pening Prayer:
Father, open our eyes that we may always see Jesus. Help us to look upward in faith regardless of what happens around us. Keep it fresh in our minds that if we are called to your purpose, we can know that good will come of our circumstances. Amen.
Hymn: God of Love and God of Power. 578
God of love and God of power,
grant us in this burning hour
Grace to ask these gifts of thee,
daring hearts and spirits free.
We are not the first to be
banished by our fears from thee;
Give us courage, let us hear
heaven’s trumpets ringing clear.
God of love and God of power,
thou hast called us for this hour.
All our lives belong to thee,
thou our final loyalty;
Slaves are we when e’er we share
that devotion anywhere.
God of love and God of power,
thou hast called us for this hour.
God of love and God of power,
make us worthy of this hour;
Offering lives if it’s thy will,
keeping free our spirits still.
God of love and God of power,
thou hast called us for this hour.
* * * * * *
Pastoral Prayer
Offering/Prayer of Thanksgiving
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or by mail: 820 Almshouse Road, Ivyland, PA 18974
Special Music: "It is Well with My Soul"
Jeff Cartwright & Amy Cons
"Real Life Encounters with Jesus"
Pastor Janice
Closing Hymn: Go Forth for God. 670
Go forth for God,
go to the world in peace;
Be of good courage,
armed with heavenly grace,
in God’s good Spirit daily to increase,
till in the kingdom we see face to face.
Go forth for God, go to the world in peace.
Go forth for God,
go to the world in love;
Strengthen the faint,
give courage to the weak;
help the afflicted; richly from above
God’s love supplies
the grace and power we seek.
Go forth for God, go to the world in love.
Go forth for God,
go to the world in strength;
Hold fast the good,
be urgent for the right;
Render to no one
evil, Christ at length
shall overcome all darkness with his light.
Go forth for God, go to the world in strength.
Go forth for God,
go to the world in joy,
to serve God’s people
every day and hour,
and serving Christ,
our every gift employ,
rejoicing in the Holy Spirit’s power.
Go forth for God, go to the world in joy.
* * * * * *
Go forth in peace. The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen.