"The Women Who Knew" Bible Study
Begins Thursday, July 16, 2020
10 AM - On ZOOM
Leader: Pastor Brad
Please email the church office at stjumc@aol.com,
if interested.
An exploration of the Seven Prophetesses
in Hebrew History
The Babylonian Talmud tells us there were 49 prophets and 7 prophetesses who were active in Israel in biblical times! Our study will feature one of the women each session with an exploration of the primary biblical accounts of their contribution to the Jewish redemption narrative. We will also review encounters/conversations Jesus has with women as recorded in the Gospels. They each knew something of God's will for the future and are celebrated in our Hebrew tradition as stalwart charters of intelligence, creativity, and faithfulness who God used to move salvation history forward.
Huldah: Sin No More
Miriam:The Mighty Waters
Deborah:Greatness in the Kingdom
Judges 4:4
Abigail:Words Win the Day
For Such a Time As This
Esther 4
Hannah:Extravagant Giving
Sarah:Is Anything Too Wonderful for the Lord
Genesis 21: 1-8