St. John's Family News

Week of January 6-12, 2025 | Vol. 84, Issue 2 | @sjbccharlotte

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In this week's Family News (Scroll to Learn More):

  1. A View of Baptism and Discipleship
  2. Watching Our Weekend Weather
  3. Crosswalk-A Pastoral Call to Congregational Prayer
  4. Happy Birthday!
  5. Brotherhood of the Biscuit
  6. Room in the Inn: Sign up here
  7. News for Children & Their Families
  8. Upcoming Events for Children & Their Families
  9. Thank you!
  10. On the Way
  11. Basketball Game Schedule
  12. Yoga for Mental Health
  13. From the Heritage Room
  14. Prayer List, Sympathy, Thanks, and Celebrations
  15. Financial Update
  16. Minister On Call Schedule
  17. Staff Contact Info

A View of Baptism and Discipleship

by Dennis W. Foust, Senior Minister


Epiphany is the season of the Christian Year which follows Christmas. Epiphany means, ‘an illuminating discovery, realization, or disclosure.’ It is like an aha moment. During Epiphany, we allow the meaning of Jesus’ life and ministry to sink into us bringing new depth of understanding and inspiring responses of deeper commitments in discipleship. During Epiphany, we announce God’s good news in Christ that offers salvation and grace for new beginnings. This coming Sunday, as Kenna, Hutch, Brooks, and Laura are baptized, we have the opportunity to reflect on the meaning of our own baptism and commitment to follow Jesus in discipleship.


Our Christian practice of baptism is rooted in Jewish tradition. The ‘mikveh’ is a Jewish tradition of immersion in a pool of living water or moving water. Here in Charlotte, on Sardis Road, the Lubavitch Educational Center includes a Jewish mikveh. In the Jewish faith tradition, the mikveh serves the purpose of purification and restoring shalom – bringing things back into alignment with God’s desire – God’s will.


John the Baptizer, like Jesus, a practicing Jew, probably emerged from the Qumran community which practiced mikveh. He called people to a baptism or immersion of purification through repentance. Jesus came to him to set things in alignment with the will of God. By opening his life to commitment unto God, Jesus experienced an opening of the heavens and a divine blessing of assurance.


In Baptist tradition, baptism reflects the Greek word, ‘baptizo,’ which means ‘to immerse.’ Baptists reinterpret the mikveh (baptism by immersion) from purification to commitment. Baptism by immersion is an external symbol expressing an internal experience emphasizing a person’s commitment to follow Jesus Christ. Just as Jesus was buried following his death and raised to new life, so each follower of Jesus dies to self-centeredness and is raised to walk a new life guided by the teachings and ministry of Jesus. Baptism proclaims both God’s commitment to humanity and our commitment to God.


As we approach this Baptism Sunday, revisit the healing waters of your baptism. Think back on times when you failed, fell short, or missed the mark in your active learning of Jesus teachings. Consider times when you were guilty, ashamed, afraid, alone, abused, refused, rejected, etc. You are invited to revisit your baptismal waters as we celebrate baptism. Open your spirit to receive God’s blessing of assurance providing you with spiritual renewal. May you experience a new beginning in your journey of active faith as we begin a New Year.

Watching Our Weekend Weather

by Dennis W. Foust, Senior Minister


As I finish writing this article on Thursday morning, we are all watching forecasts of our weekend weather. Most prognostications suggest we will receive snow and ice. However, the precipitation will not begin until Friday afternoon. Our temperature in Charlotte will be in the mid-40s on Saturday contributing to melting. Since we are not clear whether we will receive primarily snow, sleet, or ice, we are planning on gathering this Sunday on our regular schedule. Please watch your email for further information during the weekend.

I will speak with a few other church leaders on Friday to make the final decision as we get closer to the arrival of the winter storm.


This Sunday is scheduled to include baptism. Rev. Haley Blackwell will be with us to baptize four of our youth to whom she ministered during her tenure. Haley will also be our morning preacher. Of course, we do not want Haley to fly into Charlotte and then not be able to gather. If we must cancel services for this Sunday due to weather, we will reschedule the baptism and Haley’s visit. Thank you for understanding why we must be flexible.


by Dennis W. Foust, Senior Minister


Looking forward to Sunday, January 19, I ask you to join me for Communal Prayer in the Sanctuary at 9:00 AM. We will gather on the Third Sunday of each month in 2025 for this new prayer effort I am calling CROSSWALK. We will be finished by 9:10 so you can get to your Sunday School Ministry Groups. I will guide us in these moments to pray for our church leaders, our Converge process, our staff, and our Transition Team as we begin this year of significance. God will offer guidance and directional leadership to us. Let us discern how to follow with active faith as we continue Jesus’ ministry investing in the mission of God.

