The Hanging of the Green service was wonderful and we thank all who participated in and led worship this past Sunday. Thank you, Linda Crowder, for the picture! |
In this week's Family News (Scroll to Learn More):
- The Church-Centered Life and the Christ-Centered Life: Does It Matter?
Parents Night Out on December 20: Register here
- Christmas Eve Worship
- Christmas Mailboxes for Neighbors & Friends
- Looking Forward: Prayer and Worship from Christmas to Easter
- Men's Shelter Service this Month on December 20
- The Advent of God's Gift: Resurrection Living
- Heritage Christmas Tree
Room in the Inn: Sign up here
- No Children's Sunday School on December 29
- Financial Ministry Plan Update
- Youth Events in December
- Church Basketball Game Schedule
- Prayer List, Sympathy, Thanks, and Celebrations
- Financial Update
- Minister On Call Schedule
- Staff Contact Info
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by Rev. Dennis W. Foust, PhD, Senior Minister
They influenced me for a lifetime by their example. Their names were Iva and Gene. They had five children and drove every Sunday morning from Olathe, Kansas to Kansas City, Missouri to be present for Sunday School and worship. It was about a 45-minute drive (each way), in the 1960s, for this family. However, they were always early. They would sit in their station wagon on the church parking lot before anyone else arrived and read through the scripture for the Sunday morning sermon with their children. The children would read and discuss the scripture story or passage. Iva and Gene would help the children with difficult words and explain ideas when the children asked questions. Every person in that family of seven was compassionate, thoughtful, positive, friendly, willing to help, and humble. As other members arrived, Gene and Iva and their children would enter the buildings where Iva taught preschoolers and Gene taught youth. This family was both church-centered and Christ-centered. Their witness lives on as I tell their story to you.
When I began serving congregations during my college years, in 1975, I noticed how some people were very involved in church life but revealed no evidence of a deepening commitment to follow, obey or practice the teachings of Jesus. They attended church faithfully and knew how to be kind, smile, dress in Sunday code, and do churchy things. However, they also knew how to gossip, criticize, condemn, manipulate, and create discord. You may have met their type too. It is possible to be church-centered without being Christ-centered in your living.
This distinction matters. People who are both church-centered and Christ-centered build a very different local church than those who are only church-centered. This seems to me to be another example of how ‘Both-And’ is the best pursuit. God’s Church expressed in local congregations, needs more members who are both Christ centered and church-centered. Let me add, since my entire life has been centered in local churches, I have no exposure to people who are Christ-centered without being involved in a local church. I just know being Christ-centered matters.
During these Advent and Christmas weeks, I encourage you to look into consider whether you need to renew yourself to being more Christ-centered or church-centered in your expressions of commitment. While both are important, it is essential for the Christ who was first heard through his infant cry in Bethlehem to be heard today by his Church. We need more folks like Iva and Gene who center their lives in building healthy families and churches by maturing in a Christ-centered life. Spiritual renewal is a good gift to present to God in the next few weeks. The world will be different, and your life will be better if you do so. Lovingly, your pastor.
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Parents' Night Out in December
Friday, December 20, 2024 6:00 pm Gym Parents, drop your kids off at church from 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. on Friday, December 20, where we will jump in bounce houses, play games, and watch The Grinch!
The cost of the event is $10 per child, which will help cover the costs associated with dinner.
Childcare for babies - two years of age will be provided by Mon Aye and Zebb Young, WDS teachers.
Sign up by December 16!
Christmas Eve with St. John's
On Tuesday, December 24, we will gather for our Christmas Eve service of Carols, Candles, and Communion in the Sanctuary at 5pm. All are welcome!
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The Christmas Card Mailbox for St. John’s Neighbors & Friends
The Christmas Card Mailbox for Neighbors and Friends will be up in the Main Entrance foyer (outside the gym) from Sunday, December 8 until Sunday, December 22. A list of 35 Neighbors & Friends, for whom you can write Christmas Cards and put in the mailbox, is attached to the Family News below. You can buy your own cards to put in recipients' mailboxes or use some of the blank cards provided.
