My deep and heartfelt thanks to our SJB parishioners, friends, and benefactors for your prayers, service, and financial support of our parish in 2021.

With regard to the Diocese of Orange Pastoral Services Appeal, I'm pleased to report that your generosity has enabled us to achieve and EXCEED our assessment of $100,000.

Our wonderful community raised a total of $167,228 from 224 donors in the appeal, which means that after the assessment has been paid, $67,228 will be returned to St. John the Baptist and used to supplement our operating budget to further develop and sustain our parish ministries, augment our building fund for future capital projects, and enhance our lighting and audio systems in the church.

Please continue to keep me, all of our Norbertine Fathers and Sisters, and our parish, in your prayers in the New Year 2022. 

God bless you and thank you again for your ongoing generous support.   

Fr. Augustine Puchner, O.Praem.