St. John's Family News

Week of August 26-September 1, 2024 | Vol. 83, Issue 36 | @sjbccharlotte

Church Calendar | Give Online | Realm Log-In | Usher Schedule 2 Greeter Schedule 1 Greeter Schedule 2 | Men's Shelter Sign Up | Nursery Schedule | Divine Center Prayer Guide

In this week's Family News (Scroll to Learn More):

  1. Why I Enjoy Being a Pastor: Second in a Series
  2. A Church of Beautiful Grace in Action
  3. An Important Letter from Rev. Haley Blackwell
  4. Introducing 4 of Our New Deacon Nominees
  5. Weaving Our Community Fabric
  6. Women of the Church Luncheon: Register Now!
  7. Family Fall Cookout: Sign Up Below
  8. Nourish Up Food Drive in September
  9. Hope Chapel 30+ Anniversary
  10. SNL Meals and Adults Needed
  11. Children's Sabbath on October 6
  12. RISE Against Hunger in September: Register Now!
  13. Handbell Choir Begins Soon
  14. Church World Service at Truist Field
  15. CROP Walk in October
  16. The Old Becomes New: Repurposing King's College Dorms
  17. Craft & Bake Sale in October
  18. Fall Festival and Trunk Or Treat
  19. Women's Retreat in November
  20. Prayer List, Sympathy, Thanks, and Celebrations
  21. On Call Rotation
  22. Financial Update & Global Missions Update (Almost to our goal!)
  23. Minister On Call Schedule
  24. Staff Contact Info

Children, 3 years of age and up, will not meet for Sunday school on Sunday, September 1. Nursery will be provided as usual.

WHY I ENJOY BEING A PASTOR: Second in a Series

by Dennis W. Foust, Senior Minister

Last week, I described why my primary enjoyment in pastoral ministry is being trusted. It brings me deep joy to be trusted by God with this call to serve Christ’s Church through the pastoral life and to be trusted by God’s people.

A second enjoyment is closely tied to trust. I enjoy fulfilling my twofold pastoral responsibility delineated in Ephesians 4:12 to fulfill two purposes, “to equip the saints for the work of ministry” and “to build up the body of Christ.” In other words, I enjoy the relationships with people as we learn ways of collaborating to continue Jesus’ ministry in the world and strengthen the health and vitality of the local church and global Church.

Because I grew up as the son of a pastor, I was aware how Dad organized his pastor’s life. He introduced me to other pastors throughout my childhood and adolescence. By observing them, I realized there was no one approach to the work of the pastor. The pastors who seemed to be the most effective were committed to helping people learn.

By the time I entered my studies in college, I knew that pastoral ministry is not so much a ‘doing of things’ as it is a ‘growing of people.’ For this reason, I have always been interested in studying how to help people and groups learn. Throughout my fifty years of ministry, I have been involved in presenting seminars and workshops, designing leadership training modules, developing curriculum resources, training teachers, and writing materials used in Bible studies.

The teaching ministry of the local church is sprinkled throughout every aspect of congregational life. People experience spiritual formation through worship, learning groups, mission experiences, music and hymnody, etc. My preaching ministry has always focused on the didactic. Equipping God’s people for ministry in daily life is at the heart of my calling to ministry. It seems essential for a pastor to equip God’s people for ministry in daily life since we are called disciples (learners) of the Way of Jesus. I experience deep joy when people learn and when they grow in biblical, theological, and missional literacy.

Our world needs a Church that shapes of people for God. And God needs a Church consisting of disciples who are committed to obey everything Jesus taught us.

A Church of Beautiful Grace in Action

This summer, we have enjoyed worship as we have explored the practical applications of Jesus' example of love and how we can emulate this model today. This Sunday is our last message in this series, given by Rev. Haley Blackwell, called "A Church of Beautiful Grace in Action."

An Important Letter from Rev. Haley Blackwell

Followed by a note from Dennis

August 22, 2024

Dr. Dennis W. Foust

St. John’s Baptist Church

300 Hawthorne Ln

Charlotte, NC 28204

Dear Dennis,

After much thought and prayer, I am writing to formally resign from my position as Minister for Youth and Young Adults at St. John’s Baptist Church, effective September 22, 2024.

The decision to step down is rooted in my desire to better support Austin and Finn by moving closer to our family. As we navigate this season of life, being near our loved ones will provide the emotional and practical support that we need. While this has been a difficult choice, prioritizing my family's well-being is what feels right for us at this time.

I am deeply grateful for the opportunities I've had to serve alongside you and the rest of the staff. The community we've built together, the growth I've experienced as a minister, and serving at St. John’s have all been a tremendous blessing in my life.

