St. John's would like to welcome Assistant Pastor, Morris Coleman,
as our guest speaker on
February 26, 2023.
Guest Speakers for the month of March
March 5: Justin Swingholm
March 12: Justin Swingholm
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Printed copies are available on the information table.
For God so loved the world, he gave his only begotten son.
-John 3:16
The Upper Room
The March/April issues are on the bulletin board. Please let the office know if you want a copy mailed to you.
"God is Still Speaking"
Daily devotionals can be found on the church Facebook Group. Look on the left side of the Facebook page.
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
Nursing Home:
Beatrice Warlow
Florence Rhan
Shirley Haldeman
Betty Hower
Dennis Wood
Rochelle Stickler
Jason Galloway,
coming home
Kevin White, Lt. Col.
Lee Moyer, Navy
Paul, Air Force, Germany
Ben, Tim Gerhart's son, helicopter pilot stationed in Poland
Mary Young
Barbara Stahl
Tyler Haag
Earlene Baal
Joan Cousins
Deb Snavely
Mike Bell, Cowboy
John Snavely
Those We've Lost:
Michael Gerhart
Family & Friends:
Josh and Ana Hertzog
Colin Tobin
Gloria Brown, Linda's friend, cancer
Christine Heagy, missionary
Sue, Sally's sister-in-law, cancer
Logan and his parents
Ken, Bernie's brother, had a stroke
Jake Long, Donna B.'s friend, stroke
Scott Shelley, Tim's coworker, underwent surgery for cancer
Brenda, Mary Lou's sister, partial leg amputation
Carter Tillett, going through testing to diagnosis his pain
Thank you for your giving
It is encouraging to see both new and familiar faces at our worship services. Throughout the year, many of you already support the congregation with your time, talent and financial contributions but greater participation is always welcome. We encourage you to look into our electronic giving program. It takes just a few minutes to set up a recurring giving plan. Contact the church office for more details or pick up an authorization form today.
Enjoy the Convenience of Electronic Giving
Jayson Felty 03/03
Keith Salter 03/05
Lauren Hallowell 03/06
Sadie Tyrpin 03/06
Scott Clay 03/07
Frank Bachman 03/09
Sherry Gipe 03/11
Evan Hallowell 03/12
Mike Gipe 03/14
Lauren Deiter 03/14
Sally Bachman 03/15
Dennis Wood 03/16
Kimberly Olesh 03/17
Colby Boltz 03/18
Penelope Rank 03/18
Jeremy Fortna 03/19
Patricia Boltz 03/21
Betty Hower 03/22
Denise Kleinfelter 03/22
Dawn Eisenhauer 03/26
Judy Hoyt 03/28
Georgia Brandt 03/30
If you need a ride to Sunday Morning Worship Services, please call the Church Secretary 717-865-4453 no later than 10:00 am on the Thursday before to arrange transportation. Thank you.
Volunteers needed to help with transportation for those who need it in order to get to worship. Church Office 717-865-4453
Use our church Facebook to add pictures and comments. Let people know how much you love your church at St. John's. Make comments If you worship online.
To post on St. John's Facebook page, email or text photos and messages to the secretary Julie,
Grow Your Church!
Share what's happening!
Bring friends, family members, co-workers, and neighbors. Call church members. Invite a stranger. Mail a card.
JOY Pantry
The Jonestown Outreach Pantry continues to provide food, household items, and personal care items to the less fortunate in our local communities. We partnered with the Caring Cupboard in Palmyra. This allows us to provide milk, fresh produce, and frozen meat to our clients. Thank you for believing in our ministry and supporting us financially so we can provide a space where we can care for our neighbors.
-Linda Wood, Volunteer
Financial donations are always welcome and can be mailed to: JOY Pantry, P.O. Box 121 Jonestown, PA 17038
The Joy Pantry receives eggs from the PA Food Pantry and is no longer in need of egg cartons. Thank you for your generous contributions.
Amazon will be discontinuing the Amazon Smile program by February 20, 2023. We would like to thank everyone who included St. John's in their Amazon Smile purchases.
Thank you for supporting St. John’s UCC.
Please feel free to share concerns or ideas with your church board
St. John's Board Members
Paul Deiter
Tom Baal
Donna LeGay
Sally Bachman
Sue Boltz
A note from your
Board President:
March is upon us and the congregation approved the Lebanon Association Academy of Ministry Program. This is a big change for St John's, The Lebanon Association of the UCC, and the Penn Central Conference. It is new and different. As we progress through the program, we, as a congregation, must support all the Assistant Pastors, by attending services and understanding that it is a learning process. We must embrace and realize that Sunday Services, at times, will be altered and may be "not what we are use to." Let us all stay positive and encouraging as this new program moves within our church. Change = Growth
Our streaming service is up and running, a big Thank You to Ron and Paul for simplifying the process of uploading the services to be viewed on You Tube. The recording of the services will allow Pastor Bob and the Assistant Pastors to review their work, to help them learn and grow.
Tom Baal
Board President
"The Eaglet" is our monthly newsletter emailed to our members and contacts and mailed to shut ins.
"St. John's Weekly Happenings" is our weekly news & updates emailed to our members and contacts. This is not mailed to shut ins.
Printed copies of the Eaglet are available on the bulletin board. If you would like a copy mailed to you each month,
please contact the secretary,
Rooted in the grace of God, our mission is:
Penn Central Conference, where congregations passionately declare and demonstrate the courageous love of Christ.
The vision of the Penn Central Conference of the United Church of Christ is:
United in Christ’s love, we are…
Connected to God, neighbor and each other
Engaged in serving the needs and ensuring justice in our community and the world
Transformed in Christ’s love to create a better future for all to flourish
Penn Central Conference is one of 38 regional bodies of the United Church of Christ (UCC), which has 5,100 churches and 1.1 million members