In this week's Family News (Scroll to Learn More):
- Worship this Sunday
- Thoughts on Building Bridges During Divisive Times by Dennis
- Worship Throughout February and Glancing Into Lent
Valentine's Day Tea: Sign Up Here
- Happy Birthday!
- Women of the Church Bake Sale on February 8
- Basketball Schedule
- Save the Date: Children's Mission Day
- Elizabeth 8K Road Race: April 26, 2025
- Rise Against Hunger Team Needed!
- Syrup Sunday on March 2
- Prayer List, Sympathy, Thanks, and Celebrations
- Financial Update
- Minister On Call Schedule
- Staff Contact Info
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Worship this Sunday, February 2 at 10:30am
This Sunday, we will gather around The Lord’s Table to remember how Jesus’ sacrificial life and death offers us new life in God’s Spirit. We will celebrate our discipleship commitments to the one foundation of The Church, Jesus Christ, Lord of our faith.
Our scripture readings will include Deuteronomy 31:1-2, 7-8 and 1 Corinthians 3:1-11.
Dr. Foust will offer a homily entitled, ‘Many Builders, One Foundation: The Once and Future Pastor.
We will conclude worship by joining hands and voices to sing The Lord’s Prayer.
See you this Sunday morning!
Thoughts on Building Bridges During Divisive Times
by Dennis W. Foust, Senior Minister
These are times of tremendous division and divisiveness.
Voicing opinions, perspectives, concerns, and emotions of gladness, or anger are easy. However, it is exceedingly difficult to build bridges among people, groups, and institutions when shouting at those who think differently has become normative. Too many people have forgotten how to speak WITH one another. Yelling AT one another and talking past each other is commonplace. Increasingly, we hear people say, “I don’t know how to talk with ______________, so I just don’t try.”
A local church can be a good context in which to learn how to live together in unity without seeking uniformity. Throughout my fifty years of ministry, churches have made decisions while expressing diverse perspectives. It has been my role to help churches respond to thousands of questions ranging across subject areas such as:
‘What color should we paint the classrooms?’
‘Should we replace the pipe organ or rebuild the old one?’
‘Can a divorced person serve as a deacon?’
‘Are we truly accepting and inclusive of people of other skin colors and cultures?’
‘How will we interpret passages of the Bible that are clearly written in an ancient time?’
‘Can a woman serve as a deacon or a minister?’
‘Should we continue to support the Southern Baptist Convention?’
‘Will we accept people who are homosexual into church membership?’
‘What changes do we need to make to be relevant to today’s needs while remaining faithful to God’s mission?’
‘Will we affirm same-sex marriage and welcome these sacred ceremonies of commitment in our sanctuary?’
‘If baptism by immersion is not required to get into heaven, why do we require it for church membership?’
I have consistently intended to offer pastoral leadership effectively, listen to all perspectives, offer my honest interpretation of God’s message of compassion, represent God’s vision for Christ’s Church, and call the congregation to pursue missional purposes. Most of the time I have succeeded, although I have fallen short aplenty. In this time of division and divisiveness, extremists of all varieties are trying to control the minds of the masses. As God’s people, we are called to build bridges – not walls. Here are some ideas.
Practice God’s Expression of Love: Look at 1 Corinthians 13 again and again. Read Matthew 5:43-47 and Luke 6:28 for guidance.
- Trust the Other Person Unless They Prove to Be Untrustworthy.
Remember Your Real Enemies as Taught in Ephesians 6:12: “For our struggle is not against enemies of blood and flesh, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers of this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in heavenly places.”
While You May Not Agree on Everything, Try to Find Mutual Focus – working for care rather than harm of other humans; labor for fairness and justice rather than cheating and lying; collaborate for freedom rather than oppression; and seek shalom for the poor and disadvantaged rather than ignoring their existence.
- Pray for Insight to See How God Redeems by Transforming Evil into Righteousness.
Treat Other People with Respect: To disagree with another person is fine; to disregard the worth of another person is wrong.
Be Involved in At Least One Effort You Believe In. Link your energy to your heart.
MESSAGES ON MINISTRY FOUNDATIONS: On Sundays, February 9, 23, and March 2, Dr. Foust will offer messages on some of his favorite scripture passages. Sermons will focus on salvation and discipleship (Feb. 9), commitment to The Way of Jesus (Feb. 23), and a pastor’s role in your church (Feb. 30).
YOUTH SUNDAY: On February 16, our annual tradition of Youth Sunday will be celebrated as our Youth lead the music, offer prayers, read scriptures, and present the messages.
GLANCING INTO LENT: On Ash Wednesday, March 5, we will gather for worship at 6:30. This will lead us into the season of Lent. Dr. Foust’s messages will focus on Jesus’ words spoken from the cross. We will gather during Holy Week on Maundy Thursday evening for communion at 7:00.
CROSSWALK – A CONGREGATIONAL PRAYER EMPHASIS: We will gather at 9:00 AM for prayer in the sanctuary on Sundays, February 16, March 16, and on Easter, April 20. In addition, we will call church members and participants to a 40-day prayer journey during Lent. Watch the Family News for more about this CROSSWALK emphasis in mid-February.
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Valentine's Par-Tea for Children, Their Families, and On the Way Friends
Sunday, February 9, 2025 at 11:30am in Broach Hall
Children, their families, and On the Way friends are invited to a par-tea!
Please join us on Sunday, February 9, immediately following worship, in Broach Hall for a tea party to celebrate Valentine’s Day with savories, scones, sweets, tea, music, and more.
Reserve your teacup by February 2. You may register on Realm or email Kheresa or Lee.
Happy Birthday!
Hannah Harmon, daughter of Sarah and Ben, will celebrate her birthday on January 30.
