Click on the links below to go directly to that section of the newsletter.
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Prayer requests can be submitted
or through the church email,
All "Ongoing Prayer Concerns" will be listed for two weeks. Please submit a new prayer request, if you desire to renew the listing for 2 additional weeks.
This Sunday
In-Person Worship
10:30 AM in Fellowship Hall
A video recording of the 9 AM service will also be available to view on our website following the
in-person service.
Sermon Series What is Truth?
Worship Assistant:
Ruth Portzline, CLM
Music: Amy Cons, Alissa Nelson,
Jackie Jusino, Lynne Tomlinson
Piano: Brian Barber
Praise Band @ 10:30 am
The 9 AM Order of Worship
will be sent out on Friday.
You may print a copy
and bring with you to worship.
Hand made prayer shawls (or lap robes for men) are again available for those experiencing serious illness, bereavement, or other major life issue. Each comes in a sealed plastic bag. Recipients need not be members of St. John's. Requests can be made via the comments section of the prayer request form on the church website, by calling or emailing the church office, or by calling Carol Rice at 215-357-1203. Requesters will be notified of contactless pickup arrangements at the main entrance of church building.
The Tuesday Devotionals and
under the "What's Happening"tab.
- Just go to our website
- Click on the 'Give' button in red and register.
Once you've registered, you can either make donations by debit or credit.
OR try
All you have to do is text the amount you wish to give to 877-960-2396. You will immediately receive a one-time registration link, then just follow the prompts to complete your donation!
It's quick and secure. The same vendor that handles electronic giving for us, Vanco Services, has state of the art encryption, so you can rest easy that your transaction is 100% safe and confidential.
If you have any questions about mobile or text giving,
You may also send your tithes and offerings to the church office:
820 Almshouse Road, Ivyland, PA 18974 Thank you for your generosity!
Dearest St John's UMC Family and Friends,
Thank you for your prayers, cards, flowers, texts and many kind words of support to us and our family after the sudden loss of my sweet dad James Payne. Both he and my mom June were members of St John's back in the 70's before moving out of the area. Almost every visit back to this area for them included Sunday service at St John's, and would often comment how much they enjoyed the music program and also folks being so welcoming. Truly this is a great church to be a part of!
Warm regards,
Joanne and Pete Yerkes
Our previously recorded worship videos can be accessed here or
under the "What's Happening" tab on our website - See the "Videos" link.
Last Sunday's Worship Service
October 11, 2020
Special Music:
Amy Cons, Erin Maurer, Roy Nelson, Lynne Tomlinson
Accompanist: Brian Barber
A/V Help Needed!
Help is needed to ensure our audio-visual ministry can continue to offer meaningful online worship. We currently have very little flexibility within the team in the event someone needs to be away. While some aspects of this ministry requires technical expertise, other aspects are very straight-forward. If you have the ability to advance PowerPoint slides, you can help us offer online worship!
Will you prayerfully consider serving God by assisting with this crucial ministry? Our team will get you trained and comfortable as you join a rotation of volunteers. In that process, you will be helping St. John's offer meaningful worship to our friends who must remain at home as well as a powerful witness to our neighbors! Those interested in serving can contact the office at or
(215) 357-6998.
Red Bird trailers are open for donations on Saturdays and Sundays
Hours: 9 AM - 5 PM
Please try to limit bag/box weight to 30 pounds or less.
Volunteer packers are still needed.
If interested, please contact
Rick Poll or the church office (
Music at St. John's
We would like to thank the singers and Instrumentalists who have been providing music for our Worship Services. Your willingness to share your talents and Faith is appreciated by everyone.
Rehearsals are being held in the Sanctuary, where correct SOCIAL DISTANCING can be followed. All ringers are wearing masks for the protection of everyone. If you are interested in participating in one of our Handbell Choirs, please contact Roy Nelson or Alissa Nelson for details. Adults and Youth are welcome.
It has been a difficult 6 months for everyone involved with the Music Ministry at St. John's. Not having choirs participate in Worship is very difficult for almost everyone who participates in those groups. It is especially difficult for those of us who are in the music profession, both in Church or in School. We look forward to the time when it will be "safe" to resume singing as a group. We'll rely on the "experts" in the music field, and trust their judgement as it pertains to large vocal and instrumental performing groups.