Please know that this decision was not made lightly. The St. John’s community has been a blessing to our family and will forever be part of our story. Thank you for your leadership, support, and the shared journey we've had in serving this beautiful community.

With all my heart,

Haley Blackwell


While we are sad to say ‘good-bye’ to Haley, Austin and Finn, we pray for them and love them in ways that are supportive in their journey. I look forward to being in the sanctuary with you this coming Sunday as Haley preaches her last sermon among us. Her last Sunday with us will be September 22nd. She has communicated with the Youth Resource Team and will be working with them in the next few weeks to put together detailed plans tor the coming months. Our youth and their families are very important to us. We will keep you updated as plans emerge.

Introducing Our Deacon Nominees

This week, we introduce four of our deacon nominees for the coming year: Aiden Salmeron, Kelli McCombs, Debbie Pittman, and Suzanne Taylor. You can find their bios by clicking below.

Deacon Bios

Weaving Our Community Fabric

This will be in the form of a tapestry made on a vertical loom. What we need from each of you is a simple strip of cloth, 12-18” long X 3” wide (approximately). It may be cut or torn, any color, any pattern, and any type of fabric. You may choose to sign it or write something meaningful on it.

Bring your fabric as soon as possible!

There will be a table in the front corner with a tapestry collection basket on it. You may also select a fabric strip from the table if you wish. The actual weaving will take place as we transition into fall.

Please join us in this journey of collaboration. Together, let’s weave a tapestry that embodies the beauty of this community.

Please address questions to Cindy Osborne through Realm or email her at

Women of the Church Annual Luncheon

Luncheon on September 15, Register by September 8

The Women of the Church are looking forward to the Annual Luncheon and Business Meeting to be held in Broach Hall on Sunday, September 15 at 11:45 AM. We are excited to gather again for fellowship and food as we begin exploring this year’s theme of God’s Tapestry: Woven Together in Power and Purpose.

We are delighted to welcome our own Lynn Erdman as our guest speaker as she shares about the work she does at Dove’s Nest.

Reservations are REQUIRED by September 8 and the cost is $15.00 per person. You may register through Realm (click on events OR below) or by submitting the paper form and a check made payable to St. John’s Baptist Church. Paper forms may be found on the stands alongside the worship bulletins in the Sanctuary. For your convenience, you may place the form and your payment in the after-hours drop box outside the Church Office. Nancy Wilson will be available to receive reservations from 10:00 – 10:20 AM outside the Church Office on Sundays, September 1st and September 8th.

In the spirit of Women of the Church, donations to Dove’s Nest will be collected at the door. Such items include:

  • non-alcohol mouthwash, toothpaste, dental floss, Ibuprofen, feminine products (pads, tampons), lotion, shampoo & conditioner, Ace bandages, slide-on knee supports (S-XL), protein bars
Register Here

Family Fall Cookout on Saturday, September 7

Let's "fall into Fall 2024" with a cookout at the home of Liz and Jordan Benton (1401 Kingscross Drive, Charlotte, NC 28211-3973) at 11:30 a.m. on Saturday, September 7! Hamburgers and/or hotdogs, and buns will be provided. Let’s bring the condiments, sides, desserts, beverages, and paper products! Please review the available slots below and click below to sign up to bring items by September 2nd.

Questions? Please email or text Kheresa at or 910.890.3392.

Register to bring items and sign up below.

Sign Up to Bring Items Here
Sign Up to Attend Here

September Food Drive for Nourish Up

Each Tuesday about the same time you are going to lunch, there is a line in Charlotte of about 100 people who have been approved waiting to receive free food.

The location is the Galilee Church located at 3601 Central Avenue and the group is Nourish Up (formerly known as Loaves and Fishes).

During the month of September, St. John's will have a Nourish Up Drive collecting food items (see list below) for the approved folks.

Especially needed:

  • Beans, canned or dried. Not green beans
  • Canned corn, peas
  • Cereal
  • Canned peaches
  • Flour, sugar, salt, pepper
  • Preserves, any kind

Food can be left in the Giving Nook at the Main Entrance.

Celebrating the 30+ Anniversary of Hope Chapel

The United Baptist Association (currently consisting of the following churches - Greater Mt. Sinai Baptist, Park Rd Baptist, Sardis Baptist, & St. John’s Baptist) invites you to attend a special worship service at Hope Chapel on Sunday, September 15. Worship begins at 8:00 am followed by breakfast at 8:30 am. The address of Hope Chapel is 125 E. Wadsworth Place, Charlotte NC 28206. (This is just behind the Auto Bell on North Tryon Street.)