Happy Birthday!

Camille Hutchison will celebrate a birthday on January 13. She is the daughter of Lee Hutchison and the granddaughter of Renee Hutchison.

Brotherhood of the Biscuit

January 17 at 6:30AM

St. John’s historian, Fredda Kimball, will be the speaker at the Brotherhood of the Biscuit on Friday, January 17 at 6:30 AM (Church Lounge). Fredda has recently put together the 100th Anniversary book for St. John’s. Copies of the book are not yet available but will be soon. Fredda will share stories of interest from our first 100 years in our morning with us. I hope you can join us for biscuits, fun learning, and fellowship next Friday morning. 


Please email Lee Gray  if you can join the Brotherhood of the Biscuit us on Friday January 17.

Still in need of Room in the Inn Volunteers!

Room in the Inn hosting at St. John's runs through Friday, March 14, 2025. We need volunteers like you to sign up to make this happen successfully.

This Friday, January 10, we need overnight hosts and set up crew volunteers.

Please contact Dale Johnson at 704-454-8931 or Alice Wirz at 704-222-6208 if you have any questions on any of these tasks.

Sign up below.

Sign Up to Serve

Calling All Families with Children!

There will be a meeting with all families with children immediately following worship on January 12 in the Church Lounge.

Additionally, we need help with snacks for Sunday School. Please help us provide nutritious snacks for our children, ages 2+. Donations of Goldfish Crackers, Welch’s Fruit Snacks, and juice boxes (apple, preferred), are needed. You may leave snack contributions in Kheresa’s office.


Sending a big THANK YOU to everyone who made a banana pudding for the shelter last year. You are appreciated by many men who remember their grandmother’s banana pudding. I hear also that Joy Follis helps her mother when she makes one.  

St. John’s has been faithful to Roof Above for many years.  

Just a reminder that we serve dinner at the Uptown Men’s Shelter the third Friday of every month.  

Maybe you will make it a new year’s commitment to one of those Fridays – either providing a pudding or serving with Lynn Bishop or Jim Keesee.  

Sincerely, Joy Jarrett

Volunteer Here


January 22

St. John’s retired adults and friends will meet at Portofino (Italian Cuisine) on 5126 Park Rd for lunch and fellowship on Wednesday, January 22 at 11:30 am. Please let Lee Gray know if you will be participating by Monday, January 20, so we can let the restaurant know final numbers for setup the following morning. A few of us will carpool and leave from the church at 11:05 on that Wednesday. If you plan to leave from the church please let me know when you make your reservation. You can also just meet us there. Hope you  can join us for lunch and fellowship!

Basketball Game Schedule

January 11

  • 6u Co-Ed – 1:00 pm @ St. John’s
  • 8u Boys Cardella – 3:00 pm @ St. John’s
  • 8u Boys Allen – 2:00 pm @ St. John’s
  • 8u Girls – 2:45 pm @ Sardis Presbyterian
  • 10u Boys Short – 3:45 pm @ Providence Baptist
  • 10u Boys Barnhardt – 11:00 am @ Mulberry Baptist
  • 10u Girls – 4:15 pm @ Hickory Grove Harris 
  • 12u Girls – 11:30 am @ Providence Baptist
  • 18u Girls – 11:00 am @ Charlotte Prep Academy

January 18

  • 6u Co-Ed – 10:30 am @ Providence Baptist
  • 8u Boys Cardella – 3:30 pm @ Providence Baptist
  • 8u Boys Allen – 9:30 am @ St. Stephen UM
  • 8u Girls - BYE
  • 10u Boys Short – 2:15 pm @ Victory Christian Center
  • 10u Boys Barnhardt – 3:15 pm @ St. John’s
  • 10u Girls – 10:00 am @ St. John’s
  • 12u Girls – 11:00 am @ St. John’s
  • 18u Girls – BYE

From the Heritage Room—

Much has been in the local news reports of the Habitat for Humanity Jimmy Carter Work Projects that have occurred in Charlotte. Following is an excerpt from the 100th Anniversary Book about the involvement of St. John’s in the 1987 Work Project.

