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Weekly News Update

Deans' Note | March 27, 2022

On April 4 1967, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered a landmark speech not only opposing the war then raging in Vietnam, but connecting calls for peace to the need to respect the dignity of every human being, particularly the people of Vietnam who suffered as the victims of that war. Dr. King saw that the struggle for peace was connected to the struggle for justice, a struggle for a whole new world. He linked the injustice across the intersections of race, class, gender, national boundaries, the developed world and the developing world.

The vision of true peace, the vision of shalom that captivated Dr. King and is the mission of Jesus continues with similar urgency today. As race and class divides, as war rages in Ukraine, the powers of empire that opposed the reign of God Jesus proclaimed still are at work.

On April 4, we will join the Poor People's Campaign in a statewide remembrance of the assassination of Dr. King -- exactly one year from the day when he gave his speech in opposition to the Vietnam War. We will have diverse members of our congregation read selections from the speech, not only to remind us of his vision, but of the vision Jesus continues to give the Church as a voice of true shalom in the face of violence and war. The reading will be available on all our social media pages as well as YouTube.

This remembrance is especially appropriate as we move more deeply into Lent and consider Jesus going to the cross battling the powers of the Roman Empire and the principalities and powers which continue to corrupt and destroy human life.. A week from Sunday, the fifth week of Lent, we will return to our tradition of reading the Passion Gospel in sections and reflect on Jesus' suffering and death through the spoken word and musical responses. The mission of the Kingdom of God inaugurated in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus continues in our time, through great prophetic voices such as Dr. King, and through the mission of the Church in our day. May we too be inspired by the Gospel to live God's shalom in our day.

Upcoming Events

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The Stations of the Cross

Friday, March 25 at 12:00 pm

The Stations of the Cross are a time-honored Lenten tradition especially on Fridays. This year we offer short meditations led by our clergy on one station each week followed by a time of brief intercessory prayer. You can access these meditations live at noon on Lenten Fridays our Facebook page and YouTube Channel.


The Fourth Sunday in Lent

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Said Mass at 8:00 am | In-Person Only

Choral Mass at 10:00 am | In-Person & Online

Watch on Vanco Live

Watch on Facebook

Watch on YouTube

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Why The Cross? | "Confidence to Enter"

Amy Peeler, Guest Presenter

Sunday, March 27, 2022 at 11:30 am

In-Person and Online

As we enter deeper into the Season of Lenten and our focus turns toward Jesus' journey to Jerusalem, to suffering, and death, the cross becomes a central focus of the church's liturgy. But why the cross?

The Rev. Amy Peeler is an Episcopal priest in the Diocese of Chicago and is Associate Professor of New Testament at Wheaton College and holds the Ph.D. in Biblical Studies from Princeton University. Her presentation will focus on different images of the cross and atonement in the Epistle to the Hebrews -- a New Testament letter focusing on the saving work of Jesus through the cross and in his resurrection and Ascension. She is the co-author of Hebrews: An Introduction and Study Guide, with Patrick Gray, and the forthcoming, Women and the Gender of God.


Cathedral Tour

Sunday, March 27, 2022

This Sunday, the monthly tour of the art and architecture of our historic building will focus on the side aisle windows. These ten windows, depicting scenes from the life of Christ, are among the most colorful and vivid images in the Cathedral. In honor of the feast of the Annunciation (March 25th), the Annunciation window will be a special highlight. The tour will begin at the altar platform about ten minutes after the postlude.
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Lenten Book Study | Face To The Rising Sun

Day 22 : "Give Me Jesus"

Thursday, March 31, 2022 at 7:00 pm

Come join us in our Lenten Book Study on Zoom next Thursday evening following Evening Prayer.

Daily Meditations

Coordinating Scriptures

African American Spirituals

Discussion Questions



Compline at the Cathedral

Sunday, April 3, 2022 at 8:00 pm

Join us for our monthly service of candlelit Compline led by the choir under the direction of Dr. Christopher Gravis; food and fellowship will immediately follow service. 

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Vestry On-Call

Hamilton Yang

Vestry members are partners with clergy, encouraging the growth of community and the establishment of common ground in the spiritual life of the congregation. Parishioners are always welcome to speak with these individuals on Sunday morning; they assist in making sure our questions, comments, or concerns are heard.


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Supporting Humanitarian Response to the Crisis in Ukraine

As we pray for an end to violence and for those fleeing Ukraine, please also pray for Episcopal Relief & Development and other ecumenical agencies working to respond to the current crisis. Specific needs will change as the crisis evolves. As of right now, there is a need for cash, blankets and hygiene supplies. Please consider partnering with Episcopal Relief & Development in this response. Visit for more information.

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Kindred Spirits: One Animal Family, Part II

with author Anne Benvenuti

 Saturday, April 2, 2022 | 10:00 am - 11:30 am

An in-person interview and book signing at St. John’s Episcopal Cathedral. Event will also be livestreamed.

Join us for a face-to-face interview with Anne Benvenuti on her latest book, Kindred Spirits: One Animal Family. Following the program, Anne will sign book copies. If you attend the in-person event, you can reserve book copies on the registration form and pay at the event.

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A Note From Our Treasurer

St. John’s Cathedral is very fortunate to have a strong financial base. And while there are many sources of income, one of the most important is that which is generated from pledges. We are grateful to those of you who so generously lend your financial support to the Cathedral. With Easter rapidly approaching, there are additional expenses incurred to enhance the beauty of our worship. To ensure the continued support of our on-going programs, it is essential that we all keep current on our pledges. And if you have not already made a pledge, it is never too late to participate in the ministry of this magnificent Cathedral. We welcome your gift.

Nancy Koehring


Support the ministry here!
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Birdielee V. Bright Elementary x St. John's Cathedral

Dear St. John's,

We are excited to continue our developing relationship with our neighbor, Birdielee V. Bright Elementary School. The principal, Renee Smith, has shared some of the school's activities that we can support. The Kindergarten promotion planning has just begun. St. John's will provide the refreshments for the 70 students who are looking forward to being first graders. The 5th grade culmination planning is in progress. There are plans to purchase a 5th grade t-shirt to wear to the class picnic. St. John's will donate $500.00 to offset the cost to the parents (many of whom lost income during the pandemic.). Please be as generous as possible with your donation. You will find special envelopes on the Welcome Table for the T-Shirt Project. Thank you for supporting our children at Birdielee V. Bright Elementary.


Deacon Margaret

Make an online contribution!
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