Click on the links below to go directly to that section of the newsletter.
Worship Services:
8:00 and 10:30 a.m.
9:15 a.m.
Praise and Worship
February 16, 2020
"Dealing With Anger"
Pastor Janice Matthew 5:21-26
Monday - Friday
9:00 AM -2:00 PM
Available at both
9:15 and 10:30.
We welcome all children birth through 4 years old. The nursery is equipped with a calling system and will alert you in worship if your child needs you.
For more information about our Children or Youth Ministries, please contact Director, David Bigam,
Family Promise Hosting Week
Friday, February 14
Family Promise Hosting Week
Saturday, February 15
Family Promise Hosting Week
Sunday, February 16
Family Promise Hosting Week
Adult Sunday School
Children & Youth Sunday School
Monday, February 17
Girl Scouts Daisies Meeting
Simon Peter Bible Study
Thursday, February 20
FEBRUARY 26 , 2020
7 PM
If your contact information changes:
address, phone, email, etc.
please notify the church office at
215-357-6998 or
You may also indicate any changes on
the sign-in sheet during worship and we'll be sure to update your information in our files.
Thank you!
PRAYER LIST Please click to view
All "Ongoing Prayer Concerns"
will be listed for
2 weeks.
Please submit a new prayer request card if you desire to renew the listing for 2 additional weeks.
St. John's Snow Policy
In case of a major snowstorm or other severe weather that would require cancellation of one or more Sunday services, we will attempt to notify everyone by:
- A special e-news sent out
- A message on the church answering machine and website.
If possible, a decision regarding cancellation will be made the night before. Please also be aware that, in the event of a power outage, it is impossible to utilize internet or phone services.
March 8th at the 10:30 Service
All Scouts Welcome!
- Just go to our website
- Click on the donate now button and register.
Once you've registered, you can either make donations by debit or credit.
OR try
All you have to do is text the amount you wish to give to 877-960-2396. You will immediately receive a one-time registration link, then just follow the prompts to complete your donation!
It's quick and secure. The same vendor that handles electronic giving for us, Vanco Services, has state of the art encryption, so you can rest easy that your transaction is 100% safe and confidential.
If you have any questions about mobile or text giving,
Looking for a little inspiration during the week?
Try an online devotional.
(has many devotionals to choose from)
New members of the ministry group are always welcome; lessons and guidance can be provided for beginners and those with rusty skills.
The group
meets mon
thly on the second Tuesday to knit or crochet together and to pray over the completed items. For more information, contact Carol Rice at 215-357-1203.
Pictured are the latest group of hats which went to World Vision (4 child size) and The Baby Bureau in Warminste r (14 baby size)
The Grace Cafe is open Sunday mornings for fellowship
and refreshments.
Thank you for
"Fighting for What's Right
One Cup at a Time."
Naomi Circle is collecting tabs from beverage cans for Ronald McDonald House. You will find a container under the sign hanging on the UMW bulletin board. Please place them in a plastic bag and put it in the container. This is an ongoing collection, so keep bringing them in as you collect them. Thank you.
Donations of non-perishable food for the Eastwick Food Pantry are needed now and throughout the year. Please place contributions in the shopping carts located in the narthex and fellowship hall lobby.
Also, please contact
Lou Lescas,
if you are available to help deliver food and clothing to the Eastwick Food Bank
Thank you for your support.
(Click for more information)
The other night, I casually mentioned to a friend that I was in the middle of writing a funeral sermon and I would have to call her back. She said, "Not another funeral!"
Her comment made me stop and think about it. Yes, I DO officiate at a fair number of funerals - some are church members, some are not. But considering the fact that I worked with a hospice agency for two years prior to being appointed to St. John's, I suppose I've dealt with death and dying more frequently than many people. But I still have a multitude of questions saved up for God when I finally meet Him.
I remember my mother, prior to her passing at age 90, having to deal with the loss of most of her good friends and then having her younger brother (the last of her five brothers and sister) pass away. I can only imagine how lonely and "left behind" she must have felt.