The summer of 1987 was a very special time for Charlotte and for Habitat for Humanity. The international organization had grown to serve over two 200 in the United States and sixty internationally. Out of over 250 locations, Charlotte was selected as the third city to host the Jimmy Carter Work Project, later to become the Jimmy and Rosalyn Carter Work Project. The previous sites had been Chicago and New York. This selection was both recognition for a job well done and a challenge to reach even greater heights.

By the time Charlotte was selected for the Work Project, Habitat for Humanity of Charlotte had built or renovated seventeen homes in the Optimist Park neighborhood of north Charlotte. After the registration of volunteers at Queens College, and a welcoming dinner at St. John’s Baptist Church on Sunday, July 26, “The Miracle on 19th Street”, as it began to be called, started construction at 7:30 am on Monday, July 27 and concluded with a Dedication and Moving-In Ceremony at each of the homes constructed, finishing at 4:15 pm on Friday, July 31. Members of the St John’s Habitat siding and framing crews worked on the home constructed by President Carter and his wife, Rosalyn, along with the family of Dallas Brand, the owners of the new house. St. John’s members also helped with tool distribution and medical services.

The church voted to raise $25,000 for the construction of a house, but actually raised $33,181, including money raised by the children from bake sales. Not only did church members participate in the building, members also assisted in daily food preparation for lunches for the workers. At the beginning of the week, the church hosted a dinner for the 425 workers. Harriet Lasater was given a certificate and a hammer signed by Jimmy Carter in appreciation of her work in organizing the food for the workers during the week. At the end of the week, the Family News reported on the success of the project and included the following- “The memory of people working together for the good of the homeless will not soon fade. . . Although it was extremely hot and tiring, what a tremendous experience it was to complete these houses as projected. What a thrill to watch the families as they moved to their new home; to speak with the children who proudly showed each of us “their” own room, to speak with the homeowners as they saw this miracle unfold, trying out their new stoves and other appliances, to see the excitement as our work crew presented the homeowners with a new dinette set. All of these things contributed to the most personally rewarding week I have ever experienced.”

Both Harriet Lasater and Helen Moore of St. John’s, were recognized by Julia Maulden, the Director of Habitat for Humanity of Charlotte in a letter to Finance Chair, Ken Benton, dated September 17, 1987:

“. . . [thanks for] the bounteous and beautiful supper you served to all of us – more than 400, right? – at the very first meal on the evening of July 26. My hat is off to Helen Moore and Harriett Lasater, not only for that meal in their own church, but for supervising all the lunches and dinners of that week.”

Prayers, Thanks, and Celebrations 

Current Prayer Concerns: Shirley Ballard, Ric Bridges, Pauline Funderburk, Martha Kiker, Ken Sanford, Jane Starnes 

Continuing Prayer: Nancy Burgess, Pauline Funderburk, Carolyn Hall, Mary Rickenbaker, Anne Sutton, Jeck Warren

Betty Mullins passed on Sunday, January 5.

Arnold Philemon passed today on Monday, January 6.

Please remember their families in your prayers.

Funeral arrangements have not been finalized for either service yet, but we will let you know when they are.

Financial Update

2024 Full Year Budget: $1,211,000

Income Received Through December: $1,163,980 (96%)

2025 Draft Budget (Total Expenses): $1,233,000

2025 Pledge Goal: 150 Commitments, $900,000

2025 Pledges Received: 133 Commitments, $843,520

2024 Pledge Total: 140 Commitments, $884,000

Pledge Here

Staff On-Call Rotation

  1. Jan. 6-12: Lee 
  2. Jan. 13-19: Denni
  3. Jan. 20-26: Kheresa

Staff Contact Information

  • Rev. Dennis Foust, PhD, Senior Minister - 704-359-7234 (cell); 704-333-5428, ext. 2012
  • Rev. Lee Gray, Minister for Congregational Care - 704-333-5428, ext. 2015; 704-451-1309 (cell)
  • Rev. Kheresa Harmon, Minister for Children & their Families - 704-333-5428, ext. 2018; 910-890-3392 (cell)
  • Russell Nelson, Minister for Worship & Music - (980) 228-6244 (cell)
  • Mallory Brown, Media Coordinator - 704-477-3349 (cell)
  • Chloe Hall, Children's Choir Director
  • Noel Lance, Organist
  • Amanda Morrison, Church Administrator - 704-333-5428, ext. 0
  • Lydia Olmsted, Weekday School Director - 704-333-5428, ext. 2039

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St. John's Baptist Church | 704-333-5428 | 300 Hawthorne Lane, Charlotte, NC 28204 |