Click on the links below to go directly to that section of the newsletter.
PRAYER LIST Please click to view
Prayer requests can be submitted
or through the church email,
All "Ongoing Prayer Concerns" will be listed for two weeks. Please submit a new prayer request, if you desire to renew the listing for 2 additional weeks.
Hand made prayer shawls (or lap robes for men) are again available for those experiencing serious illness, bereavement, or other major life issue. Each comes in a sealed plastic bag. Recipients need not be members of St. John's. Requests can be made via the comments section of the prayer request form on the church website, by calling or emailing the church office, or by calling Carol Rice at 215-357-1203. Requesters will be notified of contactless pickup arrangements at the main entrance of church building.
- Just go to our website
- Click on the 'Give' button in red and register.
Once you've registered, you can either make donations by debit or credit.
OR try
All you have to do is text the amount you wish to give to 877-960-2396. You will immediately receive a one-time registration link, then just follow the prompts to complete your donation!
It's quick and secure. The same vendor that handles electronic giving for us, Vanco Services, has state of the art encryption, so you can rest easy that your transaction is 100% safe and confidential.
If you have any questions about mobile or text giving,
You may also send your tithes and offerings to the church office:
820 Almshouse Road, Ivyland, PA 18974
Thank you for your generosity!
My family and I would like to thank you for the outpouring of love we have received.
Your prayers, cards, visits, emails and calls are greatly appreciated.
We are able to gain additional strength through your love and support. Knowing Ed is with our Lord and is at peace is what our faith is all about.
- Carol Campbell and family.
A Special Welcome to
Janice Steinmetz,
St. John's Office Clerical Coordinator
We are so happy you are here at St. John's!
Our previously recorded worship videos can be accessed
here or
through the "Videos" tab on our website.
Last Sunday's Worship Service
July 12, 2020
Special Music: Lynne Tomlinson, Alissa Nelson, Jackie Jusino
Accompanist: Brian Barber
St. John's Family,
You've likely seen the updated restrictions on gathering that were announced by Gov. Wolf on Wednesday (7/15), and may be wondering if that impacts our Sunday worship service. During the press conference, verbal responses from Dr. Rachel Levine and Gov. Wolf indicated religious institutions are not covered by the order. Our Administrator, Lou Lescas, contacted the Bucks County Department of Health and confirmed we are exempt from the updated gathering restrictions. Based on that information, we'll continue to offer in-person worship at 9 AM on Sunday mornings.
Our ability to continue in-person worship is contingent on compliance with mandates and best practices, including wearing masks or face shields, maintaining social distancing of at least 6 feet, use of hand sanitizer and frequent hand washing, and adjusting foot traffic to minimize close contact. The SignUpGenius reservation tool has enabled us to coordinate the reduced capacity and traffic flow patterns in the Sanctuary and will continue to be used. Most importantly, if you registered for worship but do not feel like your normal, healthy self, please remain at home and worship along with the recording of the service.
Know that I recognize how difficult the past months have been. It often seems as if guidelines are changing every day. Your patience and consistent compliance with all aspects of our approach is greatly appreciated. Thank you for your commitment to Christ - and your heartfelt caring for each other!
Grace and Peace,
Pastor Brad
St John's Congregation and Friends,
Please read the attached letter describing all the details about reopening our church for in-person worship. Also below is a link to the SignUpGenius website that you will use to reserve your attendance for in-person worship.
Please sign up by Noon on Friday, 7/17, if you plan to attend.
Following the in-person service, the worship service will be available to view on our website.
The Order of Worship will be sent out on Friday.
If planning to attend the in-person worship,
please print a copy and bring with you to worship.
"The Women Who Knew" Bible Study
Begins Thursday, July 16, 2020
10 AM - On ZOOM
Leader: Pastor Brad
It's not too late to join!
Please email the church office at,
if interested.
An exploration of the Seven Prophetesses
in Hebrew History
The Babylonian Talmud tells us there were 49 prophets and 7 prophetesses who were active in Israel in biblical times! Our study will feature one of the women each session with an exploration of the primary biblical accounts of their contribution to the Jewish redemption narrative. We will also review encounters/conversations Jesus has with women as recorded in the Gospels. They each knew something of God's will for the future and are celebrated in our Hebrew tradition as stalwart charters of intelligence, creativity, and faithfulness who God used to move salvation history forward.
Huldah: Sin No More
Deborah:Greatness in the Kingdom
Judges 4:4
Abigail:Words Win the Day
Esther: For Such a Time As This
Esther 4
Hannah: Extravagant Giving
Sarah: Is Anything Too Wonderful for the Lord
Genesis 21: 1-8
Children and youth ministries are available on ZOOM.
Parents of younger children: please help your child by joining the classes on Zoom: Let David Bigam know by email ( that you'll be joining us and he'll send you an invitation to the Zoom meeting.
Fridays at 10 AM
grades K-5
Sundays at 10:30 AM
(Note: Change in time)
grades 6-12
Wednesdays at 6:30 PM
grades 6-12
It is with great regret that we will not have Vacation Bible School this year....
But we will see you next year!
8 AM
(more information to follow)
Pastor Emeritus Paul Henry has agreed to be
interim President
The Agenda:
- A moment for Ed Campbell
- Welcome of Pastor Brad
- Treasury Report
- Red Bird Trailers - Robert Snarr
- Wednesday's Church Maintenance Gang - George Schok
- Future of BBQ - David Bigam
- New UMM President - Nominate / Vote or Appoint
All Men of St John's Church are Members of The United Methodist Men.
"Men's Breakfast is the Telling of Tails, the Bragging about Children & Grandchildren, the Sharing of Experiences and Travels, and the News -
all grounded in Christian Fellowship."
Come out ... And Bring a Mask!!!
Since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic when we had to suspend in-person worship, St. John's staff and members of our church family have been providing daily devotions to keep us connected. It is our prayer that these devotions have been a blessing to you during this time of isolation. As we are slowly trying to resume in-person worship, we want to continue to provide opportunities to connect with our congregation. However, we will not continue to provide a daily devotion.
Each Sunday we will have our worship service in-person in the Sanctuary; and we will make it available online as well. Then on Tuesday of each week there will be a devotion sent out by email. This devotion will also be posted on our website. On Thursday Pastor Brad will include a devotion/meditation in our Cornerstone newsletter. In addition, the Upper Room Daily Devotional is available in a container on the front porch of the church, and we have also provided a list of resources for further devotional reading on our website under "Daily Devotionals".
We appreciate those who have faithfully contributed devotions so that we could stay connected during this difficult time. If you feel that God is calling you to be a part of this mission of St. John's, please contact the church office or email me at
. We hope to continue providing these devotions on this new schedule for the foreseeable future and we welcome your participation.
Please pray for St. John's as we continue to work toward the time when we can all be together in worship again.
Pastor Ruth
The Daily Devotionals and
Special Emails/Announcements are also posted on our website: