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St. John’s Connections - January 30, 2025

Photo from National Lutheran Schools Week

Students Build Up Each Other and the Community


St. John’s Lutheran School celebrated Lutheran Schools Week last week with the theme of Under Construction focusing our hearts on Hebrews 3:4, “For every house is built by someone, but the builder of all things is God.” We were excited to celebrate our identity in Christ and build each other up during this fun-filled week. During this week, all students were reorganized into ‘tribes’ which consisted of one student from each grade. These tribes then gathered together for all of our activities. Our construction projects included guest devotion speakers, special dress days, daily giveaways, construction of food towers, T-shirt designing, and an opportunity to build birdhouses for Faith Haven! Under Construction started out behind schedule when the construction projects were delayed by Tuesday’s extremely cold temperatures.


Despite a tight schedule, Pastor Nieman started our week with a chapel message about God at Work. We then welcomed Pastor Dan Paavola to speak about Building on His Word and Pastor Aaron Hauser who shared with us how God’s Love Can’t Be Measured. We continued discussions of these messages when each tribe gathered for Dig Deeper Time where small group conversations took place.

St. John’s students were able to build up the community through a construction project aimed to serve local food pantries. On Thursday, each student donated three non-perishable food items that were used for a tower building contest amongst the tribes. The Drum Roller tribe was excited to get Building Blox Candy for winning the contest! However, that did not match the excitement on the faces at Full Shelf in West Bend, Ozaukee Food Alliance in Saukville and Slinger Community Food Pantry when 500 boxes of food were delivered! We praise God for building up the students of St. John’s so that they can build up others!

Pastor Nieman farewell open house

Welcome Our New Stephen Ministers

2025 Stephen Ministries

Dear friends and family of St. John’s,

It is our pleasure to announce the completion of a new class of Stephen Ministers. They have received 50 hours of training, which will allow them to provide one-to-one care to those experiencing a difficult time in life, such as grief from loss of a loved one, divorce, job loss, chronic or terminal illness, or relocation, just to name a few.

Stephen Ministers are an extension of pastoral care, and are ready to provide empathetic Christian care to those they walk along side of, as long as the need persists.

Please join us as we celebrate their commissioning in the services on Sunday, February 2. We will also have a presence, along with information, in the Gathering Space after the 11 o'clock service. God has truly blessed us with an extraordinary group of faithful servants, which include: Mona Dickmann, Rachel Dietrich, Marilyn Fulton, Christine Hesse, Patti Kurtz, Todd Petersen, Jim Wagner, Sue Wells and Doug Zarling, to minister to any of our congregation in their time of need.

We hope to see you Sunday, as we support our newly trained Stephen Ministers.

God’s Blessings to you and yours,

Kathleen Sitzberger

Stephen Ministry Leader

St Johns Sister to Sister Bible Studies start up in February

Sister to Sister Bible Studies Return in February

Ladies! Sister to Sister Bible Studies are back starting Monday, February 10 and Wednesday, February 12.

There are two groups of Sister to Sister: The Monday Night Group and the Wednesday Morning Group. The Monday Night Group meets every 2nd and 4th Monday of each month from 6:30-8:00 pm at Penny Van Dellen’s Home (940 Schloemer, West Bend). The specific dates are: February 10 & 24, March 10 & 31, April 14 & 28, and May 12. The Wednesday Morning Group meets each Wednesday from 9:00-10:30 am in the church nursery.

The Monday Night Group will be studying Sharla Fritz’s book Bless These Lips: 40 Days of Spiritual Renewal. Her book examines things we say that get in the way of our relationships with God and with others. Each chapter draws on lip product analogies and uses humor, anecdotes, and observations to introduce Scripture passages that address common behaviors and attitudes. And each day’s reading includes Bible study questions and suggestions for personal reflection. Please buy your own book.

The Wednesday Morning Group will be studying Meant for Good: A Study of Joseph by Donna Snow. Travel through Joseph’s grand story in Genesis with author Donna Snow. In this eight-week women’s Bible study, uncover how Joseph’s struggles, woven together in a rich narrative of hope and faithfulness, showcase our need to let God’s love and forgiveness lead our life. You’ll see that trusting God to use your life for good allows you to be brave and bold in your faith. Denise Seibel will have books available for you to purchase at the Bible Study.

Women of any age are invited to join St. John’s Sister to Sister Bible Studies. Bring a friend and meet new ones as you join this supportive community of ladies to explore God’s word, pray, and share in life’s joys and struggles. Don't miss this opportunity to Connect, Care, and Share in Christ.

Mens retreat save the date

Guys! Save the Date! St. John’s Men’s Retreat is May 16-18, 2025. More info coming soon.

Sign Up for Mom Café: Good Boundaries and Goodbyes

Mom Cafe Starts Feb 6

To prepare for the upcoming spring semester of Mom Cafe, I have been reading a book by Lysa Terkeurst called Good Boundaries and Goodbyes. I have learned so much from this book and the scripture included. What has been most helpful to me was seeing that God uses boundaries on us. This is His way of loving us and guiding us to a right relationship with Him. Jesus tells us in John 13, “As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” So, we can and should use God’s example to set loving boundaries with others. Boundaries that are not meant to shove love way, boundaries that encourage the right kind of relationships, boundaries that prevent dysfunction.

