Click on the links below to go directly to that section of the newsletter.
Worship Services:
8:00 and 10:30 a.m.
9:15 a.m.
Praise and Worship
September 8, 2019
"There's a Cross for Everyone" Pastor Janice
Luke 14:25-33
Monday - Friday
9:00 AM -2:00 PM
Available at both
9:15 and 10:30.
We welcome all children birth through 4 years old. The nursery is equipped with a calling system and will alert you in worship if your child needs you.
For more information about our Children or Youth Ministries, please contact Director, David Bigam,
Sunday, September 8
Family Promise Hosting Week
Adult Sunday School
Children & Youth Sunday School
Monday, September 9
Family Promise Hosting Week
Tuesday, September 10
Family Promise Hosting Week
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Wednesday, September 11
Family Promise Hosting Week
Thursday, September 12
Family Promise Hosting Week
PRAYER LIST Please click to view
All "Ongoing Prayer Concerns"
will be listed for
2 weeks.
Please submit a new prayer request card if you desire to renew the listing for 2 additional weeks.
If your contact information changes:
address, phone, email, etc.
please notify the church office at
215-357-6998 or
You may also indicate any changes on the
sign-in sheet during worship and we'll be sure to update your information in our files.
Thank you!
- Just go to our website
- Click on the donate now button and register.
Once you've registered, you can either make donations by debit or credit.
OR try
All you have to do is text the amount you wish to give to 215-398-1617. You will immediately receive a one-time registration link, then just follow the prompts to complete your donation!
It's quick and secure. The same vendor that handles electronic giving for us, Vanco Services, has state of the art encryption, so you can rest easy that your transaction is 100% safe and confidential.
If you have any questions about mobile or text giving,
(Click for more information)
Looking for a little inspiration during the week?
Try an online devotional.
(has many devotionals to choose from)
The Grace Cafe is open Sunday mornings for fellowship
and refreshments.
Order forms available in the Grace Café.
An order will be placed in late September..
Thank you for supporting the Village of El Naranjito in the Dominican Republic and
"Fighting for What's Right One Cup at a Time."
New members of the ministry group are always welcome; lessons and guidance can be provided for beginners and those with rusty skills.
The group
meets mon
thly on the second Tuesday to knit or crochet together and to pray over the completed items. For more information, contact Carol Rice at 215-357-1203.
Naomi Circle is collecting tabs from beverage cans for Ronald McDonald House. You will find a container under the sign hanging on the UMW bulletin board. Please place them in a plastic bag and put it in the container. This is an ongoing collection, so keep bringing them in as you collect them. Thank you.
Donations of non-perishable food for the Eastwick Food Pantry are needed now and throughout the year. Please place contributions in the shopping carts located in the narthex and fellowship hall lobby.
Volunteers are also needed to deliver food and clothing to the Eastwick Food Bank.
if you are available to help.
Thank you for your support.
click to view the thank you letter
Red Bird Trailers are Open!
9 AM - 5 PM Daily
Donations of clothing and household furnishings are accepted See the trailers located in the back of the
St. John's parking lot.
The Red Bird Trailers are in urgent need of bags of clothing. We use the bags to cushion the furniture as the furniture is packed from floor to ceiling in the trailer.
Our Missions Team met and identified some hands-on mission projects you may want to be a part of.
- Habitat for Humanity - working on construction/finishing of four homes in the Morrisville Area - this fall
- Third annual R.I.S.E. Sunday, October 6, 2019.
- Compassion Sunday - October 27
- One Great Day of Service - Spring 2020
You are invited to join us as we work to be the hands and feet of Jesus to those in need.
Questions? Contact Pastor Ruth
215-357-6998, ext. 306
Please contact the church office
215-357-6998, if you are available.
Thank you!
So here it is again - the week after Labor Day. The unofficial end of summer. There are a lot of reasons I hate to see the summer come to an end, but there are also a lot of reasons to look forward to autumn. For those of us who detest the heat and humidity of July and August, we welcome the cooler days. For others of us, we look forward to finally being able to relax after the intense "vacationing" (often an oxymoron, don't you think?) of summer - running around amusement parks, chasing kids on the beach, and generally running ourselves ragged trying to be on "vacation".
But there is another reason why this is such a great time of year. The church bulletin and the Cornerstone are chock full of new, interesting opportunities to explore your faith through a variety of different small groups and studies (check the sign-up table!), be involved in mission work, gather in fellowship with others at church (why not look into United Methodist Men or United Methodist Women?), explore our music program, and help your children and youth connect with others their age and grow in faith through our children's ministry and our youth programs.