All cards need to be turned into the mailbox by the end of worship on December 22.
by Rev. Dennis W. Foust, PhD, Senior Minister
As we look into the New Year of 2025, I invite you to join me in a new effort – CROSSWALK. I ask you to join me for CROSSWALK at 9:00 AM in the Sanctuary on the Third Sunday of each month for Communal Prayer.
Beginning on Sunday, January 19th, we will gather in the sanctuary every third Sunday of the month for prayer. Our communal prayer will be finished by 9:10 so you can get to your Sunday School Ministry Groups. I will guide us in these moments to pray for our church leaders, our Converge process, our staff, and our Transition Team as we begin this year of significance. God will offer guidance and directional leadership to us. Let us discern how to follow with active faith as we continue Jesus’ ministry investing in the mission of God.
I look forward to gathering with you this Sunday as our Chancel Choir leads us in worship. On the following Sunday, December 22, I will offer my last Advent message as your pastor entitled, ‘How Can I Keep from Singing?’ based on Mary’s song of praise in Luke 1:39-55. Then, at 5:00 pm on Christmas Eve, I will lead you in my last Christmas Eve expression of worship which will include our traditional carols, candles and communion. On December 29th, Lee Gray will offer the sermon. Paula and I will be in Indianapolis with my mother on her 93rd birthday.
On January 5th, I will offer a sermon entitled, ‘All I Got for Christmas Was a Picture of God.’ Then, on January 12th, Rev. Haley Blackwell will be with us in the pulpit and in the baptistery as she baptizes some of the youth she served during her time with us. On Sundays January 19th and 26th, I will offer two sermons on change as one way God redeems and heals us.
On February 2nd, I will offer a sermon entitled, ‘Many Builders, One Foundation: The Once and Future Pastor.’ We will observe Youth Sunday on February 9th. On February 16, 23, and March 2nd, I will offer messages on a few of my favorite scriptures including: John 3:16-17; 1 Peter 1:21-2:3; Romans 12:1-2; John 6:1-68; Ephesians 4:1-7, 11-16; and Matthew 28:18-20. During Lent, I will lead us in a detailed study of Jesus’ seven phrases spoken from the cross. This will lead us to Easter on April 20th. Sometime during Lent, I will let you know what I’ve planned for the St. John’s Pulpit from Easter through my last Sunday, August 24th.
It is my hope that you will consider being present on most of these Sundays. And I ask you to come together for these CROSSWALK Third Sunday Communal Prayer sessions at 9:00 AM in the sanctuary. Throughout my life, I have learned how prayer diminishes anxiety, clarifies visions, offers pathways for spiritual maturity, and nurtures church unity. Please know that I will be praying for you every day and I ask you to pray for me. Shalom!
Want to give a Christmas present to the homeless men at the uptown shelter?
We serve their evening meal, Friday, December 20 and we need 10 banana puddings for that night. You can volunteer to make one here. The link will give you all the information you need.
Thank you in advance.
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The Advent of God's Gift: Resurrection Living
This Advent, we express our worship to The Living God through the theme, "The Advent of God’s Gift: Resurrection Living." This year's devotional booklet (found below, on our website, and in hard copies) is to help you reflect on the meaning of this season.
- On December 15, we focus on God’s gift of joy through music by our Chancel Choir.
- On December 22, we renew our commitments to embody the Advent of God’s gift of love.
- On Christmas Eve, we celebrate God’s Gift of Resurrection Living from a manger to an empty tomb.
From the Heritage Room
Christmas Traditions
For the past two years, everyone was asked to bring an ornament to be placed on a Centennial Christmas Tree. All of those ornaments have been cataloged and stored. The tree—to be called the Second Century Tree going forward—will again be put up in the hallway behind the sanctuary. If you did not donate a Nativity themed ornament last year, please plan to donate one this year. Even if you or your family donated one last year, if you wish to donate another, please do so.
The ornament should be related to the Christmas Story and be identified with your name(s) and the year 2024 on the ornament in some way. You may put your ornaments in a basket to be located beside the tree or give them to Fredda, Linda, or Amanda. Thanks in advance for your contribution.
