Connections Newsletter - February 9, 2023
Celebrating Leadership
Sharing God’s Word Through Our Lay Reader Ministry
In 2018, St. John’s set a ministry goal under Personal Discipleship, to “grow in the understanding, ownership, and engagement as the priesthood of all believers with special emphasis on diverse, multi-generational leadership in our worship service.” One of the primary expressions of that goal was the start of our Lay Reader Program. The program would give opportunities to men, women, youth, and families to not only spend more time in God’s Word themselves, but also share it with those gathered in worship for every service that St. John’s hosts. In order to accommodate this work for a congregation with five worship service, plus special midweek and festival schedules, we needed a leader who would faithfully and passionately encourage the priesthood of St. John’s West Bend. Jenny Engel was that leader and has done an amazing job ever since.
Week in and week out, Jenny communicated and scheduled all of the Lay Reader needs for worship. The ministry has grown to over 40 participants; including middle school and high school aged youth. For the past 5 years, each and every service, God’s people have received God’s Word through one of their own priestly brothers or sisters. This has become a part of our worship culture, while also being an honored and celebrated point of participation.
This past month, Jenny has stepped down as the Lay Reader Coordinator in order to continue to focus on her other ministry involvements and vocational needs. We can not thank her enough for the tremendous job she has done and the wonderful ministry she has helped shape, by the grace of God. Jenny will continue to participate as a Lay Reader, but the role of Coordinator is now being fulfilled by Andrew Milam. Andrew is a long-time member of St. John’s and is very involved in Worship Ministry. He is also equally passionate about the Lay Reader Ministry and the opportunities it brings to God’s people in worship.
Please give thanks to the Lord for this wonderful work, His working through Jenny’s leadership, and His continued work through Andrew. Please also consider you or your household’s participation in this ministry and reach out to begin that conversation.
To sign up for Lay Reading, please reach out to Andrew Milam at
If you have questions that you would like to discuss about being involved in Lay Reading or any other Worship Ministry, please reach out to Doug Raddemann at
Thank You Jenny, and Thank You Lord!
Family Estate Planning for the Household of Faith
Dear St. John’s Households of Faith,
How are you doing in your household planning in case the Lord calls you to Himself in heaven? Have you ever asked yourself the questions: What will happen if… I die? What will happen if… my spouse dies? Have you taken the necessary steps to definitively answer these questions for your household?
Once you start with these basic questions, other important questions jump out, such as: Who will raise my children when I am gone? What battles will be fought over “stuff” when my family is grieving, when I want them to focus on Jesus and His eternal promises? What do I need to do now so the government doesn’t decide these things for me?
The truth is that if you don’t legally document your wishes, bad things can happen with ugly, unintended consequences. Without proper planning and documentation, the state will decide for you, and they will manage your household by their rules, not your values. If you don’t plan for the “what ifs”, the shock, grief, and frustrations will be even more excruciating for those you leave behind. Your family’s pain could last for years, if not eternity. Making these plans are acts of faith for the sake of your family.
But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever. (1 Timothy 5:8)
If you are reading this and you do not have written plans in place for your spouse and your children, we want to help you. St. John’s Lutheran Church and our School/ECC Ministries has partnered with our St. John’s West Bend Foundation to offer you an important workshop. On Wednesday night, February 15 from 5:30-7:00 pm St. John’s West Bend Foundation is hosting an educational event called “Family Estate Planning for the Household of Faith”. This event will be co-hosted by Craig Toerpe and me (Pastor Jeff). Craig and his household are long-time members of St. John’s, and every day Craig works for the LCMS Foundation helping families accomplish their family planning goals.
