The St. John’s Women’s Retreat in Blowing Rock was a beautiful weekend of restoration, learning, and growing closer together. Thank you to all who made this happen and to Sabrina Gilchrist for leading us. Can’t wait until next time. | |
In this week's Family News (Scroll to Learn More):
- Being Church in a Conflicted World: Veteran's Day after Election Day
Anniversary Book Pre-Orders Open Now!: Order here
- Happy Birthday!
Welcoming New Friends Dinner in November: Register for dinner here
- Renaissance Festival with St. John's Young Adults
- Brotherhood of the Biscuit on November 15
- On the Way for November: Headed to Mama Ricotta's
- Join the Chancel Choir for Advent & Christmas
- Friendsgiving Lunch & Thankful Art Party for Children and Families
- Youth News for November
- CBF Regional Gathering on November 21
Room in the Inn Begins Soon!: Sign up here
- Ushers & Greeters Needed
- Common Table Christmas Gala on December 5
- Prayer List, Sympathy, Thanks, and Celebrations
- Financial Update & Hurricane Helene Fund Update
- Minister On Call Schedule
- Staff Contact Info
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by Dennis W. Foust, Senior Minister
My father was a veteran. He was drafted into the army during his college years and ended up in Korea amidst a war. He rose to the rank of sergeant and was a sharpshooter in the military police. He was put in command of a squad of Turkish soldiers. We honored his request, in 2013, to place his remains at rest in the Veteran’s Memorial Cemetery in Bloomfield, Missouri. In my home office, I have the flag which draped Dad’s casket prior to his burial and his military medals.
Every year, on Veteran’s Day, I recall an important childhood memory. When I was in elementary school, some friends and I liked to imagine we were soldiers in the army fighting the Nazis. We would reenact episodes of a 1960s TV show entitled ‘Combat.’ In the back of my closet, I kept my dad’s army helmet, canteen, and ammo belt. Anytime we played ‘Combat,’ that equipment became my ‘uniform.’ Those items allowed me to identify with a part of Dad’s life that he seldom discussed.
When I was fifteen years of age, Dad invited me to go with him to a Veteran’s of Foreign Wars event in Owensboro, Kentucky. Although he was a pastor, he gathered with them a few times a year. It was my first time to be in a situation with so many veterans and it made quite an impact on me. As we drove home from that event, I asked Dad how he felt being among all those veterans. He said, ‘Well, since I’m a veteran too, it never feels strange. There are stories in that room that can never be told. Some of those men carry sorrow and guilt. It’s an honor when they trust me with their stories.’
Through the years, I’ve thought about Dad and all the veterans I have known and ministered to as their pastor. One man was General Patton’s jeep driver who held secrets. One man was a drill sergeant at Parris Island who carried tremendous guilt. One woman was a communication specialist in the Women’s Army Corps during WWII. I served several veterans in San Antonio. When these stories were entrusted to me, I better understood what my pastor-faither felt when he gathered with the VFW group. Each veteran has been proud of their service, understanding that conflict is part of human society. Yet, I’ve never ministered to a veteran who glorified violence or conflict.
This week, we are moving from an election cycle that has been full of conflict. Many of the promotional ads have been vitriolic. Some candidates unjustifiably glorified violence, evil, hatred and conflict. Whether we are satisfied with election results or not, we are glad these repulsive ads are now off the air so we can move beyond the rancor. Conflict must never have the last word.
Next Monday, on Veteran’s Day, as we move beyond an election marked by conflict, let us renew ourselves to being the Church God calls us to be. In this world, conflict, clashes, strife, contention, disagreements, and competitions are commonplace. Yet, this is not what God calls us to invest in with our gifts, resources or energies. Telling our understanding of God’s Truth is important, even if it differs from the understanding of another person. However, living God’s Truth is our mission. And relating through God’s love is essential if we are to be followers of Jesus.
Beloved, let us renew ourselves to be what God needs us to be in this conflicted world. God needs fewer church members who are infatuated with Jesus and more church members who are intimately involved in a relationship of discipleship with Jesus Christ. Let us be what God needs us to be. Let us love one another and relate God’s love every day. AMEN (May it be so.)
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The St. John’s 100th Anniversary Book is ready to send to the printer!
Pre-order your copy today!
Copies need to be pre-ordered at a cost of $20. The deadline date is December 1.
Pre-orders can be made at a table in the Main Entrance on Sunday mornings (cash or check) and also through Realm.- Events Section. Look for this in the Events section on Realm or click below.
