St. John's Family and Friends,
In the uncertainty and disruption of 2020, one of the great blessings we've been able to experience together is the ability to worship online. We - along with congregations all over the world - quickly discovered how online worship isn't simply a luxury; it's an essential ministry. I want to thank our small team of dedicated volunteers whose hard work have enabled us to offer quality online worship each and every Sunday. Their efforts are greatly appreciated!
Like any ministry we offer in service to our Lord, help is needed to ensure our audio-visual ministry can continue to offer meaningful online worship. We currently have very little flexibility within the team in the event someone needs to be away. While some aspects of this ministry requires technical expertise, other aspects are very straight-forward. If you have the ability to advance PowerPoint slides, you can help us offer online worship!
I ask you to prayerfully consider serving God by assisting with this crucial ministry. Our team will get you trained and comfortable as you join a rotation of volunteers. In that process, you will be helping St. John's offer meaningful worship to our friends who must remain at home as well as a powerful witness to our neighbors! Those interested in serving can contact the office at or (215) 357-6998.
Thank you for your consideration, and for your faithful support of all we do in service to Christ at St. John's!
Grace and Peace,
Pastor Brad
St. John's Ivyland 820 Almshouse Road Ivyland, PA 18974