The event is FREE. The planning services that Craig offers you are free. The size of your estate does not matter. This is a confidential process. God is at work in all of it, but there is no expectation that you to “leave a gift to the church”. The purpose of this event is simply to bless you and your Household of Faith, both now and in the years ahead. Jesus has conquered death, so we don’t need to fear it. But, making faith-based plans in your household is a critically important part of discipleship that too many households ignore, delay, deny, or forget. “I have time, there’s no hurry” is not a strategy… not when the spiritual training and everyday discipleship needs of your spouse, children, and grandchildren are at stake. It's a big deal!
To sign-up/register for the event, please click on the link below. Refreshments and childcare will be provided (please let us know the names and ages of your children when you register).
What: What Happens if…? Family Estate Planning for the Household of Faith
Where: St. John’s West Bend Sanctuary
When: Wednesday, February 15, 2023
Time: 5:30 to 7:00 pm
We hope to see you there!
Blessings in Christ,
Pastor Jeff Hesse & St. John’s West Bend Foundation
St. John's is in the process of updating our annual Guide Book and Directory for the church. This book will place all of the relevant information about our ministries here at St. John’s into one useful place as we connect, care and share in Christ together. This book is being provided and direct-mailed to each family at no cost to our church, and it is again being subsidized by local businesses that advertise. If you own or manage a business and would like to find out about advertising in our book, please contact Guide Book Publishing about advertising in the next printed St. John's Guide Book and Directory.
Guide Book Publishing
Mon-Fri: 9am-5pm (CST)
Update Your Household Information for the Guide Book
Does our Church database have your family household information correct? Have you changed your phone number? Have you moved? Are you preparing to move soon? Are all your children still at home? Do you want your record published?
If you haven’t already contacted us, now is your chance to update your family household information for our
annual Guide Book and Directory with any changes, additions, or deletions that may have occurred in your
household over the past year. Contact the church office by March 17, 2023 with any updated information so that the information in the 2023 Guide Book and Directory is correct.
Feed My Starving Children Event
Did you know that at least 6,200 children die EACH DAY from hunger-related causes (UNICEF). Join the St. John's Youth and Concordia University Wisconsin for a Feed My Starving Children Event on the evening of April 20.
Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) is a Christian non-profit organization committed to feeding God’s starving children hungry in body and spirit.
Students at Concordia University Wisconsin are leading this Feed My Children Event from April 20-22. Their financial target is $95,000 and their volunteer target is 1,800 volunteers. If these goals are met, over 365,000 meals will be packed which would provide enough food to feed 1,000 children for one year each.
The process is simple:
• People just like you donate funds for the meal ingredients.
• Volunteers hand-pack the meals.
• Meals are donated to FMSC food partners around the world.
• Kids are fed and lives are saved!
If you are interested in volunteering to hand-pack meals at Concordia University on the evening of April 20, contact Alan Lull at (262) 707-9198. We are hoping to carpool from St. John's West Bend Church.
“The generous will themselves be blessed, for they share their food with the poor.” Proverbs 22:9
Faith Haven Scripture Rock Trail
The Faith Haven scripture rock trail includes twenty-five large boulders, each having a different verse from the Bible either engraved into the stone or on a plaque attached to the rock. If one walked from rock #1 to #25, the trail is over 1.5 miles in length.
Rock #1 is located just off the parking area on the north entrance to Faith Haven. The engraving reads, “Come unto Me all that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28
With the mild winter weather returning, now is a perfect time to visit Faith Haven. Come and enjoy the winter beauty of God’s creation! Be inspired by God’s words proclaimed on the scripture rocks. The Faith Haven brochure is in the gathering space information rack. The brochure contains a map of Faith Haven and the scripture rock trail.
LWML 40th Biennial Convention is in Milwaukee!
The members of the 2023 LWML Convention Hosting Districts — North Wisconsin, Northern Illinois, and South Wisconsin — are excited to have the opportunity and privilege to be your hosts for the 40th Biennial LWML Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. It's been 40 years since this event was hosted in Milwaukee!
Awesome LWML activities will take place in Milwaukee from June 22-25. Join us in beautiful Milwaukee as we “Celebrate the Lord of the Nations.” Registration has already begun. See you there!