Please contact Fredda Kimball if you have any questions.
In addition to “Our Story” written by Sally Young, the 220-page book also includes articles, among others, about the Elizabeth Neighborhood in the early 20th Century, the History of our Building, Music at St. John’s, Women at St. John’s. St. John’s and Habitat for Humanity, Youth at St. John’s, and St. John’s and the Lost Boys. It also includes remembrances and reflections from members and from our current and previous staff members.
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Happy Birthday!
James and Annie Moore are celebrating their birthdays this month. James will have a birthday on November 10; Annie on November 15. Their parents are Natalie and Durning Moore.
Welcoming New Friends
We invite you to join us for “Welcoming New Friends” on Wednesday, November 13 from 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM in Broach Hall. We will share a buffet meal, followed by a program that focuses on the work of Refugee Support Services and their Fruitful Friends program. Fruitful Friends pairs volunteers with RSS program participants to build friendships, share cultures, and provide support. Sharing experiences, information and insights with us will be Pamela Dellinger and Esther Schmidt from Refugee Support Services.
Make dinner reservations by noon on Friday, November 8.
$15/person or $36/household
Must pay for dinner AT THE DOOR by cash or check.
Register on Realm or contact Amanda Morrison in the office at or 704-333-5428, ext. 0. No reservation needed for program only, which begins at 6:00PM.
Young Adults Head to the Renaissance Festival
Saturday, November 16
We’re excited to invite the young adults of St. John’s to join us for a fun-filled trip to the Renaissance Festival on Saturday, November 16 from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM. Let’s meet at the church around 9:30 AM to carpool.
Tickets are $34 for adults and $20 for kids ages 5-12, and the easiest way to grab them is through the Renaissance Festival's website (click below). See you there!
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Brotherhood of the Biscuit
The Brotherhood of the Biscuit will meet again on Friday, November 15 at 6:30 am in the church lounge. Our guest speaker this month will be Norris Frederick and he will share a little about his life, faith, and work as a philosophy professor at Queens University. Please email Lee Gray at if you plan to join us.
On the Way for November: Mama Ricotta's
Outings for Retired Adults and Friends
Thursday, November 14 – We have reservations for 20 at Mama Ricotta’s Italian Restaurant (601 S. Kings Dr.) at 11:30 am. We will carpool from the church and depart at 11:15 am or you can meet us there. Sometimes parking can be crowded though. Please let know if you plan to attend by Tuesday, November 12 so final adjustments can be made to our arrangements at Mama Ricotta’s.
Join the Chancel Choir for Advent & Christmas!
If you would like to make a short-term commitment to the Chancel Choir for our Christmas season, now is the time to join us!
If you can join us on Wednesday nights for all of November and part of December, there’s a place for you. We will present a full service of music on Sunday, December 15.
Please contact Russell Nelson if you are interested or have questions.
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Youth News for November
Check out the schedule below for what is happening with our youth this month. This Sunday, November 10, Lee will work with us to make care packages for college students during Sunday school. At SNL, Sara Vavra will come and speak to us about stress and anxiety and how to balance it all.
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Friendsgiving Lunch & Thankful Art Party
Sunday, November 17
All children and their families are invited to bring their favorite sweet or savory pie and artistic skills to Broach Hall immediately following worship on Sunday, November 17, where we will join Cindy Osborne for a Friendsgiving Lunch and Thankful Art Party.
Cindy, a retired art teacher, will guide our children and their families to create a harvest printmaking project using paints and vegetables for printing.
Our event is free, but registration is required. Please register by Thursday, November 14.
Room in the Inn Begins in December!
For the 2024-25 season, St. John's and our partners at Caldwell Presbyterian Church will again jointly host 8 homeless neighbors vetted by Roof Above within the Room in the Inn (RITI) program on TEN Friday/Saturday nights.
Caldwell volunteers (plus van drivers from St. John's) will host at Caldwell on the third Saturday night of December through March while St. John's volunteers will host on the second and fourth Fridays of those months at St. John's.
RITI hosting at St. John's will begin on Friday, December 27 and runs through Friday, March 14, 2025. Just as information, St. John's members are needed to drive our van for BOTH churches on all TEN hosting nights and the following mornings. The signup list below includes van driver signups for ALL TEN hosting nights and the following mornings.