The question, of course, is the question of the ages: what is the meaning of life? We can only make some educated guesses on this side of eternity, but as far as the Grand Plan goes, we'll all have to be patient, and one day we'll understand everything, and it will all make sense.
But for now, we trust that since God created both life and death, death must be something good. Unfortunately, we cannot see or understand the whole picture, and, unlike God and our loved ones who have gone before, we are still caught in the mystery of time and space; therefore physical death - both our own and our loved ones - seems very troublesome to us. We mourn our losses deeply.
But one day, praise God, we'll look back at our life on this earth and realize it was only a very brief "blip" in the whole scheme or things - and in the blink of an eye, we are back together with those we love.
So can we ask God to help us wrap our minds around eternity, and not to count so much on our present reality to find our bearings? That's a tall order, I know. And I also know that it's easier said than done. But life is, after all, a time of personal and spiritual growth on the way to our REAL home - the one not made by human hands but eternal in the heavens.
God has all the details under control even when we don't. So let's hang on to Him - especially when we're struggling with trying to make sense of life and death.
Pastor Janice
St. John's Kids News
This Sunday:
All children and youth please go directly to classrooms for Sunday School.
10:30 Service Only
Pre-K - 2nd Grade - Room B Grades 3, 4 and 5 - Room A
Grades 6 thru 12 - Youth Room
Leaders and Co-Leaders are always needed for our classrooms as well as Nursery. If you feel called to help in these areas, please let me know! Clearances are required!
Please contact me anytime and we can talk.
Thank you for your consideration...David Bigam or cell 215-206-6779;
Church 215-357-6998
We need a volunteer for our 9:15 Nursery.
Please consider 1 week a month.
Vacation Bible School 2020
July 20-24, 2020
"Rocky Railway"
Hey kids, we're headed to the great Rocky Mountains this year! Join us as we hop the train to discover what plans
God has in store for us!
Do you like to work hands on with decorating sets for stage and hallways? Are you a visionary?
Do you like to use your brain?
If you are any, none or all the above, we would love for you to join our Decorating Committee. Share your ideas and your time in helping us to make this year's Vacation Bible School another memorable time for our kids and neighbors who attend every year!
We are planning a decorating meeting soon and would like to add your name on our list!!
Those interested, please contact David Bigam.
Cell - 215-206-6779 Church - 215-357-6998
Fellowship and fun for youth grades 6 thru 12.
Wednesday Nights!
6:30 - 8:00 PM
Join us for light snacks, a devo and fun.
Monday, March 9th
Please contact David Bigam.
Do Not Miss This Opportunity!
Come and experience great Fellowship
on the 2nd Monday of every month!
Morrisville is open to EVERYONE interested in going to help make 220 grocery bags full of food.
Families are always welcome!
Following this event we always head to Chick-fil-a for Milkshakes!!!!
CLASS THIS WEEK Next week we will be talking about "Lent"
And as always
Bring a Friend and Bring a Can!
Have you HELPED anyone today?
Have you SAID SOMETHING NICE to anyone today?
David Bigam, Director of Children and Youth Ministries
Why Diapers? 5.2 million - the number of babies and toddlers in poor or low-income families. $70-$80 - the amount diapers cost per month, per baby. The number of federal programs that cover diapers. - 0
Did you know babies require up to 12 diapers per day, 8 for toddlers about. A sufficient supply of diapers is necessary to keep a baby clean, dry and healthy. Diapers are essential to a child's well-being.
Babies who remain too long in a soiled diaper are exposed to potential health risks. Your donations make a change for health! Your donations make a change for early childhood education and childhood learning!
One in three families struggle to provide enough diapers for their children. The gift of diapers makes a big difference for children and families. You can help keep
babies clean, dry, and healthy!
We're collecting diapers for the Maker's Place, a diaper bank in Trenton, NJ. The Maker's Place distributes diapers free of charge to low-income families, and is working to combat infant mortality and celebrate community.
Please look for designated drop off locations through out the church. Donations will be accepted through the first week of March.
Sunday - February 23, 2020 at 5PM
Join us for a night of Fun and Fellowship
Do you think you know everything?