No RSVP is needed, just show up for worship and breakfast and there is ample time to return to St. John’s for Sunday School.

SNL Youth Begins Again in September

Host a Meal or Help Out as Second Adult


Our Sunday evening youth group will begin meeting again in September and we need YOU to help provide meals for them AND/OR serve as the second adult on site.

If you are interested in serving in this way, please email Haley at

The dates are as follows:

September 8th, September 15th, September 22nd, September 29th, October 6th, October 13th, October 20th, October 27th, November 3rd, November 10th, November 17th, November 24th, December 8th, December 15th

Children's Sabbath

Children Leading Worship on World Communion Sunday

October 6, 2024

Please join us for worship on Sunday, October 6, World Communion Sunday, as our children lead us in all aspects of worship - from singing and reading Scripture to leading in prayer and taking communion. This is a special Sunday and we hope you will plan to join us at 10:30am, our regular worship time.

Rise Against Hunger

Register Today for September 29 Event at St. John's

Did you know that a child dies from hunger every 10 seconds?*

Let’s work together to end global hunger. Please join us and congregants from several other local congregations for our Rise Against Hunger Packing Event on Sunday, September 29, immediately after worship with a fellowship lunch. Together we will package 20,000 meals on site for hungry people around the world. 

Registration for our event is now open. You may register to serve in up to 3 ways:

  1. Event set-up with Rise Against Hunger staff from 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
  2. Meal packaging from 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
  3. Event cleanup with Rise Against Hunger staff from 3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

We encourage you to learn more about the Rise Against Hunger packaging event by viewing an informational video:


If you have questions about our Rise Against Hunger event, please contact Anna Cushman or Kheresa Harmon.



Register Here

Have you ever played handbells, or are you interested in learning?

Then come join the handbell choir at rehearsals on Thursdays at 5:30 pm in the bell room on the second floor. We are a fun group and would love to have you join us. Rehearsals begin next week on September 5.

Contact Jacquelyn McAbee at or 434-579-1177 for more information.

Support Church World Service at Truist Field

Support Church World Service (CWS) of Charlotte by joining us at Truist Field on Thursday, September 12th at 7:04pm when the Charlotte Knights take on the Jacksonville Jumbo Shrimp. A portion of every ticket purchased through this link will go back to CWS of Charlotte to help aid the amazing work they do for the Charlotte community. 

This is a family friendly event and children 2 and under get in for free!

Come on out on September 12 to enjoy some baseball and support CWS Charlotte. Get tickets below.


Charlotte CROP Hunger Walk

Sunday, October 6, 2024 at Memorial Stadium


It’s almost fall, which means it’s time for the annual Charlotte CROP Hunger Walk!

The Charlotte CROP Hunger Walk is a poverty-fighting organization that honors the call to improve the quality of life of people suffering from poverty and hunger. We educate, inspire, and empower the Charlotte community to become agents of change through fundraising events with local and international impact. The Charlotte CROP Walk supports grassroots, hunger-fighting efforts of Church World Service in 35 countries across the globe as well as local hunger and poverty-fighting programs in the Charlotte community. Fight poverty – the number one cause of hunger – is at the heart of the CROP Walks. CROP Walks help provide food and water, tools and seeds, wells and water systems and the training and education needed for communities to move into self-sufficiency.

Over our 46 years, St. John’s has participated in the Charlotte CROP Walk to help end hunger. For most of the last 20 years Charlotte has had the largest CROP Walk in the world by raising $9.7 million during the walk. Twenty-five percent (25% = $2.4 million) of funds raised has been and will continue to be distributed locally and globally through our local agencies: Crisis Assistance Ministry, Nourish Up (formerly Loaves and Fishes / Friendship Trays), Second Harvest Food Bank and Church World Service. 

In 2023 St. John’s collected $3671 from 31 donors.  

For 2024 our goal is to raise $5,000 to contribute to the Charlotte city-wide goal of goal of $200,000.

This year the 46th annual Charlotte CROP Hunger Walk is Sunday, October 6, 2024, in Memorial Stadium. Registration is open 1:30 – 2:30 PM and you can Walk as soon as you are ready to begin and walk as many laps around the field as you like. Each lap is about ¼ mile. Most Walkers are finished by 3:30. There is parking available at the Stadium, or you can walk with the group from St. John’s. Plans are underway to provide a simple lunch at St. John's for the Walkers after worship.

Over the next weeks, this year’s St. John’s coordinators, Debbie Pittman and James Laney, will be providing additional information on how to register and begin your fund-raising efforts.