Discipleship Hour: The Hopeful Neighborhood
Join Us at 9:25 in the School Gym
Join us in the gym as we gather as a large group and continue to talk about The Hopeful Neighborhood, a book published by Lutheran Hour Ministries in conjunction with Better Together, and discuss what it might look like as we pursue the common good as the body of Christ in our community. Copies of the book are available at the meeting.
Kids Discipleship Hour meets in the upper level of the ECC.
Promises of Grace, our course for new members and those confirming their faith, began on January 8. Please join us in the school gym for coffee and fellowship before heading to the resource room where Promises of Grace is taught.
Men's Retreat Save the Date: May 19-21, 2023
Mark your calendar for another fantastic St. John's Men's Retreat, May 19-23 at Camp Luther in Three Lakes Wisconsin. This year's theme is "Put Me In Coach" and focuses on Isaiah 6:8; I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” Then I said, “Here I am! Send me.” Men, don't miss this fun and impactful weekend of discipleship!
Connecting, Caring, and Sharing in Christ
Sister to Sister Bible Study
Monday Morning: We will be reading and discussing JOY by Deb Burma. Women should order their own book through Amazon or Concordia Publishing House (or other book sellers) or contact Denise.
• Starts Monday, February 20 (New Day and Time!)
• 9:00-10:30 am
• Meet in the Church Nursery
Monday Night: We will be discussing selected readings from Devotional Classics by Richard Foster and James Smith. Women should order their own book through Amazon (or other book sellers) or contact Penny.
• Starts Monday, February 6
• 6:30-8:00 pm
• Penny Van Dellen's House (940 Schloemer, West Bend)
Mom Cafe: What Does It Mean To Be Chosen?
Our Winter 2023 session is designed to be used in conjunction with The Chosen, the groundbreaking streaming television series about the life of Jesus. Each session works in tandem with an episode from the show, bringing the Old and New Testaments to life in a fresh way. During this session, we will be going through The Chosen: Season 1 - Bible Study. We will discuss the episodes while focusing on the Old Testament scriptures, particularly Isaiah 43. There will be opportunities to watch the episodes together and therefore more opportunity to connect.
• Feb 9 & 23, Mar 9 & 23, Apr 13 & 27, May 11 & 25
• 8:00-10:00 am
• St. John's Church Gathering Space
Call the church office if you have questions: (262) 334-4901. The free childcare has limited spots so sign up early.
February Guild Meeting
The next Guild meeting is Thursday, February 9 at 1:30 pm in the lower level. Emily Blue, 5th grade teacher at St. John's Lutheran School, will be our speaker.
• Thursday, February 9
• 1:30 pm
• Lower Level/Fellowship Hall
If you need to sign up or have questions, call Jan Siemers at (262) 334-2207.
February LWML Meeting
Join us Monday, February 13 at 1:30 pm in the lower level. Study God’s Word with Pastor Nieman and enjoy Christian fellowship! Learn about the current mission grants:
• Monday, February 13
• 1:30 pm
• Lower Level/Fellowship Hall
Questions? Call Pam Muther at (262) 338-9435 or email:
Women's February Book Club
We will be discussing the book, Hadassah: One Night with the King by Tommy Tenney. Enjoy great conversation and fellowship. Bring a friend!
• Wednesday, February 15
• 6:30-8:00 pm
• Amanda Thumann's Home
(4300 Saint Finbars Rd, Saukville)
Women's Ministry Craft Night
Ladies, you are invited to Craft Night on February 17. Come and enjoy some fellowship while making a cute rag wreath to take home with you. The cost for materials is $15 per person.
Please bring cash or a check with you to the event.
Bring a friend! Sign up today.