On behalf of all of our program staff and myself, I hope you'll take this opportunity to check out the many opportunities available this Fall and find a new way to fit the church into your busy schedule, even if it means stepping out of your comfort zone!
Looking forward to worshiping with you on Sunday!
Pastor Janice
THROUGH UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief)
100% of your donated funds go directly to relief efforts when you donate through UMCOR.
Please use a pink pew envelope this Sunday and write in "Hurricane Dorian." Place the envelope directly into the offering plate. You may also drop off or mail your donations to the church office.
Your donations will be used to fund a grant to the Disaster Ministry of the Bahamas Conference of the Methodist Church as well as any disaster needs in the Southern U.S.
St. John's Kids News
This week all children go directly to Fellowship Hall.
Beginning September 15, all children will go directly to their classrooms.
Pre-K - 2nd Grade - Room B
Grades 3, 4 and 5 - Room A
Grades 6 thru 12 - Youth Room
Leaders and Co-Leaders are always needed for our classrooms as well as Nursery. If you feel called to help in these areas please let me know! You will not be turned down....
Please contact me anytime and we can talk.
Thank you for your consideration...David Bigam
Fellowship and fun for youth grades 6 thru 12.
Looking for something meaningful to do on Wednesday nights?
Youth Group is beginning September 18. That's right, it's a Wednesday!
6:30 - 8:00 PM
Join us for some pizza and 9-Square and let's catch up on what everyone has done this summer!!!
Please RSVP as I need a headcount for pizza.
Morrisville Food Bank Monday
Monday, September 9th
Please contact David Bigam.
Do Not Miss This Opportunity!
Come and experience great Fellowship
on the 2nd Monday of every month!
Morrisville is open to EVERYONE interested in going to help make 220 grocery bags full of food.
Families are always welcome!
Following this event we always head to Chick-fil-a for Milkshakes!!!!
And as always
Bring a Friend and Bring a Can!
Have you HELPED anyone today?
Have you SAID SOMETHING NICE to anyone today?
David Bigam, Director of Children and Youth Ministries
t. John's ASP Crew
ASP Stockholders Luncheon
Sunday, September 29, 2019
following the 10:30 service (noonish!)
If you have purchased stock for ASP 2019,
your dividends are here!
If not, you can still join us for $10.00 per person and hear from our youth what made this year another AMAZING time in Appalachia.
 RSVP's are required.
RSVP by September 23, 2019
Adult Sunday School
Begins This Sunday, September 8
At 9 AM in the Parlor
Facilitators: Howard and Beppie Heinrichs
What does Scripture tell us about the world to come? What signals will precede the end times? Dr. Jeremiah presents his hope-filled work on biblical prophecy. This epic guide is a resource for navigating today's uncertainties and embracing God's promises for the future.
The Gospel of Matthew
A study by William Barclay
Begins Wednesday September 11 at 7 PM
Meets weekly in Grace Café
Facilitator: Ken Lee
Take a deep dive into Matthew's Gospel to better understand what he wants you to know. Originally written to first century Jews, it is still relevant for us today! Barclay makes it easy to understand.
How Happiness Happens
Max Lucado
Begins Wednesday, September 25
at 10 AM & 7 PM Meets for 6 weeks in the Parlor
10 AM - Pastor Janice 7 PM - Pastor Sue
In this study, Lucado shares the unexpected path to a lasting happiness, one that produces reliable joy in any season of life. Based on the teachings of Jesus and backed by modern research, He presents a surprising but practical way of living. The book will be ordered for you if you prepay $9.00 ASAP. Please place check in envelope and place in Pastor Sue's mailbox outside the main office.
Begins Monday, September 30 at 6:45 PM
Meets weekly in the Parlor
Carol Campbell & Barbara Schneider
You were not meant to live in disillusionment and defeat. God has given you tools to live a life defined not by your trials but by your victories. This 6-week study will show you how. There is a book that will help you while viewing the video and during the discussion. The book will be ordered for you if you prepay $8.50 by 9/20. Please put check in Pastor Sue's mailbox.
Book Payment
In order to better keep track of payments and only order the number of books needed, payments are being centralized to one person. Please write your name and class in upper left corner of the envelope. Then drop it in Pastor Sue's mailbox next to office.