Roy Nelson, Director of Music Ministries, 215-962-8928 |

You've likely read or heard that tomorrow, October 16 at 7PM our Annual Charge Conference meeting will take place. Presided over by our new District Superintendent, the Rev. Dr. Andrew Foster III, St. John's leadership will reflect on and evaluate our ministry over the past year and begin to look forward to 2021.
Important business, such as formally requesting to maintain the present pastoral appointment, setting the 2021 pastoral compensation, and approving our 2021 leadership slate will occur as dictated by our Book of Discipline. While sometimes viewed as formalities, these decisions are important ones; I ask that you keep this meeting and our leaders in prayer.
Administrative business, though, will not be the most important aspect of our Charge Conference meeting. Each year, I try to approach Charge Conference as an opportunity to sense where God is at work in the life of the congregation. What aspects of ministry and mission are bearing fruit, and bringing God glory? Are there areas where adjustments are needed? How can we continue to live out our mission, Open Arms and Serving Hands Transforming Lives Through Christ? I spend significant time in prayer asking those questions, and I hope you will too! Viewed through this lens, Charge Conference can serve as a springboard for moving forward together in ministry.
Below this note you will find a link to the "State of the Church" Report that I will be submitting tomorrow evening. Please read this over; if there are questions - or even differences of perspective - please feel free to contact me.
Thank you for your faithfulness in serving Christ through the ministry and mission of His church here at St. John's. You are a beautiful example of the living Body of Christ, shining the hope and love of God into a dark and weary world... and I'm very thankful for the opportunity to serve our Lord together!
As a reminder, our ability to continue in-person worship is contingent on compliance with mandates and best practices, including wearing masks or face shields, maintaining social distancing of at least 6 feet, use of hand sanitizer and frequent hand washing, and adjusting foot traffic to minimize close contact. The SignUpGenius reservation tool has enabled us to coordinate the reduced capacity and traffic flow patterns in the Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall and will continue to be used. Most importantly, if you registered for worship but do not feel like your normal, healthy self, please remain at home and worship along with the recording of the service.
Know that we recognize how difficult the past months have been. Thank you for your patience and consistent compliance with all aspects of our approach. Your commitment to Christ and heartfelt caring for each other are greatly appreciated.
Please read:
We've been blessed by a steady increase in attendance at our worship services! If you are planning to attend, it is critical to register via Sign Up Genius. This enables our ushers to promptly seat you while maintaining safe distancing necessitated by Covid. Thank you for your patience and compliance with these interim procedures as we all eagerly await the day when we can fill God's sanctuary again!
Sign-ups are accepted until Friday, 10/16 at Noon.
Sunday School programming that will be offered for young people this Sunday. Note that each lesson will have a video component and will also include follow-up materials that guide parents in talking about the concepts throughout the week. Hope to see you on Zoom!
Young Children (Pre-K to Grade 2) What's In the Bible? Sundays at 11 am on Zoom Join Buck Denver and a group of hilarious friends as they journey through the Bible and discover what it means for us. Amy Scarlett will lead us for the opening weeks as we discover What's In the Bible! Lesson length: 20-25 minutes.
Older Elementary Children (Grades 3-5) Orange 252 Kids Sundays @ 11am on Zoom Our older elementary children will explore fun and engaging lessons from The Orange Group. Susan Seamans will lead off the year with a challenge to Drop the Act... and live with integrity! Children will see that integrity means choosing to be truthful in whatever we say and do - we can all drop the act and choose to be who God made us to be! Lesson length: 25-35 minutes.
Youth Study - Like Me Sundays @ 11 am on Zoom So often we compare ourselves to others. We are focused on the friends we have, the clothes we wear, the number of "Likes" we get on our social media pages-it all feels like one long list of what others have and what we don't! In our next series, Like Me, we'll help our youth discover that comparison not only keeps them from liking others, it holds them back from being able to like themselves! And the further they move away from comparison toward contentment, the more they'll be able to love who they are just as they are. They will talk about comparisons and how those comparisons not only keep them from liking others, they hold them back from being able to like themselves!
Thank you for sharing your children with us on Sunday! The younger children learned that we should be truthful with our whole lives. Click here to watch a short video. . . .
Sunday, October 25 3 - 4 p.m. Please join us for games, arts & crafts, and a story about the Gardener who took something ordinary from His garden and made it extraordinary!
(In case of rain we will move to Fellowship Hall)
Social distancing practiced and masks required.
Paul Henry is offering a 14 week study course on Zoom, Tuesdays from 10:30 am to 11:30 am. The course will provide a variety of short term topics for study and discussion so that you may join for subjects that interest you or participate in the entire series.