Walter Belong, son of Molly and Micah, will celebrate his birthday on February 2.
Women of the Church Bake Sale
Saturday, February 8 during basketball games
The Women of the Church are sponsoring a Bake Sale for the spectators and players at the youth Basketball Games on Saturday, February 8.
The proceeds of this sale will go toward purchasing new choir robes for our St. John’s children’s choirs. Sweets for our sweeties!
Please help us if you can by providing baked goods for that day. Baked items need to be in Ziploc bags. Each bag will be $1.00. For example, 2 large or 3 smaller brownies, Rice Krispy Treats, cookies, cake, cupcakes, etc. Any item containing nuts or peanut butter should be marked on the bag. If your food is gluten-free, please mark that on the bag. Any items not sold on Saturday will be available for sale at the Main Entrance after church on Sunday.
The snacks need to be at the church by 9:30 am on Saturday, February 8. If a Friday drop-off works better for you, the snacks can be left in the lounge near the gym before noon.
PLEASE RSVP by Wednesday, February 5 to Joanne Compton (; phone 704-502-2684) and let her know if you can help bake and what you are planning to bring. We are also looking for one more person to work an afternoon shift at our sale table on Saturday. Thank you!
Basketball Game Schedule
February 1
- 6u Co-Ed – 3:00 pm @ St. John’s
- 8u Boys Cardella – 2:00 pm @ St. John’s
- 8u Boys Allen – 11:00 am @ St. John’s
- 8u Girls – 1:00 pm @ St. John’s
- 10u Boys Short – 12:30 pm @ St. Paul Baptist
- 10u Boys Barnhardt – 10:00 @ Mulberry Baptist
- 10u Girls - BYE
- 12u Girls – 5:30 pm @ Calvary Church
- 18u Girls – 10:30 am @ Trinity Episcopal
February 8 (bake sale day!)
- 6u Co-Ed – 12:00 pm @ St. John’s
- 8u Boys Cardella – 11:30 am @ St. Stephen UM
- 8u Boys Allen - BYE
- 8u Girls – 10:00 am @ St. John’s
- 10u Boys Short – 2:15 pm @ St. John’s
- 10u Boys Barnhardt – 1:15 pm @ St. John’s
- 10u Girls – 3:15 pm @ St. John’s
- 12u Girls - BYE
- 18u Girls – 12:45 pm @ Mt. Harmony
Save the Date!
Mission Day for Children
Children in grades 3 and up are invited to join us on Saturday, March 8 from 10am-2pm at FBC Mount Holly for CBFNC's Children’s Mission Day. More details soon!
We are proud sponsors of the Elizabeth 8K Road Race!
As a part of our sponsorship of the Elizabeth 8K Road Race, happening on April 26 in the neighborhood around the church building, we are given 5 FREE race entries. If you are planning to run the race and want to enter for free, please email Mallory for a code. The race starts and finishes just off of Elizabeth Avenue with the majority of the route weaving its way through the historic, tree-lined streets. Registration is open now here.
Calling servant leaders!
Last year’s Rise Against Hunger food-packing event brought together 6 congregations, 120 volunteers and led to nearly 20,000 meals being sent to our hungry brothers and sisters in Sierra Leone. To bring this inter-generational service opportunity to life, we need a few leaders to serve on the planning committee to organize this late-September event.
Please contact Anna Cushman at or via text at 704-906-4406 by February 10 to express interest in serving the Rise Against Hunger 2025 Planning Committee.
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Save the Date for Syrup Sunday
March 2 immediately following worship
All are invited to join us in Broach Hall after worship on March 2 to celebrate Fat Tuesday with BrooksCakes and the fixings provided!
Stay tuned for more details!
Prayers, Thanks, and Celebrations
Current Prayer Concerns: Shirley Ballard, Ken Sanford
Continuing Prayer: Nancy Burgess, Mary Rickenbaker, Anne Sutton, Jeck Warren
Congratulations to Christine and Locke Bell on the birth of their son, James Sullivan Bell on January 18. Proud grandparents and aunt are Paul and Laura Solitario and Elizabeth Solitario.
Carolyn Hall passed on ahead of us earlier this morning January 30. Please remember Gayla Tyson and her other family members in your prayers.
Financial Update
2024 Full Year Budget: $1,211,000
Through December
Budgeted Income: $1,211,000
Actual Income Received: $1,167,311 (96%)
Income Over (Under) Budget: ($43,689)
Actual Expenses Paid: $1,192,524 (98%)
Income/Expense Surplus (Deficit): ($25,213)
2025 Draft Budget (Total Expenses): $1,233,000
2025 Pledge Goal: 150 Commitments, $900,000
2025 Pledges Received: 137 Commitments, $890,000
2024 Pledge Total: 140 Commitments, $884,000
Staff On-Call Rotation
Jan. 27-Feb. 2: Russell
Feb. 3-9: Dennis
Feb. 10-16: Lee
Feb. 17-23: Kheresa
Staff Contact Information
Rev. Dennis Foust, PhD, Senior Minister - 704-359-7234 (cell); 704-333-5428, ext. 2012
Rev. Lee Gray, Minister for Congregational Care - 704-333-5428, ext. 2015; 704-451-1309 (cell)
Rev. Kheresa Harmon, Minister for Children & their Families - 704-333-5428, ext. 2018; 910-890-3392 (cell)
Russell Nelson, Minister for Worship & Music - (980) 228-6244 (cell)
Mallory Brown, Media Coordinator - 704-477-3349 (cell)
- Chloe Hall, Children's Choir Director
- Noel Lance, Organist
Amanda Morrison, Church Administrator - 704-333-5428, ext. 0
Lydia Olmsted, Weekday School Director - 704-333-5428, ext. 2039
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