St. John's Family News

Week of December 16-22, 2024 | Vol. 83, Issue 52 | @sjbccharlotte

Church Calendar | Give Online | Realm Log-In | Usher Schedule Greeter Schedule | Men's Shelter Sign Up | Nursery Schedule | Room in the Inn Sign Up | Advent Devotional

In this week's Family News (Scroll to Learn More):

  1. Is God on Your Christmas List?
  2. Christmas Eve Worship
  3. Christmas Mailboxes for Neighbors & Friends
  4. Happy Birthday!
  5. Second Century Tree
  6. Room in the Inn: Sign up here
  7. No Children's Sunday School on December 29
  8. Financial Ministry Plan Update
  9. Weekday School Enrollment Open
  10. From the Heritage Room: The Magi
  11. Prayer List, Sympathy, Thanks, and Celebrations
  12. Financial Update
  13. Minister On Call Schedule
  14. Staff Contact Info


by The Rev. Dennis W. Foust, PhD, Senior Minister


One of my good friends has a wonderful personal tradition on Christmas morning. He rises very early, like 4AM, and watches the original 1946 version of the movie, ‘It’s A Wonderful Life.’ George and Mary Bailey, Mr. Potter, Uncle Billy, the children, and Clarence the Angel trying to earn his wings play out the plot in Bedford Falls. Although this personal tradition is a gift my friend gives to himself, it helps him renew his relationship with God. He focuses on the message of this story; God will never leave you alone. Is God on your Christmas list?


Here are three things God wants from you this Christmas.

1.    Renewal of Your Commitment to a Relationship with God. When Jesus asked you and everyone else to follow him, he challenged you to deny yourself, take up your cross and follow him (Mark 8:34). As people of God committed to follow Jesus, we must remember that our discipleship can drift. Christmas is a good time to renew your commitment to seek the ways of God by following Jesus.

2.    Daily Moments for Focused Prayer and Bible Reading. Just as you eat every day and exercise every day to care for your physical health, it is important to care for your spiritual health every day. I remind you that you are created in God’s image. Thus, you are not a physical body with a spirit. You are a spiritual being with a body. Care for your spiritual life.

3.    List the Ways You Serve God and Neighbor. When Jesus was asked to identify the greatest commandment, he did so by saying, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is related to it: Love your neighbor the way you need to be loved.” Beloved, Christmas is a good time to renew yourself to obeying Jesus’ teaching on love.


You can add to this list in all kinds of ways. Through the years, I have given to God my renewed commitments to be a faithful husband, a father who models discipleship to our children and grandchildren, and a pastoral minister who serves God’s mission and God’s Church. As you present gifts to others next week, I encourage you to offer gifts to God. And if you need to watch ‘It’s A Wonderful Life” to stir your soul, I can bear witness that it helps.

Christmas Eve with St. John's

On Tuesday, December 24, we will gather for our Christmas Eve service of Carols, Candles, and Communion in the Sanctuary at 5pm. All are welcome!

The Christmas Card Mailbox for St. John’s Neighbors & Friends

Due this Sunday! 

The Christmas Card Mailbox for Neighbors and Friends will be up in the Main Entrance foyer (outside the gym) from now until Sunday, December 22. A list of 35 Neighbors & Friends, for whom you can write Christmas Cards and put in the mailbox, is attached to the Family News below. You can buy your own cards to put in recipients' mailboxes or use some of the blank cards provided.

All cards need to be turned into the mailbox by the end of worship on December 22.

Christmas Card List

Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday on December 30 to Hampton Dietz. He is the son of Tammy and Alan Dietz.

Second Century Tree

For the past two years, everyone was asked to bring an ornament to be placed on a Centennial Christmas Tree. The tree—to be called the Second Century Tree going forward—is up in the hallway behind the sanctuary. If you did not donate a Nativity-themed ornament last year, please plan to donate one this year.


The ornament should be related to the Christmas Story and be identified with your name(s) and the year 2024 on the ornament in some way. You may put your ornaments in a basket beside the tree or give them to Fredda, Linda, or Amanda.

Have you signed up?

Room in the Inn hosting at St. John's will begin on Friday, December 27 and runs through Friday, March 14, 2025. For the 2024-25 season, St. John's and Caldwell Presbyterian Church will host 8 homeless neighbors from Roof Above within the Room in the Inn (RITI) program on 10 Friday/Saturday nights, starting December 27. Caldwell volunteers will host on the third Saturday night of December through March while St. John's volunteers will host on the second and fourth Fridays of those months.

Please contact Dale Johnson at 704-454-8931 or Alice Wirz at 704-222-6208 if you have any questions on any of these tasks.

Sign up below.

Sign Up to Serve

On Sunday, December 29, there will be no Sunday school for children, ages 3+.

