January 2020
Costa Mesa, California

served by the Norbertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey

Dear Friends in Christ,

Greetings and Happy New Year from the Norbertine Fathers and Sisters, and the staff of St. John the Baptist Catholic Parish.

This issue of THE HERALD includes a Thank You from our pastor Fr. Augustine, highlights some joyful parish and school occasions, and contains important information about upcoming events, classes, and special devotions.

The month of January is dedicated to the Holy Name of Jesus. Below is an article about the devotion.
 The Joy and Beauty of Advent and Christmas
at St. John the Baptist, Costa Mesa!
St. John the Baptist Catholic School Christmas Pageant!
Beautiful singing and re-enactments.

Procession, Holy Mass,
and then . . .
a delightful party!

6:30 to 8:30 pm

Bible Sharing
with our
Norbertine Sisters

for young women
18 to 30

St. John the Baptist Convent
2960 Mendoza Drive
Costa Mesa, CA 92626

What to Bring: Bible, journal, an open mind and heart.

Clergy Night at SJB!

Join our parish community as we honor our Norbertine Fathers and religious Sisters on January 17, 2020 at 6 pm in the parish hall. 

We're truly blessed at SJB to have such a large and vibrant group of religious who are so readily available to us. Let’s take this opportunity to let them know that the many services they provide to us aren't taken for granted, but rather are a blessing to us every day. It’s also a nice way to get to know them a little better.

Dinner is $20 per person, includes a full BBQ meal catered by BT's Southern BBQ, and non-alcoholic beverages. There will be a cash bar.  

 The Atlantic String Ensemble will play live background music.

You may also purchase tickets at the Rectory Office
Due to limited space, only 200 tickets will be available.  

SJB Clergy Night is sponsored by St. John the Baptist
Knights of Columbus Council 14581
My deep and heartfelt thanks to our SJB parishioners, friends, and benefactors for your prayers, service, and financial support of our parish in 2019.

With regard to the Diocese of Orange Pastoral Services Appeal, I'm pleased to report that your generosity has enabled us to achieve and EXCEED our assessment of $108,000.

Our wonderful community raised a total of $164,726.30 in the appeal, which means that after the $108,000 assessment has been paid, $56,726.30 will be returned to St. John the Baptist for use in supporting our many ministries, services, and projects.

 Please continue to keep me, all of our Norbertine Fathers and Sisters, and our parish, in your prayers in the New Year 2020. 

God bless you and thank you again for your ongoing generous support.   

Fr. Augustine Puchner, O.Praem.


Discover the SJB difference at our Open House
on Sunday, January 26th!

Register HERE
Please gather in the parish hall at 2 pm.

You'll learn how we are raising Catholic-Christian leaders who are grounded in their faith and have a SOUL!
S ervice to others
O ffer gifts to God
U nderstand and make healthy choices
L earn as humble scholars
At Saint John the Baptist Catholic School, we pride ourselves on our vibrant Catholic Community, holding Christ and His Church at the center of our daily lives.


St. John's students receive formal religion instruction including weekly classes with a Priest chaplain in grades TK through 6, and daily classes in grades 7 and 8.

For more information: visit www.sjbschool.net
or email Mrs. Bonnie Risse at  admissions@sjbschool.net 
or call (714) 557-5060 ext. 205.
Only in Southern California . . . SJB SNOW DAY!

Once again this year, our SJB students were treated to a fun and exciting "snow day!"
Our thanks and appreciation to the students and families of
J Serra Catholic High School for their participation in
sponsorship of Snow Day!


Help our parish pray for more vocations to the priesthood and religious life.

Sign up to take home a beautiful Crucifix from the Holy Land for one week.
This commits your family to use it in a daily prayer for vocations.

You may sign up on the dry-erase board in the vestibule of the Church .
The Crucifix is received by the family at the end of a Sunday mass,
along with a recommended prayer.

St. John the Baptist has a Friday night youth group (for ages 13 to 18) led by Fr. Alan Benander, O.Praem. The group meets at 7 pm in school classroom 7A for a learning session, which is followed by Adoration before the Blessed Sacrament in the church - where confession is also available.
Then there's some fun and food until about 10 PM.

Contact Denise at sjbyouthcostamesa@gmail.com for more information and to be added to the email list for updates.
Our parish is in need of additional lectors for our
English weekend Masses.

If you have a special love for the Scriptures.
A good reading voice and good public speaking skills. 
Please consider being one of our lectors.

You'll receive training from our very own Fr. Godfrey, as well as online training resources.

We utilize ministry scheduling software that makes it easy to let us know the days/times that work for your schedule, and also inform us of the dates/times when you aren't available.

If you are interested in serving our parish in this ministry, email
Fr. Godfrey at frgodfrey@sjboc.org
or Tony Manrique at tony@sjboc.org
Keep up with the latest news, and help us spread the word about our magnificent Catholic Faith and important events.

Click the Facebook logo on the right and then LIKE and FOLLOW us!
Our goal is to reach 1,000 Page "Likes"!

Click on the logo on the right.
January is the month of
the Holy Name of Jesus
The month of January has traditionally been dedicated to the Holy Name of Jesus.

God Himself chose Jesus’ name. The Angel Gabriel announced to Mary, “And now, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you will name him Jesus” ( Lk 1:31 ).  

And Joseph had a dream in which the angel told him, “You shall call His name Jesus, for He will save his people from their sins” (Mt 1:21). The Gospel of Luke further relates that  After eight days had passed, it was time to circumcise the child; and he was called Jesus, the name given by the angel before he was conceived in the womb” ( Lk 2:21 ).
The New Testament is filled with incidents where the name of Jesus is invoked to drive out devils, cure illnesses, and perform miracles. The Holy Name is exalted by St Paul: “at the name of Jesus every knee should bend, in heaven and on earth, and under the earth…” (Philippians 2:10). Jesus reinforces the power of His name in St. John’s Gospel: “If you ask the Father anything in my name he will give it you” ( Jn 16:23 ).
The Holy Name was promoted in a special manner by St. Bernard, St. John Capistrano, and St Bernardine of Siena, who first used the monogram “IHS,” derived from the Greek letters forming the word “Jesus.” A later tradition holds that IHS represents the Latin  Iesus Hominum Salvator , meaning “Jesus Savior of Mankind."
In their preaching missions throughout Italy, St. Bernardine and St. John carried the monogram of the Holy Name surrounded by rays. They blessed the faithful with this monogram, invoking the name of Jesus, and many miracles were reported. They also encouraged people to have the monogram placed over the city gates and the doorways of their homes. Dispelling the objections of some who considered this veneration superstitious, Pope Martin V in 1427 approved the proper veneration to the Holy Name and asked that the cross be included in the monogram IHS.
In 1597, Pope Sixtus V granted an indulgence to anyone reverently saying, “Praised be Jesus Christ!” Pope Innocent XIII extended the Feast to the whole Church in 1727. 

St. Alphonsus Liguori said: 
The name of Jesus is a name of gladness, a name of hope and a name of love. A name of gladness, because if the remembrance of past transgressions afflicts us, this name comforts us, reminding us that the Son of God became man for this purpose, to make himself our Savior. A name of hope, because he that prays to the Eternal Father in the name of Jesus may hope for every grace he asks for: If you ask the Father anything in My name, He will give it you. A name of love. For the name of Jesus brings to our remembrance all the sufferings which Jesus has endured for us in his life and at his death.
Visit our parish website for information on Mass times, ministries,
sacraments, and volunteer opportunities.

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