Holy Communion by Drive-Through This Sunday,
June 7, 2020
We hope you will join us for the Sacrament of Holy Communion this Sunday.
Pastor Janice will be consecrating the Communion elements during our online worship service. Communion will then be distributed from 11 am - 12 noon during the
drive-through celebration of Pastor Janice's retirement.
If at all possible, please join us online for worship on Sunday morning any time prior to this (StJohnsIvyland.com) and then drive through between 11 & 12 noon to receive the Communion elements. You will be asked to please remain in your car.
Due to Covid precautions, Pastor Janice and Pastor Ruth will serve Communion using individually prepackaged elements.
We look forward to seeing you and sharing Christ's love with you through the Sacrament!
Communion offering for June: Jesus Focus Food Pantry in Southampton
Donations may be mailed to the church - please make the notation on your check
"Communion offering".
We will also be receiving Communion offerings during Drive-through Communion this Sunday