Now, I don’t want you to get the wrong idea and think this book offers a God approved “get lost!” card. The author makes sure to encourage level headed thinking while dealing with this very emotional topic. Through this book study, you will be able to gently examine your relationships and look honestly at yourself as well.

Do you have a relationship that is valuable yet difficult? You don’t have to be a mom to benefit from this study. I encourage you to look into this book on your own.

To all the mothers out there, I invite you to Mom Cafe this semester to go through this book study with me. We will be meeting on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays this spring, starting on February 6th. All you have to do is sign up below or on the St. John’s app and bring the book to the first meeting. 

As always, please sign up early if you need childcare.

Whether you do this study with me in Mom Café or on your own, I pray for God’s gift of wisdom, discernment, and hope while approaching this potentially difficult topic.

Molly Groth

Leader of Mom Café

Sign Up for Mom Café

Register Today for the Couples Retreat 2025

Last Chance to Register for the St. John’s 2025 Couples Retreat!

When was the last time you experienced an act or a spoken word of kindness and tenderheartedness that changed your day... your life? How did you feel when you were truly encouraged by someone? Now imagine doing this for your spouse!

Kindness and encouragement are two of God’s beautiful, spiritual gifts that He gives through people... and most intimately through your spouse. Once received these gifts will ignite a relationship... a little extra kick, a willingness to serve a little longer, and the inspiration to love a little more. Your marriage is Built for More! God’s kindness and encouragement are sweet gifts that God wants us to receive... and share. If kindness and encouragement were part of the everyday fabric of your marriage, imagine the blessings for the two of you... and the people God has placed in your life!

But the truth is that kindness and encouragement often seem elusive... hard to find, hard to give... and often hard to receive. The 2025 St. John’s Couples Retreat is a time set aside to be reminded how important God’s kindness and encouragement are to a beautiful relationship... and to be warned about how destructive the tragic effects of sin can be. Left unchecked by God’s grace, sin leads to hate, discouragement, and even death.

God has a better way, the only Way... Jesus! You are Built for More! In God’s daily care and encouragement for us, we are reminded to “Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.” (Ephesians 4:32) God’s love, mercy, tender heart, compassion, and encouragement is best revealed to us in Jesus. There is no one more kind and encouraging than Him! And there is no better place to be kind, tenderhearted, and forgiving than in the bond of marriage.

If you want to join faithful friends, have a lot of winter fun in a great resort (like the Frozen Fairways Event) see the link to the brochure and join us at the 2025 St. John’s Couples Retreat. 

The cost for the retreat is $495 per couple ($150 deposit required). We have set aside a limited block of rooms… so please sign up as soon as you can to reserve your spot by January 31.

Jesus will bless your journey together as husband and wife as you are welcomed into the kindness and encouragement of His Word… and your Christian friends!

View the Couple Retreat Brochure

Register for the 2025 Couples Retreat

How to Help Those Affected by the Wildfires in California

Pacific SW District Logo

Dear Friends in Christ, 

Many have inquired about ways to support those affected by the horrific wildfires in California. Donations are best sent to the Pacific Southwest District of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod. They seek to help ministries and communities coping with this horrible disaster. Please keep praying for them–Come Quickly Lord Jesus!

View Pacific Southwest District LCMS Website

Donate to Pacific Southwest District LCMS

Join us for Discipleship Hour at 9 twenty five every Sunday in the lower level

Discipleship Hour: The Resilience Project

Join Us at Sunday at 9:25 am in the Lower Level

St. John’s is blessed to be hosting Christian Family Solutions in Discipleship Hour as they lead us in The Resilience Project, a six-week unit that will emphasize the skill of resilience – how we prepare for, and respond to, the many uncertainties in life and what to do when things don’t go the way we had hoped – not only to survive, but to be built up in God’s promises and hope as we make the journey with Him.

The class will be open to older teenagers and adults of any age, and we are also inviting any parents who have children at St. John’s ECC and School. You also are welcome to bring others you know that might be blessed by this material, as well!

Austin Shultz (LPC-IT), will be leading our time together. He received his Master’s Degree in Professional Counseling through Concordia University Wisconsin. And has this to share:

I have been employed with CFS for just over 1 year, though my internship was also through CFS, which started nearly 2 years ago. I see individuals and couples with concerns regarding depression, anxiety, ADHD, stress management, burn out, and adjustment disorders. I primarily work with therapy models of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT).

On a personal note, I have been married for about 2.5 years to my wonderful wife. Personal hobbies of mine include photography, playing baseball and church league softball, and watching the Brewers.

I look forward to this journey of exploring the skill of resilience with you. In a time of New Year’s resolutions, let us make sure that bouncing back from life’s challenges with God’s help is part of our 2025!

Weekly Bible Studies

Connect at Upcoming St. John’s Events

The quilters are taking a break until Feb 3



• Mondays (On Hold) 

• 9:30 am

• Lower Level 

The St. John’s Quilting ministry is taking a break until Monday, February 3, 2025.

