The young people of St. John's are going to be writing and/or coloring notes of caring that will be delivered to some local nursing homes in the area to show them that they are loved and thought about. They can include colored pages from both children and/or adults or you can simply draw a picture and send it with a note.
We are asking all of our church family to be included in writing notes and such so that we can reach others and that they are aware that folks who they may not even know, are thinking about them.
Once you have finished, you may contact me at 215.206.6779, text or call during the day as I am here at the church from 9-2 daily. You may leave them on the bench at the front of the church beside the pillars where I will pick them up.
Thank you so much in advance. We are disciples of Jesus and we must set out to let people know that they are loved and thought about not only as individuals but by our church family at St. John's
I look forward to hearing from you...
David Bigam