• Friday, February 17
• 6:30-8:00 pm
• Lower Level
• $15 per Person
Baptism Class
The class is led by Doug and Mel Raddemann. This course is for anyone looking to be baptized themselves or for any parent who would like his or her child baptized at St. John's. The class introduces what we believe and confess about the amazing gift that baptism is for individuals and families.
• Monday, February 20
• 6:30 pm
• Church Nursery
Young Adult Small Group
Sponsored by Grace Lutheran
Are you a 20-something looking for community? Come on Friday, February 24 at 6:30 pm for the kick-off of a local Young Adult Small Group. Anna's opening her home (N84W16298 Donald Ave, Menomonee Falls, WI 53051) for those college-grad aged to 30ish from five surrounding churches to gather together.
• Friday, February 24
• 6:30 pm
Once we've met as a group, we'll decide collectively what we'd like this group to become! If you can make it or are interested in this ministry, please text Anna at (262) 388-6452.
St. John's Winter Futsal
Futsal is simply indoor soccer. Adults with all skill levels are welcome to play!
• Sundays from 5:30-7:00 pm
• January 1 - March 26
• St. John's School Gym
• Adults Only
To get on the text alert list, please text Molly Herbolsheimer at (414) 350-9451.
Building Christian Leaders Weekend
6th Graders - Adults Invited!
This is a SPECIAL WEEKEND. It is about developing as Christian leaders and being still; knowing God is God and we are not.
• Friday, March 3 - Sunday, March 5, 2023
• Three Lakes, Wisconsin
• $75.00 per Person (Plus $ for Friday Dinner and Sunday Lunch)
Enjoy fun camp activities with friends and family: Campfires, S'mores, Hiking, Tubing, Games, Devotions, Foosball, Snow Shoeing, Quiet Time, Pool, Prayers, Darts, Popcorn, Skits, Coffee, Hot Cocoa, Laughing, and More!
Questions: Contact Alan at (262) 707-9198. Permission Slip Needed If Under Age 18. ***RSVP Alan before February 12!***
Join Our Campus Care Team!
St. John’s has a part-time (20 hour) position or full-time position (40 hours) available for the right team member to help keep our beautiful campus clean and well maintained inside and outside. The part-time person would work 20 hours from 8:00 am - 12:00 pm.
We have a robust Lutheran Christian ministry with a highly reputable Elementary/Middle School (K-8th grade) and Early Childhood Center (lnfant-K4). Experience in cleaning/light maintenance is preferred, but not a requirement.
The successful candidate will have a great work ethic, be on time, exhibit a good attitude and have a desire to become part of team. We will train. Wage ranges from $13.00- $17.00 per hour based on experience.
St. John’s offers excellent health and retirement benefits that includes vacation, retirement plan (403-b), pension plan, health insurance, LTD/STD and other benefits.
If interested in interviewing for this position, please contact: Janet Hatland, Director of Campus Care, at (262) 334-4901, ext.316 or
It's Good to be Together in the Lord
Early Childhood and School Ministries
Call (262) 429-1061 for ECC Enrollment (Infants - PreK-4)
Call (262) 334-3077 for School Enrollment (Kindergarten - 8th Grade)
Get your kids involved this summer at our 2023 Youth Summer Camps at Living Word Lutheran High School! Camps are open to ALL kids in the community in 2nd-8th grade, and our camp lineup includes: Boys & Girls Basketball, Cross Country, Dance, Football, Soccer, Speed & Agility Training, and Girls Volleyball. For more details, visit:
Looking for professional growth experiences, upgrading practical skills or just learning something new?
Concordia University has flexible learning opportunities for all stages of life.
Do you feel God's Calling to Become a
Pastor or Deaconess?
Reach in Prayer • St. John's App • Daily Devotions
For a Digital Copy of the Connections Booklet, Click Here.
6:00 PM Traditional
8:00 AM Traditional
9:25 AM Discipleship Hour (Gym)
11:00 AM Contemporary
809 South 6th Ave
West Bend, WI 53095
Church Office: 262-334-4901