Please contact Dale Johnson at 704-454-8931 or Alice Wirz at 704-222-6208 if you have any questions on any of these tasks.
Thank you for your support for Room in the Inn at St. John's!
If you would like to go ahead and sign up, please do so below.
Dates for this season:
- 12/27/24
- 1/10/25
- 1/24/25
- 2/14/25
- 2/28/25
- 3/14/25
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Join the usher and greeter team!
The church is seeking additional members to volunteer and serve as morning greeters and ushers for the upcoming 2025 year.
This is an excellent opportunity to greet and meet current and new members while serving the church. Couples, friends, or members of your Sunday School Class can be assigned together. You can volunteer to serve on a rotating or substitute basis. All are welcome.
The greeters serve from 10:05 am to 10:35 am at both the Broach Hall and Main (Gym) Entrances (1 person per entrance).
The ushers serve from 10:05 am to 10:35 am inside the Narthex (2 persons) and inside the sanctuary entrance near the piano (1 person).
If interested, please contact Chip Wilson at for more information.
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Common Table Christmas Gala
When: Thursday, December 5, 6:30-9pm
Where: Sugar Creek Brewing Company, 215 Southside Dr., Charlotte, NC 28217
Tickets: $50 per person
You're invited to celebrate the gift of the Christmas season, enjoying an evening full of community, joy, and belonging. Your evening will include delicious hors d'oeuvres, access to a cash bar, and entertainment while learning more and supporting Common Table, a new and growing ministry of St. John's Baptist Church bringing the Good News out from our churches to a new community of seekers and believers. We will join with other local churches in celebrating this new ministry, which since the Spring, has already reached more than 70 people, personally connected with more than 50 people, and is steadily growing a collection of nearly two dozen repeat guests into a community of friends who value faith and fellowship. All proceeds will benefit this new ministry’s second year of operating costs in 2025. Tickets are $50.
Purchase your tickets and get more details on sponsorship opportunities at
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Basketball Games Begin December 7
Below is the practice schedule for all ages:
Practice Times for all teams
6U Co-Ed - Mondays at 5:00 pm
7-8 Boys - Tuesdays at 6:00pm
7-8 Girls - Mondays at 6:00 pm
9-10 Boys (Short) - Thursdays at 6:30 pm
9-10 Boys (Barnhardt/Thompson) - Thursdays at 5:30 pm
9-10 Girls - Tuesdays at 7:00 pm
11-12 Girls - Wednesdays at 5:15 pm
16-18 Girls - Wednesdays at 6:45 pm
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Prayers, Thanks, and Celebrations
Current Prayer Concerns: Shirley Ballard, Pauline Funderburk, Arnold Philemon
Continuing Prayer:Tom Bryson, Kathleen Bumgardner, Carolyn Hall, Anne Sutton, Mary Rickenbaker, Jeck Warren
We celebrate with Sarah and Chip Cromer as they welcomed Wyatt Louis into the world on Monday, November 4. Cooper is an excited big brother! Sarah is the daughter of Nancy Fuller.
We celebrate with Joanne and Kenn Compton, who welcomed grandson Cooper James Compton into their hearts and lives on Tuesday, November 5. Cooper is the son of Taylor and John Compton and the brother of Oliver Compton.
We celebrate with Kelli and Eric McCombs on the birth of their son, Grayson Eugene. He was born on Wednesday, November 6, 2024. Haley is the proud big sister.
Financial Update
2024 Full Year Budget: $1,211,000
Income Received Through November 4: $911,199 (75%)
Western North Carolina Disaster Relief Fund
Received through November 4: $13,365
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Staff On-Call Rotation
- November 4-10: Russell
- November 11-17: Lee
Staff Contact Information
Rev. Dennis Foust, PhD, Senior Minister - 704-359-7234 (cell); 704-333-5428, ext. 2012
Rev. Lee Gray, Minister for Congregational Care - 704-333-5428, ext. 2015; 704-451-1309 (cell)
Rev. Kheresa Harmon, Minister for Children & their Families - 704-333-5428, ext. 2018; 910-890-3392 (cell)
Russell Nelson, Minister for Worship & Music - (980) 228-6244 (cell)
Mallory Brown, Media Coordinator - 704-477-3349 (cell)
- Chloe Hall, Children's Choir Director
- Noel Lance, Organist
Amanda Morrison, Church Administrator - 704-333-5428, ext. 0
Lydia Olmsted, Weekday School Director - 704-333-5428, ext. 2039
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