Come and test your knowledge!
Bring your TEAM or FAMILY
or choose your own table but BRING YOUR GAME!
Doors will be open at 5 and the Game will begin at 5:30
Pizza, Hot Dogs, Soft Pretzels, Water and Juice boxes
will be available at $1 each.
Tickets are just $5 or you can buy the table for $40
for your team of 8. Stop by our table to purchase tickets and give us your food order if you will be dining with us.
Proceeds will go towards fuel for our ASP vans.
Wednesdays 10 AM in the Parlor
February 26 - April 1
Leader: Pastor Janice
Join us for a 6 - week study during Lent.
We'll be using Max Lucado's resource,
"Jesus: The God Who Knows Your Name"
Sign-up on the table in the Narthex!
No book is required.
The Growth of the Christian Church
Part III - Reformation to Revival
1500-1920 AD
This five-week course will be led by Rev. Paul Henry on five consecutive Tuesdays beginning on March 3rd and continuing through March 31st. For your convenience it will meet at either 10 am or 7:30 pm. Please sign up on the bulletin board to participate in this class.
The course will look at the Protestant Reformation as it began with Martin Luther in the early 1500's in Germany. It will then follow the explosion of reform that continued across France, Switzerland, England and the Scandinavian countries in Europe. The founding of the new world will lead us to the Colonies in the Americas and the role of the Christian faith in the growth of the United States. As we move into the 1800's, the course will examine religious issues in the United States with particular emphasis on the abolitionist movement and the role of the Church in the War between the States. As we move through the post-civil war decades we will look at how the church shaped the culture of the late 1800's and the early 1900's.
Tuesday, March 3
10:00 AM and 7:00 PM in the Parlor. Everyone is welcome.
Barbara Schneider and Carol Campbell
Olive Kitteridge offers profound insight into the human condition - its conflicts, its tragedies and joys, and the endurance it requires.
Joyful Voices and Youth Choir will NOT sing this Sunday, February 16.
Rehearsals will be held as usual.
St. John's Vocal Choirs provide opportunities for EVERYONE to be involved in music. From young children through adults, we have a place for you in our music program. Beginning musicians and experienced singers are welcome in our Vocal Choirs.
For more information on our Vocal and Handbell Choirs, please contact:
GriefShare 13 week Sessions
Mondays from 6:30-8:30
2020 GriefShare Schedule:
January 6-April 20, 2020 (
no class on January 27. Class WILL meet on Presidents' Day, February 17th): 13 Week Session
May 4-August 3, 2020 (no class Memorial Day): 13 Week Session
There is a $15 fee for materials. For further information, contact Ruth Portzline or Chaplain Erin Maurer or go to
Third Annual
"Bring a Friend to Breakfast!"
Saturday, February 15
8 AM - Fellowship Hall
Special Guest:
Steve Morrow will share his slides of his
expedition to see the Wild Bears
All Men Welcome!
Please RSVP by signing up in the church narthex or emailing Ed Campbell at Please indicate if you will be bringing a friend.
The Red Bird Trailers
are CLOSED for the winter.
Red Bird Trailer Ministry
is seeking an individual
who is willing to administrate/coordinate the ministry. If interested,
please contact the church office at 215-357-6998 or
There will be a meeting concerning the trailer ministry on Tuesday, February 25th at 6:30PM
We are extending our hosting for a 2nd week!
February 16th-23rd
Volunteers from around the region are filling in to help our families feel safe and welcome but we would love to have some of our church members help too! It's a beautiful ministry and so much easier than you think! You can prepare a meal, dine with families or sleep overnight at church.
Or call Sharon at 610-888-1329 or Amy at 610-322-2276 if you prefer not to do it on the computer, they can sign you up.
- This ministry needs you! Ask our current volunteers, this is easy and provides so much help to our guests. If you would like to join the volunteer team in helping with the guests, you will need clearances and training.
- If you are not Safe Sanctuary cleared you can find links at make sure to keep a copy for any other volunteer organizations you work with including St. John's.
- No clearances? No worries, we have jobs for you too....set up/break down, shop and laundry!