Nursery will be provided as scheduled.


Thanks to the St. John’s community for your faithful commitments to God’s Work through Our Gifts. Your role is important in helping us provide the ministry and service opportunities we cherish at St. John’s, both inside and outside our church walls.


The 2025 Draft Ministry Budget of $1,233,000 was shared with the congregation during the Stewardship Campaign. While pledges make up the largest portion of income needs for the church, there are other sources of income that leadership continues to assess and grow where feasible, including interest earnings and leased space. The status of pledge commitments to date is recapped below.

2025 Draft Budget (Total Expenses): $1,233,000

2025 Pledge Goal: 150 Commitments, $900,000

2025 Pledges Received: 115 Commitments, $741,660

2024 Pledge Total: 140 Commitments, $884,000

If you’ve not had a chance to submit your financial pledge for next year, you may do so in the following ways:


  • Pledge Card - Available at the sanctuary entrances OR by calling the church office to have us mail one to you. Complete and place cards in the offering plate OR by mailing back to the church.
  • Realm – You can make your pledge via Realm on your mobile device or computer (see the link below).


Thanks again and let us know if we can help with any questions or concerns!


Phillips Bragg, Deacon Chair

Marc Cardella, Admin Deacon Panel Chair

Doug Hammond, Finance Chair

Kim Ray, Finance Administrator

Pledge Here

Do you know about the Weekday School or wish to learn more?

The Weekday School (WDS) is a children’s educational ministry supported and guided by Rev. Kheresa Harmon, the WDS Board, the WDS team, the church team, and the parent community. Its mission is to provide an equal balance of learning, play, and guidance in each child’s growing relationship with God.

The Weekday School enrollment is now in progress for next school year and there are several openings NOW in the 2s and 3s class for the rest of this current school year.

Who can enroll?

The WDS is open to families with children 6 months to 6 years old during the school year. There are 6 classes: Infants (six to 18 months), Toddlers (18-24 months), Twos, Threes, Fours, and TK (children who will be five Dec.).

Please see more information below in our flier and reach out to Lydia Olmsted, the Director, at for more info.

Weekday School Info Here

From the Heritage Room

Continuing from “The Epic of Jesus” by Dr. Chauncey Durden, the following is the story of the Magi:

While yet the mother happy did rejoice

Over her firstborn Son and to her breast

The Infant pressed, wise men from out the east

Came, guided by a strange new Moring Star,

To find and worship Judah’s new-born King.

By day they stayed, and journeyed on by night

But scarce had they come near Jerusalem,

When lo! The Star had passed from out their sight.

Read the rest of this poem here.

Prayers, Thanks, and Celebrations 

Current Prayer Concerns: Shirley Ballard, Arnold Philemon, Bill Roseman, Ken Sanford

Continuing Prayer: Tom Bryson, Nancy Burgess, Pauline Funderburk, Carolyn Hall, Mary Rickenbaker, Anne Sutton, Jeck Warren

Financial Update

2024 Full Year Budget: $1,211,000

Income Received Through December 16: $1,082,868 (89%)

Through November

Budgeted Income: $1,110,083 (92%)

Actual Income Received: $997,787 (82%)

Income over (under) budget: ($112,296)

Actual Expenses Paid: $1,071,080 (88%)

Income/Expense Surplus (Deficit): ($73,293)

2025 Draft Budget (Total Expenses): $1,233,000

2025 Pledge Goal: 150 Commitments, $900,000

2025 Pledges Received: 115 Commitments, $741,660

2024 Pledge Total: 140 Commitments, $884,000

Staff On-Call Rotation

  1. Dec. 16-22: Dennis 
  2. Dec. 23-29: Kheresa 
  3. Dec. 30-Jan. 5: Russell 

Staff Contact Information

  • Rev. Dennis Foust, PhD, Senior Minister - 704-359-7234 (cell); 704-333-5428, ext. 2012
  • Rev. Lee Gray, Minister for Congregational Care - 704-333-5428, ext. 2015; 704-451-1309 (cell)
  • Rev. Kheresa Harmon, Minister for Children & their Families - 704-333-5428, ext. 2018; 910-890-3392 (cell)
  • Russell Nelson, Minister for Worship & Music - (980) 228-6244 (cell)
  • Mallory Brown, Media Coordinator - 704-477-3349 (cell)
  • Chloe Hall, Children's Choir Director
  • Noel Lance, Organist
  • Amanda Morrison, Church Administrator - 704-333-5428, ext. 0
  • Lydia Olmsted, Weekday School Director - 704-333-5428, ext. 2039

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St. John's Baptist Church | 704-333-5428 | 300 Hawthorne Lane, Charlotte, NC 28204 |