Ladies Aid Meeting Sept 1

Ladies Aid Meeting

• Thursday, February 6

• Lunch at Noon

• Lower Level

Devotions by Pastor David following lunch. Then our meeting to follow.

The Ladies Aid actively serves by providing meals for families following funeral services. They monthly meet in the Lower Level Fellowship Hall for a time of food, fellowship, devotional time, and a variety of activities. Ladies can join at any time.

Call Joanne Johnson at (262) 707-0899 with questions.

St Johns Youth Event on Aug 14

BASH: Love & Hate/Satan & Jesus


• Friday, February 7 

• 3:00 - 5:30 pm

• St. John’s Church

BASH: Human Hamster Ball


• Friday, February 21 

• 3:00 - 5:30 pm

• St. Johns Church

Random Acts of Kindness


• Saturday, February 22 

• 10:00 am - 1:00 pm

• Meet at St. Johns Church

Please call or text Alan Lull at (262) 707-9198 with questions about any youth events.


LWML Meeting

• Monday, February 10

• 12:15 - 2:30 pm

• Lower Level Fellowship Hall

Join us as we support mission work here at home and around the world! Bring your own lunch and join us at 12:15 PM for food, fellowship, and conversation. Or come at 1 PM for the meeting and/or projects. Bring a dozen cookies for our service project.

Support our LWML Mission Grants through your mite boxes:

• Thermometer Updated December 31, 2025

• LWML Grant #3 South WI District Church Worker Student Poster

• LWML Grant #23 Lutheran Special Education Ministries Mission Grant Story

• LWML Grant #28 Special Needs Teenagers in Nebraska Mission Grant Story

If you are interested in joining LWML or have questions, contact Phyllis Mortenson by calling (262) 989-5027 or emailing Pam Muther at pjmuther@yahoo.com.

All Pro Dad Feb 12

All Pro Dad


• Wednesday, February 12 

• Starts at 7:00 am

• Lower Level 

• Please RSVP

All Pro Dad Chapters provide an opportunity for dads to spend quality time with their children that will strengthen their relationship. For one hour each month you'll get to join other dads and kids for a fun, memory-making event. Enjoy a FREE breakfast with your kids while connecting through conversation around a specific monthly topic! Our topic for February is Social Skills. Sign up by scanning the QR Code or click link below.

Click Here to Learn More and Sign Up

Baptism Class

Baptism Class

• Monday, February 17

• 6:30 pm

• Church Nursery

The class is led by Doug and Mel Raddemann. This course is for anyone looking to be baptized themselves or for any parent who would like his or her child baptized at St. John's. The class introduces what we believe and confess about the amazing gift that baptism is for individuals and families.

Please RSVP to the church office if you plan to attend by emailing: stjohns@stjohnswestbend.org or calling: (262) 334-4901.

St Johns Womens Book Club meets Feb 18

Women’s Book Club for February


• Tuesday, February 18 

• 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm

• Cheryl Wipperfurth’s Home (229 Hargrove Place, West Bend)

America’s First Daughter by Stephanie Dray. In a compelling, richly researched novel that draws from thousands of letters and original sources, bestselling authors Stephanie Dray and Laura Kamoie tell the fascinating, untold story of Thomas Jefferson’s eldest daughter, Martha “Patsy” Jefferson Randolph–a woman who kept the secrets of our most enigmatic founding father and shaped an American legacy.

Please join us for fellowship each month as we have the opportunity to share and talk about the books we read and love! Book Club typically meets the third Tuesday of each month from 6:30-8:00 pm. Come to all or just the ones that fit into your schedule. We do not have a regular meeting location, but enjoy the hospitality of hosting each other. Please watch for the locations of each get together as they become available.

Educational Ministries

Pizza Ranch Fundraiser Feb 17

Youth Fundraiser at Pizza Ranch on February 17

St. John’s youth going to the 2025 LCMS Youth Gathering in New Orleans are having a fundraiser at the West Bend Pizza Ranch.

Dine in or carryout on Monday, February 17, 2025 from 4:30 pm to 7:30 pm. St. John’s youth will be helping out at Pizza Ranch.

Pizza Ranch will donate 10% of your check as well as any cash donations.

View the Pizza Ranch Website

ECC enrollment starts
Camp Invention 2025

Click Here to Register for Camp Invention 2025

If you are able, please help give towards scholarships for Camp Invention at St. John’s West Bend for children in need in our community.

Click Here to Donate for Scholarships

Click Here to subscribe to our

YouTube Channel.

Click Here to view our Livestream

Visit our website: www.stjohnswestbend.org

Eagles Nest Click here to view

Reach in Prayer • St. John's App • Daily Devotions

For a Digital Copy of the Fall 2024 Connections Booklet, Click Here.

Click here for events

View PDF of Events Calendar

Saturday Worship

• 6:00 PM - Traditional


Sunday Worship

• 8:00 AM - Traditional

• 9:30 AM - Blended (In-Person and Livestream)

• 11:00 AM - Contemporary


• 8:30 AM - School Chapel

809 South 6th Ave
West Bend, WI 53095
Church Office: 262-334-4901
Contact Our Church
Facebook  Youtube