We began on September 22nd with a look at The Lord's Prayer. The words of this prayer are very familiar to all of us and we can recite it without thinking. But would you view the Lord's Prayer differently if you were an inhabitant of Galilee in 30 A.D.? Would you understand the prayer differently than a 21st century American Protestant? Join our virtual journey to a first century Jewish village and examine the differences in understanding.
There are no books to purchase, just register for the course and you will be provided with readings for each discussion topic.
If you would like to register for a week,
or by calling 215-962-6719.
10/13, 10/20, 10/27
Being Christian in a Pagan World
Wednesdays 7-8:30 PM
Fellowship Hall
Leader: Ken Lee
You are invited to join our Wednesday night Bible study in Fellowship Hall from 7 to 8:30PM. We're currently doing the Gospel of Matthew using the William Barclay New Daily Study Bible beginning with Chapter 14. This study is a continuation from last March but since each class is a standalone discussion of the Scriptures there is no need to catch up, just jump in. Take a deep dive into Matthew's Gospel to better understand what he wants you to know. Originally written to first century Jews, it is still relevant for us today! Barclay makes it easy to understand.
If anyone needs a book: either they can order it or we can and they can reimburse the church. We are social distancing and wearing masks in class but taking breaks for a breather.
St. John's Sewing Group will meet on
Thursday, October 15, 2020 at 6:30 p.m.
in the Church Parlor
Please wear a distancing will be observed.
Please bring all fabric that has been cut out so that it may be distributed to those who will be sewing.
Additional fabric will be given to those who will be
doing more cutting.
I look forward to seeing all of our
"willing workers" then!
Thank you for your Heart for Missions.
Pastor Ruth
Hosted by the United Methodist Men
for All the Men at St. John's.
The Sycamore Grill, Newtown
Saturday, October 17th, 10 AM
The Recovery Breakfast is paid for by the UMM Treasury.
The Recovery Breakfast is to bring back the Fellowship that supports our Faith in God and to provide engaging Spirit to do good works, that we have done in the past.
Red Bird Chicken BBQ Church Maintenance
Information: Have been doing lunch with Group Businessmen and Tradesmen since Joe Feraco opened 10 years ago and been doing lunch there for the past two months every Tuesday. Joe, has turned over his dining room to UMM. Tables are arranged for Social Distancing. Nice morning - we can eat outside. It is private to hold our meeting.
Directions: 255 North Sycamore Street Richboro/Newtown Road to Newtown at Sycamore (532) make LEFT at light after second light make first RIGHT...left into Parking Lot. If you have a problem with stairs...park out front on Street.
Have Courage, Keep the Faith... See you at Breakfast! Old Jack
The United Methodist Men gathered in the church parking lot for a brief organizational meeting. At the beginning of the meeting, the death of Ed Campbell was very much on their minds and hearts as Ed had been their President for the past few years. Some time was taken to recognize the significant life-long commitment that Ed had to the Church of Jesus Christ. Read More...
Thank you for your generosity!
Tuesday, October 6, Kathy Keppol, Social Action chair,
Linda Barr, President and Vivian DiCristofaro delivered the new clothing and other items collected for the
2020 UMW Ingathering.
In 2016 United Methodist Neighborhood Services moved to Janes Memorial Germantown. Janes Memorial and First UMC of Germantown play an important role in the efforts of UMNS to offer essential support to its community.
They offer food, clothing and a snack program.
The UMW is collecting used Upper Room magazines to send to
Red Bird.
There is a collection box on the UMW table.
The International Living Animal Gift Market is now open. All manner of wonderful creatures can be purchased throughout the Month of November online this year!
These gifts of animals provide an entire new way of life for the people who receive them. They provide food, income, health care & educational opportunities for poor families worldwide. Since 2001, St. John's through UMW has donated over $66,000 to Heifer. Thank you for your support!
Please contact Rosemarie Malizia at 215-598-8567 home or 856-364-0238 cell for more information.
Dealing with the loss of loved ones during the holidays and need some encouragement? Join Pastor Erin on Tuesday, November 10th, from 6:30-8:30 p.m. in the church Library for GriefShare's Surviving the Holidays, a Christ-centered video-based program designed for those who are struggling with sadness during Thanksgiving and Christmas. Please register by Sunday, November 1; there is a $5 material charge payable at the session. Please note that masks and social distancing practices will be observed. If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Erin at 267.265.3515 or at