For now, save the date, October 6, and plan to make it a family event!

THE OLD BECOMES NEW: Repurposing Former King’s College Dorms

by Dennis W. Foust, Senior Minister

You may have noticed construction going on next door to our church facilities. Behind Broach Hall, on the adjoining property along Park Avenue, a new vision is emerging.

On the day the pandemic began, I called the men who owned the two old dorms, formerly part of King’s College, and I called Roof Above to connect these people in conversation. All I said was, “This pandemic is going to create a need for additional safe housing. One of you has a facility and one of you has the opportunity to serve people in need of housing. If you can work together, please do so for the sake of people in our city.” To their credit, those folks did connect and from May 2020 through July 2021, Roof Above used these dorms to operate an emergency shelter for working men with tailored support services for employment. During this time of use, Roof Above served 157 individuals with 110 exiting to permanent housing – a 70% success rate!

Roof Above now owns these dorms and they are focused on the adaptive reuse of the property that will be used as an abstinence based vocational transitional housing program. The old is becoming new as infrastructure is replaced in these buildings built in the early 1960s. We will enjoy our new neighbors. With all our Residential Partners and now with Roof Above, our entire city block has become a Servant Square. Don’t you enjoy seeing God work miracles through the open hearts of compassionate people?

Annual Craft & Bake Sale Is Back!

Sunday, October 20

The Needle and Craft Ministry will be having a Craft and Bake Sale on Sunday October 20th in Lasater Hall from 11:30 to 1:00pm. All proceeds will go to support the playground renovations. 

If you are interested in participating with craft items and/or baked goods please contact Ruth Jackson or Tricia Miller. Any and all donations will be greatly appreciated. We will only accept cash or checks on the day of the sale. Thank you for your support, our children will benefit from these renovations.

Fall Festival with Trunk-Or-Treat

October 27, 3-5pm

All are invited to join us for a Fall Festival and Trunk-Or-Treat at St. John's on October 27 from 3pm-5pm. We will need folks to dress up their car trunks and hand out candy for this event. Stay tuned for more details and contact Kheresa with questions.

2024 Women's Retreat

God's Tapestry: Woven Together in Power and Purpose

Please save the dates November 1-3 for our annual Women of the Church retreat. We are very glad to tell you that we will be returning to our beautiful mountain spot, the Blowing Rock Conference Center, for a weekend of food, fellowship, laughter, study, and growing together spiritually.

Sabrina Gilchrist will be our facilitator for the weekend. Using the theme “God’s Tapestry: Woven Together in Power and Purpose," she will lead us in a study of Mary and Elizabeth, and guide us in learning how we, as a community of women, can affirm each other’s gifts.

Mark your calendar and be ready for more details as the time draws nearer.

Prayers, Thanks, and Celebrations 

Current Prayer Concerns: Kathleen Bumgardner, Jack Crymes, Carolyn Hall, Lanny Loftis, Arnold Philemon, Shelly Zeigler

Continuing Prayer Concerns: Shirley Ballard, Tom Bryson, Charles Gordon, Mary Rickenbaker

Financial Update

2024 Full Year Budget: $1,211,000

Income Received Through August 18: $714,085 (59%)

Through July

Budgeted Income: $706,417 (58%)

Actual Income Received: $631,430 (52%)

Income Over (Under) Budget: ($74,987)

Actual Expenses Paid: $662,309 (55%)

Income/Expense Surplus (Deficit): ($30,879)

Global Missions Offering Goal: $25,000

Received through August 18: $22,860 (91%)

Staff Contact Information

  • Rev. Haley Blackwell, Minister for Youth & Young Adults - 704-333,5428, ext. 2013; 620-515-3558 (cell)
  • Rev. Dennis Foust, PhD, Senior Minister - 704-359-7234 (cell); 704-333-5428, ext. 2012
  • Rev. Lee Gray, Minister for Congregational Care - 704-333-5428, ext. 2015; 704-451-1309 (cell)
  • Rev. Kheresa Harmon, Minister for Children & their Families - 704-333-5428, ext. 2018; 910-890-3392 (cell)
  • Russell Nelson, Minister for Worship & Music - (980) 228-6244 (cell)

  • Mallory Brown, Media Coordinator - 704-477-3349 (cell)
  • Chloe Hall, Children's Choir Director
  • Noel Lance, Organist
  • Amanda Morrison, Church Administrator - 704-333-5428, ext. 0
  • Lydia Olmsted, Weekday School Director - 704-333-5428, ext. 2039

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St. John's Baptist Church | 704-333-5428 | 300 Hawthorne Lane, Charlotte, NC 28204 |