August 13, 2020

  Click on the links below to go directly to that section of the newsletter.
Prayer List
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Thank You's
Worship Videos
Daily Devotionals
Pastor Brad's Reflection
COVID-19 Precautions
In-person Worship
Meet and Greet with Pastor Brad
Children and Youth Ministries
VBS Update
St. John's Food Drive
Red Bird Trailers Closed
United Methodist Men



Please click to view


Prayer requests can be submitted

or through the church email,  

All "Ongoing Prayer Concerns" will be listed for two weeks.  Please submit a new prayer request, if you desire to renew the listing for 2 additional weeks.
Hand made prayer shawls (or lap robes for men) are again available for those experiencing serious illness, bereavement, or other major life issue.  Each comes in a sealed plastic bag.  Recipients need not be members of St. John's.  Requests can be made via the comments section of the prayer request form on the church website, by calling or emailing the church office, or by calling Carol Rice at 215-357-1203. Requesters will be notified of contactless pickup arrangements at the main entrance of church building.
  • Just go to our website
  • Click on the 'Give' button in red and register.
Once you've registered, you can either make donations by debit or credit.  
OR try  
 All you have to do is text the amount you wish to give to 877-960-2396.
You will immediately receive a one-time registration link, then just follow the prompts to complete your donation!

It's quick and secure.
The same vendor that handles electronic giving for us, Vanco Services, has state of the art encryption, so you can rest easy that your transaction is 100% safe and confidenti
If you have any questions about mobile or text giving,
email Lou Lescas at

You may also send your tithes and offerings to the church office:
820 Almshouse Road, Ivyland, PA 18974

Thank you for your generosity!


Thank you to those who offered condolences on the death of my beloved mother, Joan Minderjahn, through your cards, phone calls, emails and texts.  Your words of comfort were so very much appreciated.

Thank you also to those brave enough to come to her visitation and memorial service at St. John's. A special thank you to the staff and members who helped us with the preparation and planning due to COVID-19.  My mom was happy to be a part of St. John's family worshipping with you most Sundays, attending UMW events and participating in RISE Sundays.  So many of you so kindly reached out to her during her many hospitalizations and illnesses. 

Thank you also for those expressing condolences on the passing of my cousin, Kathryn, with whom I shared a close relationship. She was my parents' goddaughter. You are truly the hands and feet of God. 

With gratitude,
Eileen Phillips and Family

The following is a Facebook Post from:   
THANK YOU! We are so appreciative for the ongoing community support that we receive each day. A special shout out to all who have donated essential food items to JFM Pantry over the past few days,
in addition to:
Langhorne Giant - 227 lbs
New Beginnings Church - 59 lbs
Southampton Estates - 48 lbs
St. John's U. Meth. Church
(Naomi Circle) - 105 lbs.

Magic Charities - 28 lbs
Vertical Screen - 50 lbs
Langhorne Giant - 61 lbs
St. Vincent De Paul - 86 lbs
Our Lady of Good Counsel - 241 lbs
Wawa - 30 lbs
Tanners - 210 lbs
Girls Scouts - 40 lbs
Blessed and Thankful for you!

Our previously recorded worship videos can be accessed here or
through the "Videos" tab on our website.  
Stjohns8 9 20
Last Sunday's Worship Service 
August 9, 2020

 Special Music: Garry Warlow,  
Mary Anne May, Lynne Tomlinson,  
Valerie and David Sharper 
Accompanist: Brian Barber  

The Tuesday Devotionals and
Special Emails/Announcements are also posted on our website:

UMC LINKSumc logo
   This week, the Leight family has been blessed to get away for a few days to rest and relax on a sand dune in (mostly) sunny North Carolina. We have a long-standing tradition of joining my parents in a beach house overlooking the ocean each summer and are thankful that tradition was able to continue. In the midst of a very crazy year, we all needed to get away, jump a few waves, and play with our dog in the sand.
   Upon our arrival, we quickly were informed of - wait for it - an earthquake! Reports of the "most powerful earthquake in North Carolina in almost 100 years" were all over the news stations (no, we didn't feel it; it was about 300 miles northwest of us). Fresh off a week in which a hurricane made landfall less than 70 miles to the south, the news served as a reminder that 2020 is a year when anything and everything can happen.
   Reflection, though, quickly reminds us that the chaos of this world is not confined to 2020, or any other year. Uncertainty and chaos are realities we all face throughout our lives. We are blessed in that, more often than not, our lives usually proceed in the direction we expect and anticipate. Yet it only takes one phone call; one diagnosis; one crazy storm or one crazy decision from the corporate office to shake our lives to the core. In that moment it can feel like the mountains are falling into the sea as our lives are thrown into an uproar.
   Psalm 46 is a powerful song of confidence in the eternal power of our amazing God. Yes, chaos is a reality of this broken world; yet the psalmist reminds us that in God we always have a place of safety, steadiness, and strength. We do have a rock and a place of refuge on which we can depend, regardless of what happens around us. The Lord is with us and is a strong fortress that will not fail. So, if the uncertainty and chaotic moments of this season are taking a toll, I pray these verses from Psalm 46 will provide reassurance and strength:
God is our refuge and strength, 
    an ever-present help in trouble. 
Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way 
    and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, 
though its waters roar and foam 
    and the mountains quake with their surging.
The Lord Almighty is with us;
the God of Jacob is our fortress.
Psalm 46:1-3, 7 NIV
 Pastor Brad 