If you have not paid for the book before the cut off date, you will need to order the book on your own. We use,, or depending on who has the best price.
If you are in need of partial or full scholarship to help pay for the book, please contact Pastor Sue through the office.
Tuesday, October 1
10:00 AM and 7:00 PM in the Parlor.
All are welcome to join us.
Leaders are Barbara Schneider and Carol Campbell
Ordinary Grace is a brilliantly moving account of a boy standing at the door of his young manhood, trying to understand a world that seems to be falling apart around him. It is an unforgettable novel about discovering the terrible price of wisdom and the enduring grace of God.
Come Sing and Ring with Us!
Vocal Choirs
St. John's Vocal Choirs provide opportunities for EVERYONE to be involved in music. From young children through adults, we have a place for you in our music program. Beginning musicians and experienced singers are welcome in our Vocal Choirs.
Begins Sunday, September 15 following the 10:30 AM Service
Children grades K-5 (6) are invited to be part of the Joyful Voices. Children learn songs to present in Worship Services. The Joyful Voices usually sing on the First and Third Sunday each month. They also sing at special services through the year. REHEARSAL is after the 10:30 Worship Service each Sunday. Rehearsal will last 25-30 minutes. (Joyful Chimes rehearsal follows Joyful Voices).
Begins This Sunday, September 8 at 6:00 PM
Youth grades 6-12 (or older) are welcome in this choir. The Youth Choir usually presents anthems in Worship on the Second and Fourth Sunday each month. More advanced anthems are presented with the Adult Choir on occasion. REHEARSALS are on Sunday evening from 6:00-7:00 PM. Prior membership in a choir is not required.... NEW MEMBERS are always welcome.
Begins This Thursday, September 5 at 8:00 PM
The Adult Choir presents music every week during 10:30 worship. College students are encouraged to be a member of the choir. Anyone with some music experience is welcome in the choir. There is no audition. REHEARSAL is on Thursday night at 8:00 in the Sanctuary.
Our Praise Band presents music during our 9:15 worship service. Vocalists and Instrumentalists (guitar / keyboard / percussion) are ALWAYS welcome. REHEARSAL is on Tuesday night, at 7:00, and usually lasts an hour.
For more information about our Vocal Choirs, please contact:
Roy Nelson, Director
Handbell Choirs
St. John's Hand Bell Choirs provide opportunities for EVERYONE to be involved in music. From young children through adults, we have a place for you in our music program. Beginning musicians and experienced ringers are welcome in our Bell Choirs. We hope to expand on the gains we made last year in all of our choirs.
Rehearsal TBD
Children grades 2-5 (6) are welcome in the Joyful Chime Bell Choir. Children will be taught basic ringing skills and music reading. No experience in necessary. REHEARSALS take place on Sundays following 10:30 worship service. (The Bells rehearse AFTER the Joyful Voices singing choir rehearsal). We are usually finished by 12:45.
Begins Tuesday, September 10th at 5:45 PM
GENesis Bells is a multi-generational choir that has youth grades 6-12 & adults participating. We were very successful with this format last year, and it allowed us to play more difficult music which was a challenge for all involved. There are several open spots in this choir for ADULTS and YOUTH. REHEARSALS take place on Tuesday afternoon, from 5:45 to 6:45. We usually ring once a month, on the Second Sunday.
Begins Monday, September 16 @ 6:45 PM After that... October 7
This Bell Choir is for ADULTS who have a desire to ring in a choir with limited playing and rehearsing. The REHEARSALS are usually on the FIRST MONDAY of each month. Playing is at Christmas, during Lent and at the end of the year. Music experience/reading is a plus, but not required.
Begins This Thursday, September 5 at 6:45 PM
Our advanced Bell Choir rings every month, and rehearses on Thursday nights each week. At the present time, there are no openings in this choir. However, we always need "standby" substitutes. Music experience/reading is a requirement.
For more information on our Handbell Choirs, please contact:
Roy Nelson, Director
GriefShare 13 week Sessions
Beginning September 9th
Mondays from 6:30-8:30.
2019-2020 GriefShare Schedule:
September 9-December 2, 2019: 13 Week Session
- Saturday, November 23, 10 a.m. until noon in the Library - Surviving the Holidays seminar
January 6-April 6, 2020 (no class Presidents' Day): 13 Week Session
May 1-August 3, 2020 (no class Memorial Day): 13 Week Session
There is a $15 fee for materials. For further information, contact Ruth Portzline or Chaplain Erin Maurer or go to
If you or someone you know has experienced separation or divorce, either recently or a long time ago, we want to invite them to this support group.
