed over every one of them. Some of you told stories about sermon tidbits that touched your life in some way (most of which I was unaware of!), or stories about times we've prayed together and your prayers were answered, or just stories about some of the fun times we've shared together. Some of you even shared the way your faith journey led you to St. John's, or the way your faith journey became real to you at St. John's. Whatever it is that you shared, I will cherish your story in my heart forever. I have all of them safely stored away for times when I want to be reminded of all of you.
Once again, thank you so much for the many gifts, cards, notes, and especially for the gift of your presence last Sunday. I pray God's blessing on all of you today and always!
Grace & Peace,
Pastor Janice


"The Fruit of the Spirit"
You are invited to join us as we begin a new online Bible study on the Fruit of the Spirit - Friday, June 19 at 10 am.
God's highest purpose for us as Christians is to make us like Jesus . As we fulfill this purpose by getting to know our Lord better and by obeying him, we will exhibit the fruit of the Spirit whether we are aware of it or not. In these days when our world is so fragmented and confused and when sin is so flagrant, just one person who exhibits this fruit of God's Spirit can make a difference. Nothing attracts unbelievers and believers alike to God as much as seeing a life lived out in , love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,  gentleness, and self-control. A life exhibiting these beautiful qualities can be a powerful tool of evangelism as well as for promoting harmony and unity in the body of Christ.
If you would like to be part of this Bible study, please email Pastor Ruth at . Or call - 215-343-4749.
Children and youth ministries are available on ZOOM. 
Parents of younger children: please help your child by joining the classes on Zoom: Let David Bigam know by email ( that you'll be joining us and he'll send you an invitation to the Zoom meeting. 
Fridays at 10 AM 
grades K-5
Sundays at 9:15 AM
grades 6-12
Wednesdays at 6:30 PM
grades 6-12

It is with great regret that we will not have Vacation Bible School this year....
But we will see you next year!

God's Blessing to all our  
2020 Graduates

2020 Graduates - High School
Celine Ferrari - Council Rock North
Sarah Witschard - Council Rock North
Luca Smalley - Council Rock South
Nina Barretts - Council Rock South
Ryan Pulaski - Council Rock South
Cristina Walker - Central Bucks
Jacob Hillegass - Central Bucks East
Andrew Kuehl - Central Bucks East
Roman Katona - Central Bucks West
Jess Peterson - Villa Joseph Marie
Ashley Whalen - Villa Joseph Marie
Caitlin Whalen - Villa Joseph Marie
Rose Vizza - Villa Joseph Marie
Chiara Beck - William Tennent
Danny Steele - Hatboro/Horsham High School
2020 Graduates - College
Chase Abraham - James Madison University
David Brownell - Drake University
Hannah Inchausti - University of Pittsburgh
Sarah Kavash - James Madison University
Paige Katona - Parsons School of Art
Colleen Robinson - Drexel University
Lindsay Robinson - Dickinson College
Rachel Waugh - Kutztown University
Leigh Wolfrum - West Chester University
Ryan Yates - Drexel University
