ANNOUNCEMENTS - April 2, 2020
Join us for Worship Online this Palm Sunday, April 5th
Video will be posted on our website: by at 8 AM  

   Click on the links below to go directly to that section of the newsletter.
Daily Devotionals
Prayer List
Thank You's
Conference Wide Holy Week Worship
Bible Study
The History of the Christian Church Zoom Study
Children and Youth Ministries



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Prayer requests can be submitted online (click here).

or through the church email,  


All "Ongoing Prayer Concerns" will be listed for two weeks.  Please submit a new prayer request, if you desire to renew the listing for 2 additional weeks.
  • Just go to our website
  • Click on the donate now button and register.
Once you've registered, you can either make donations by debit or credit.  
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 All you have to do is text the amount you wish to give to 877-960-2396.
You will immediately receive a one-time registration link, then just follow the prompts to complete your donation!

It's quick and secure.
The same vendor that handles electronic giving for us, Vanco Services, has state of the art encryption, so you can rest easy that your transaction is 100% safe and confidenti
If you have any questions about mobile or text giving,
email Lou Lescas at

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St. John's smile!
          St. John's is complying with CDC recommendations to avoid gatherings up until the projected date of May 9th.  Please stay home and stay safe!  Daily Devotionals and a daily prayer list is being sent to all on our email list, and we will be gathering as a church family each Sunday for online worship.  The service will be posted on the front page of our website ( by 8 am Sunday mornings.  I hope you will join us this week as we celebrate Palm Sunday.
          Please consider mailing your tithes and offerings (820 Almshouse Rd., Ivyland 18974), or donate via our website or text giving (877-960-2396).  Although we are forced to be on a hiatus from worship right now, our expenses are not on hiatus.  Thank you for your generosity.
                                       Pastor Janice
Conference-wide Holy Week Worship
April 8 @ 11:30 am - 12:30 pm
Bishop Peggy Johnson and the Eastern PA Conference Cabinet will lead conference churches and members in a mid-Holy Week online worship service on Wednesday, April 8, at 11:30 AM. The service should last about 45 minutes.

Cabinet members offer this invitation to everyone:
We hope you will join us for this unique, virtual experience. Friends and families are welcome. Together, we will pause in the midst of Holy Week to remember Jesus' walk to the cross amid those who likely understood what God was doing and those who did not.  We will pray together and remember our connection as sisters and brothers in Christ.

You can join us via computer, tablet, smartphone or landline with the Zoom video-conferencing link below. We can host up to 1,000 people for this mid-week service.

We hope you will join us in celebrating the Christ,
who is the balm in Gilead and will not leave or forsake us.

Topic: Holy Week Worship
Day/Time: Wednesday, Apr 8, 2020
11:30 AM Eastern Time
(Length: about 45 minutes.)

Join Zoom Meeting (click on link)  Meeting ID: 766 144 817
Telephone participants in the Eastern PA region should use: +1 646 558 8656

BIBLE STUDY  via "Zoom"

April 6th - April 27th
in the comfort of your own home!

(join us at 9:30 to work out any technology glitches and for fellowship time! Bring your own coffee!)

Join me for an interactive 4-week "social distancing" study of 2nd Corinthians!

Let's look together at the ways Christ's power is displayed in hard times, and how our faith sustains us through difficult and dangerous times.

It's easy! Let me know by email ( that you'll be joining us and I'll send you an invitation to our Zoom meeting. All you'll need is a camera-enabled computer or tablet (a smartphone would work too) - you'll be asked to enable audio on your device.

P.S. Yes, we can see and hear each other! No pajamas!

Questions?? Call 215-357-0286 (parsonage)
Pastor Janice
PART III - Reformation to Revival
via "Zoom"
Begins Tuesday, April 7 @ 10:30 a.m.
Paul Henry will be continuing his course
"The History of the Christian Church, Part III - Reformation to Revival" online via Zoom. The course will be offered for three successive weeks at 10:30 am, beginning on Tuesday, April 7. If there is sufficient interest he will offer an evening time as well.
If you are interested in participating please email Paul at so he can include you on the Zoom invitation list. If you want to participate in an evening course please let  him know that as well. A personal computer or smart phone is necessary to participate in a Zoom meeting.
Children and youth ministries are available. 
Parents of younger children: please help your child by joining the classes on Zoom:
  • SUNDAY SCHOOL ON MONDAY (10 AM on Mondays)
  • CONFIRMATION CLASS (This Sunday at 9:15 am - please have your child join us for worship as well)
  • YOUTH GROUP (Wednesdays at 6:30)

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