Sundays, from 6pm to 7:30pm in the Church Library
A complete schedule by topic, more details, and sign-ups are at:
Fall Session: Sept. 15 to Dec. 15, 2019
Spring Session: Jan 26 to May 3, 2020
- Each rotation lasts 13 weeks but you can join or miss anytime and make up sessions during the next rotation if desired.
- There is a one-time $35 registration fee but scholarships are available. Payment is done in class, please sign up online so we can communicate with you. (Checks payable to: St. John's UMC)
- No Childcare offered.
- No Class on Holiday Weekends (see schedule online).
- Our facilitators, Sarah Floyd and Donna Hartfeil can be contacted at:
Located at:
St. John's United Methodist Church
820 Almshouse Road
Ivyland, PA 18974
We now meet in the church library classroom which is the first room on the left when you enter from the main parking lot which is on the left side of the church. Knock on the double doors on the side of the church. There are a few stairs up. If you cannot do stairs the leader will greet you and bring you to the handicap entrance.
Contact Information
Sarah Floyd or Donna Hartfeil
Facilitators of Divorce Care Program
Time to dust off your Christmas spirit!
St. John's Christmas gift to our community!
December 15, 2019 5 PM - 8 PM
"Drive-thru Living Nativity"
Last year over 100 members of St. John's family were involved in this wonderful event. We were all blessed to be able to give our gift of
The Drive-thru Living Nativity
to our community.
Over 200 cars drove through to experience the Christmas story - complete with live animals.
We are already working on this year's event.
So, mark your calendar!!!
Sign-ups will be available soon!
If you missed this outreach opportunity
last year, please consider participating this year.
We guarantee that you will be blessed!
Third Tuesdays
10 AM - Noon
Re-opening October 15
Free to everyone
If you have a loved one with Alzheimer's disease or similar memory-related illness, we invite you to join us at the Twining Village Memory Cafe.
Our Memory Cafe is a monthly get-together of people with memory loss and their friends and family members in a supportive, non-judgemental, compassionate and engaging environment.
The cafe provides a place of warmth and friendship to socialize in a relaxed and less stressful atmosphere. Our goal is simply to bring together people in similar situations to brain health as diet and exercise. The bonds forged in memory cafes often are long-lasting, offering an additional resource for partipants.
Our program is not a support, respite or educational group and does require caregivers to be present. Its range of benefits includes positive change from your daily routine.
In fact, the Twining Village Memory Cafe is a brief time to leave worries at home and simply enjoy yourself. Activities include refreshments, crafts, games, sing-alongs, trivia programs and much more!
For more information, contact the Rev. Erin Maurer, Twining Village chaplain or Beverly Gowton, director of community life,
at (215) 396-7150.
Twining Village - A Diakon Lutheran Senior Living Community
280 Middle Holland Road, Holland, PA 18966
September 28, 2019
10 am -4 pm
St. John's will again have a table at Northampton Days on Saturday, September 28, from 10 am -4 pm. This is a wonderful opportunity for us to be a presence in our community and to tell everyone why
We need volunteers to be there to talk about St. John's!
You do not have to stay all day - just please consider signing up for a 2 hour shift. We need volunteers to be there to talk about St. John's!
If you would like to be a part of this mission opportunity, contact Pastor Ruth.
Advent is the season of preparation for the coming of Christ at Christmas. This should be a time for families to come together in prayer and devotion.
St. John's would like to encourage this devotional time by preparing an Advent Devotional containing a reading for each day in Advent that has been written by members of our congregation. If you are interested in contributing a devotion, please contact Pastor Ruth.
Family Promise
We need you! We still have a couple spots to fill for our September 8-15th hosting. Please take a look at the sign up genius and see if you can help.
A spot for cot transport has been added, we are looking for someone with a minivan or truck that is willing to transport the cots to the next church on Sunday September 15th in the morning.
The weekend spots are the hardest to fill and usually Sharon will cover but she is out of town that weekend. Please consider helping out by staying overnight on Friday or Saturday.
Amy Scarlett has stepped in to Co-lead with Sharon Byle! Let us know if you have any questions.