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Volunteer with Room in the Inn
For the 2024-25 season, St. John's and Caldwell Presbyterian Church will host 8 homeless neighbors from Roof Above within the Room in the Inn (RITI) program on 10 Friday/Saturday nights, starting December 27. Caldwell volunteers will host on the third Saturday night of December through March while St. John's volunteers will host on the second and fourth Fridays of those months.
RITI hosting at St. John's will begin on Friday, December 27 and runs through Friday, March 14, 2025. St. John's members are needed to drive our van for BOTH churches on all 10 hosting nights and the following mornings.
Please contact Dale Johnson at 704-454-8931 or Alice Wirz at 704-222-6208 if you have any questions on any of these tasks.
Sign up below.
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On Sunday, December 29, there will be no Sunday school for children, ages 3+.
Nursery will be provided as scheduled.
As financial commitments continue to be received by our Financial Office, please know your Financial Resource Team is grateful. Our visions for the future need financial support.
To this point, we have received 102 commitments totaling $671,560. Our goal is to receive 150 commitments totaling at least $900,000.
This means we still need to receive at least 48 commitments totaling $228,440.
If you can, please return your commitment card through the offering plate on a Sunday or inform Kim Ray in the Finance Office of your financial commitment in the next couple of weeks, it will help us plan for 2025. You can also pledge by clicking below.
Thank you again for your financial support of the many ministries of St. John’s and our ministry partners who meet needs within our church family, in metro Charlotte, and throughout the world. Our gifts do more than support a budget; they continue God’s work.
2024-25 Church Basketball Games
This season of church basketball has begun! Please come out and support our teams.
December 14:
- 6u Co-Ed - BYE
- 8u Boys Cardella - BYE
- Boys Allen - 1:45 at St. Paul Baptist
- 8u Girls - 1:30 at St. Stephen UM
- 10u Boys Short - 1:15 at St. John’s
- 10u Boys Barnhardt - 3:15 at St. John’s
- 10u Girls - 10:00 at St. John’s
- 12u Girls - 1:15 at Sardis Pres
- 18u Girls - 2:45 at Providence Baptist
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From the Heritage Room
In the 1930’s, “The Epic of Jesus” written by Dr. Chauncey Durden, the second minister at St. John’s was published. This book tells the story of the life of Jesus in the form of an epic poem. Following is the section from the book telling the Nativity Story:
The better that he tribute might exact
From all the conquered nations of the world,
Augustus Caesar did proclaim decree,
By which the head of every family
Were hence commanded to their native place
Repair, and there by law to be enrolled.
Read the rest of this poem here.
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Prayers, Thanks, and Celebrations
Current Prayer Concerns: ShShirley Ballard, Nancy Burgess, Arnold Philemon, Bill Roseman, Ken Sanford
Continuing Prayer: Tom Bryson, Pauline Funderburk, Carolyn Hall, Mary Rickenbaker, Anne Sutton, Jeck Warren
Financial Update
2024 Full Year Budget: $1,211,000
Income Received Through December 9: $1,061,508 (88%)
November Income/Expenses to be reported next week
2025 Draft Budget (Total Expenses): $1,233,000
2025 Pledge Goal: 150 Commitments, $900,000
2025 Pledges Received: 102 Commitments, $671,560
2024 Pledge Total: 140 Commitments, $884,000
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Staff On-Call Rotation
- Dec. 9-15: Lee
- Dec. 16-22: Dennis
- Dec. 23-29: Kheresa
- Dec. 30-Jan. 5: Russell
Staff Contact Information
Rev. Dennis Foust, PhD, Senior Minister - 704-359-7234 (cell); 704-333-5428, ext. 2012
Rev. Lee Gray, Minister for Congregational Care - 704-333-5428, ext. 2015; 704-451-1309 (cell)
Rev. Kheresa Harmon, Minister for Children & their Families - 704-333-5428, ext. 2018; 910-890-3392 (cell)
Russell Nelson, Minister for Worship & Music - (980) 228-6244 (cell)
Mallory Brown, Media Coordinator - 704-477-3349 (cell)
- Chloe Hall, Children's Choir Director
- Noel Lance, Organist
Amanda Morrison, Church Administrator - 704-333-5428, ext. 0
Lydia Olmsted, Weekday School Director - 704-333-5428, ext. 2039
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