Dear Friends in Christ,
Believe it or not, there are only forty days until Christmas! Yes, that’s right – it’s time to get out your decorations, etc., etc.
As one of our Christmas traditions here at St. John’s and a way to care for our community in the spirit of “Better Together,” we have once again placed the Giving Tree in the Gathering Space. This is an opportunity for members and friends of St. John’s to give out of their generosity to people in our community who have some physical needs out of response to God’s love for us in Christ.
This year our giving tree will be supporting two organizations in our community and one of our local mission partners. The first community organization will be the Washington County Chapter of Habitat for Humanity. Items on the giving tree will go to help families moving in to new homes and especially help these families maintain and furnish their new homes. This coincides with our Leadership Board’s desire to seek out partnerships with local non-profits. Secondly, some of the gifts received will go to Threshold Inc., a local non profit that cares for mentally and physically disabled people in our own community.
The second ministry we will be blessing through the Giving Tree is our mission partners at Zion and Benediction Lutheran Churches in North Milwaukee. Pastor Gui ministers to congregations of French speaking African Immigrants that very often arrive with little to no winter clothing. Zion and Benediction have been long standing mission partners here at St. John’s, and this is another way to bless and augment their ministry.
The process is the same as it has been in years past – simply grab a tag off the tree, purchase the item and return to St. John’s unwrapped with the tag attached by Sunday, December 11. Thank you for your support of this ministry and for your generosity to our local community.
In Christ,
Pastor Stephen