Family Promise of Lower Bucks is having a volunteer appreciate day,
if you have volunteered for Family Promise please join in:
- Volunteer Appreciation Dinner, honoring the volunteers that support our families. Come for a fun night out, featuring dinner, live music and door prizes, and the opportunity to meet volunteers from other partner congregations. 5:30 to 8:30pm at Woodside Church, 1667 Edgewood Road, Yardley.
RSVP here so we know how many to cook for!
Can't wait to see you there!
Mark Your Calendar:
"Women's Breakfast"
Date: Saturday, September 28th
Time: 9:30 - 11:30am
Place: Fellowship Hall
Cost: $12.00
We are planning a continental breakfast on the
above date for all St. John's women and their friends.
The breakfast will be followed by a presentation on "Labyrinths".
Alix Amar, MSS, LCSW, a social worker at Abington-Jefferson Hospice in Warminster, will speak on labyrinths and how they are effective tools for mindful meditation, self reflection and healing. Everyone will have the opportunity to make their own 12"x12" labyrinth for personal use - no art experience necessary.
Tickets will be available this Sunday 9/8 and 9/15 following each worship service. Please join us and invite a friend. This is also an opportunity to meet new St. John's friends.
Any questions, please contact:
Arlene Williams (215-355-0162) or Linda Barr (215-773-9865).
Saturday, September 21, 2019
8 AM
Fellowship Hall
All Men Welcome!
Sign-up sheet in the church narthex or email
- WHAT is R.I.S.E. Sunday? A morning of worship and hands-on mission projects with local and global impact.
- WHAT projects are available?
- Sewing Projects: Goal: Make 25 dresses and 50 sanitary kits, which are distributed in remote villages and aid in the formation of relationships with mission groups focused on clean water and primary education efforts.
- Bagged lunches for Trenton Area Soup Kitchen: Goal: Make 1000 bagged lunches, including peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, for distribution to people experiencing food insecurity in Trenton.
- Cutlery assembly for Trenton Area Soup Kitchen: Goal: Using plasticware, paper napkins, and adhesive bands, wrap 4,000 sets of dinnerware for use at one of the 4,800 meals supplied by TASK each week.
- Rise Against Hunger: Goal: Assemble 13, 824 meals which will feed 37 children in developing countries for one year, through international hunger relief organization Rise Against Hunger.
- WHEN is it and WHEN can I sign up for a project? R.I.S.E. Sunday is October 6, 2019. We will have a worship service at 9 AM, then two sessions of mission projects from 10:15 to noon. Register now for your projects of choice.
- WHO can participate? EVERYONE! We will have projects for all ages and ability levels, and the nursery will be open for children age 3 and younger.
Financial support for Rise Against Hunger and other R.I.S.E. Sunday projects: Although we are seeking material donations, there are some perishable items we will need to purchase directly for the bagged lunches, and we need significant financial support for Rise Against Hunger. Here are some suggestions. You could choose to feed 1 child (through Rise Against Hunger) for a year ($124), 6 months ($62), or 1 month ($10). Donations of any amount are appreciated! Use the pink envelopes in the pew racks and designate "R.I.S.E." on the envelope. We will also be doing a communion offering in September.
Donated materials needed by 9/22: Go to the church website for specific information about these items and to sign up to donate them, or fill out the included sign-up sheet and place it in Lara Bolte's RISE Sunday/Fellowship Activities mailbox (by the church office).
Sandwich bags, easy-zip top, 100-ct. box
Brown paper lunch bags, 40-ct.
Peanut butter, 40-oz. jars
Jelly, 30-oz jars
Plastic spoons, 500-ct.
Plastic forks, 500-ct.
Plastic knives, 500-ct.
Dinner-sized paper napkins, 50-pack
Snack packs of cookies, 20-ct. box
Snack packs of chips, 32-ct. package
Juice boxes, 10-ct. package
*See sign-up sheet in Sunday's Bulletin. Please completed forms to Lara Bolte's mailbox, by the church office
*Donations needed by 9/23. Please drop them off in the box in the Narthex. Thank you for your donations!
As part of our R.I.S.E Sunday mission event, we will again be making pillowcase dresses and, new this year, we will also be making sanitary kits for young girls.
We are asking for the following supplies for these projects:
- Pillow cases in solid colors and/or prints suitable for children
- EXTRA WIDE double folded bias tape
- ¼ inch elastic
- Terri cloth fabric
- Sew-on Velcro (not adhesive)
- Packages of girls panties (girls size 14-16)
Please consider purchasing some of these supplies
for this important mission project.
If you have any questions, please see Pastor Ruth.