As a reminder, our ability to continue in-person worship is contingent on compliance with mandates and best practices, including wearing masks or face shields, maintaining social distancing of at least 6 feet, use of hand sanitizer and frequent hand washing, and adjusting foot traffic to minimize close contact. The SignUpGenius reservation tool has enabled us to coordinate the reduced capacity and traffic flow patterns in the Sanctuary and will continue to be used. Most importantly, if you registered for worship but do not feel like your normal, healthy self, please remain at home and worship along with the recording of the service.

Know that we recognize how difficult the past months have been. Thank you for your patience and consistent compliance with all aspects of our approach. Your commitment to Christ and heartfelt caring for each other are greatly appreciated.

This Sunday, August 16     
(sign-up needed)
"Wise Builders Act" - Pastor Brad
Matthew 7:24-29
Sermon Series: Building on the Rock 
Pastor Ruth, assisting 
Music:  Alissa Nelson, Roy Nelson,  
Jack and Tammy Coapman
 Bass:  Ron Oedemann
Drums: Andrew Baldridge
Brian Barber: Piano 
St John's Congregation and Friends,
Please read the attached letter describing all the details about reopening our church for in-person worship. Also below is a link to the SignUpGenius website that you will use to reserve your attendance for in-person worship.
Please sign up by Noon on Friday, 8/14, if you plan to attend.   
Following the in-person service, the worship service will be available to view on our website.   
The Order of Worship will be sent out on Friday.   
If planning to attend the in-person worship 
please print a copy and bring with you to worship.  

Pastor Brad would love to meet you!
Meet and Greet opportunities are being scheduled for small groups of up to 10 people to gather for about an hour to share in a time of conversation and prayer. Opportunities to meet outdoors (at the rear of the parking lot under the shade of our trees) and indoors in Fellowship Hall will be offered; appropriate distancing and masking precautions will be maintained. Additional dates will be announced soon!
Sign-up via SignUp Genius is required to attend.

Come out and hear a little bit about Pastor Brad, ask any questions you may have, and pray together for the ongoing ministries at St. John's!

Children and youth ministries are available on ZOOM. 
Parents of younger children: please help your child by joining the classes on Zoom: Let David Bigam know by email ( that you'll be joining us and he'll send you an invitation to the Zoom meeting. 
Fridays at 10 AM 
grades K-5
Sundays at 10:30 AM (Note: Change in time)
grades 6-12
Wednesdays at 6:30 PM
grades 6-12

It is with great regret that we will not have Vacation Bible School this year....
But we will see you next year!


 And the king will answer them, 'Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family you did it to me.'
Matthew 25:40
Food insecurity has increased due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  During these troubled times, the ability to obtain food is difficult for many people.  
As the pandemic continues to take a toll on the economy, many people are left struggling. St. John's is offering the opportunity for you to do it to one of the least of these by donating non-perishable food items to be distributed to local food banks. This Food Drive will continue from Sunday, August 16 through Sunday, August 30.
You may bring your items to the church on Sunday mornings or you may drop them off in the collection bin on the front porch from 9 am - 5 pm every day. The food items will be collected each evening.
We know that you will be blessed as you share the love of Christ with those who are struggling.
Thank you for all that you do!
Pastor Ruth


The Red Bird Trailer Ministry is in need of volunteers packers.   
We are considering packing on Saturdays depending on the availability of volunteers.   
September 1st is being considered as a reopening date for accepting donations (depending on the availability of volunteer packers).  If anyone wants to volunteer or has any questions about volunteering, please contact Rick Poll or the church office ( 


8 AM
(more information to follow)
Pastor  Emeritus  Paul  Henry  has  agreed  to be   
interim  President
The  Agenda: 
  • A  moment  for  Ed  Campbell
  • Welcome  of  Pastor  Brad
  • Treasury  Report
  • Red  Bird  Trailers - Robert Snarr
  • Wednesday's Church  Maintenance  Gang - George Schok
  • New  UMM  President - Nominate / Vote  or  Appoint
All  Men  of  St  John's  Church  are  Members  of   The United Methodist Men.        
"Men's  Breakfast is  the Telling  of  Tails, the  Bragging  about Children & Grandchildren, the  Sharing  of  Experiences  and  Travels, and  the  News -
all grounded in Christian Fellowship."   

Come out ... And Bring a Mask!!!