March 2020
Costa Mesa, California

served by the Norbertine Fathers of St. Michael's Abbey

Dear Friends in Christ,

Lenten greetings from the Norbertine Fathers and Sisters, and the staff, of St. John the Baptist Catholic Parish.

This issue of THE HERALD highlights a new SJB school event, contains important information about our 2020 Parish Directory, lists special Lenten Devotions and Prayers, congratulates our girls basketball team, and thanks Bishop Thanh Thai Nguyen.

The month of March is dedicated to St. Joseph. Below is an article about the devotion.
1st Annual Family S.T.E.A.M. Night at
SJB school was a "hit."
On Feb 12, SJB School held its 1 st annual Family S.T.E.A.M. Night. Dozens of “hands-on” exhibits featuring S cience, T echnology, E ngineering, A rt, and M ath dotted the school grounds and filled the parish hall. 
Students, parents, and visitors enjoyed the displays - including Arcade Games built by the 8 th graders, stop motion animation created by the 7 th graders, marshmallow “molecule” models from the 5 th grade, Valentine Sculptures from the 4 th grade, and a Marble Run from the 2 nd grade – while dining on gourmet hot dogs and unique ice cream desserts. 

Among the exhibits was a unique “Stations of the Cross” presented by the Robotics Club. Club members built a robot that represented Jesus (complete with a crown of thorns) as he carried His cross on the road to Calvary. Each Station was highlighted with classic artwork, and the Stations were laid out on a grid that represented the Via Dolorosa. 
The students programmed their robot to pick up the Cross at the 2 nd Station, and carry it. At the 3 rd , 7 th and 9 th Stations the Cross was lowered, representing Jesus falling the first, second, and third times. Under the tutelage of Mr. Neil Merritt, the students also compiled a quiz with questions built around the Stations - with an added category of R eligion.  
Undoubtedly, the first SJB Family S.T.E.A.M. night was a success! School Principal Paula Viles commented, “the event was a real ‘hit,’ we’re already planning our 2021 Family S.T.E.A.M. night.”  

In 2020, St. John the Baptist parish celebrates its 60th Anniversary!

As part of the celebration we're commissioning a Parish Directory, and we want ALL SJB parish and school families to participate. It's free!  

Everyone who has a photo taken will receive a FREE, color, 8X10, print and a free copy of the Directory!

Please sign up TODAY for your photo session.  It’s easy! 

Sign up online BY CLICKING HERE .

Or call our Rectory Office (714) 540-2214 weekdays between 10 am and 3 pm. 
Weekdays: April: 6, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 – between 2 and 9 pm
Saturdays: April 4, 18 – between 10 am and 5 pm

6:30 to 8:30 pm

Bible Sharing
with our
Norbertine Sisters

for young women
18 to 30

St. John the Baptist Convent
2960 Mendoza Drive
Costa Mesa, CA 92626

What to Bring: Bible, journal, an open mind and heart.

with Fr. Andrew Tran, O.Praem.

"Practical Use of the Bible in Daily Life." 

Friday evenings 7:00 to 8:30 pm in Vietnamese
(Mar 13, 20, 27)

Saturday mornings 9 to 11 am in English
(Mar 14, 21, 28)

All talks in the Parish Hall / Food & Refreshments provided

Mar 6, 13, 20, 27
Apr 3
A beautiful Lenten Devotion

In the church:
6:30 pm - Vietnamese

7:45 pm - English
(Spanish texts available)
with Brother Mauricio,
of the Totus Tuus Community

Consecration of the Family to
Jesus of the Divine Mercy

Veneration of First Class Relics
of St. John Paul II and St. Faustina

Program will include prayer, teaching,
and a healing service

English - Monday & Tuesday, Mar 16 & 17 - 7 to 9 pm
Spanish - Wednesday &Thursday, Mar 18 & 19 - 7 to 9 pm

Mar 6, 13, 20, 27
Apr 3

Our Knights of Columbus Council 14581 will once again be serving up the best fish fry in the OC!

Great food . . .

. . . wonderful camaraderie

an SJB Lenten tradition!  

Serving from 5 to 8 pm

Proceeds from the Fish Fry will support the purchase of an ultrasound machine
for an Obria Clinic.


Congratulations to our SJB Girls "A" basketball team,
undefeated League Champions and 2020 Parochial Athletic League Large School Champions!
Kudos as well to head coach Todd Main and assistant coach Joe O'Hara
Now enrolling for the 2020-2021 academic year.

Interested parents should contact the school to
arrange a visit and tour.

or email Mrs. Bonnie Risse at 
or call (714) 557-5060 ext. 205.


St. John the Baptist parish was honored to welcome Bishop Thanh Thai Nguyen on Feb 22 to celebrate the inaugural Mass of the Diocesan 40 Days for Life Campaign to end abortion and save lives.

Fr. Alan Benander, O.Praem. and Fr. Gregory Dick, O.Praem. were concelebrants.
 Throughout Lent, those participating in the campaign will seek to end abortion by prayer, fasting, and peaceful prayer vigils outside Planned Parenthood facilities in Orange, Mission Viejo, Santa Ana, Costa Mesa, and Westminster.
For more information visit:


Help our parish pray for more vocations to the priesthood and religious life.

Sign up to take home a beautiful Crucifix from the Holy Land for one week.
This commits your family to use it in a daily prayer for vocations.

You may sign up on the dry-erase board in the vestibule of the Church .
The Crucifix is received by the family at the end of a Sunday mass,
along with a recommended prayer.

St. John the Baptist has a Friday night youth group (for ages 13 to 18) led by Fr. Alan Benander, O.Praem. The group meets at 7 pm in school classroom 7A for a learning session, which is followed by Adoration before the Blessed Sacrament in the church - where confession is also available.
Then there's some fun and food until about 10 PM.

Contact Denise at for more information and to be added to the email list for updates.
Our parish is in need of additional lectors for our
English weekend Masses.

If you have a special love for the Scriptures.
A good reading voice and good public speaking skills. 
Please consider being one of our lectors.

You'll receive training from our very own Fr. Godfrey, as well as online training resources.

We utilize ministry scheduling software that makes it easy to let us know the days/times that work for your schedule, and also inform us of the dates/times when you aren't available.

If you are interested in serving our parish in this ministry, email
Fr. Godfrey at
or Tony Manrique at
Keep up with the latest news, and help us spread the word about our magnificent Catholic Faith and important events.

Click the Facebook logo on the right and then LIKE and FOLLOW us!
Our goal is to reach 1,000 Page "Likes"!

Click on the logo on the right.
March is dedicated to St. Joseph
The month of March is dedicated to St Joseph, spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the foster-father of Jesus. Holy Scripture proclaims him as a “just man” and the Church has turned to St Joseph for his patronage and protection. 

He is the patron of the Universal Church. He is the patron of the dying because Jesus and Mary were at his death-bed. He is also the patron of fathers, of carpenters, and of social justice. Many religious orders and communities are under his patronage.

The Church celebrates two feast days for St. Joseph: March 19 for Joseph the Husband of Mary, and May 1 for Joseph the Worker. March 19 has been the most commonly celebrated feast day for Joseph, and in 1955 Pope Pius XII established the Feast of "St. Joseph the Worker" to be celebrated on May 1 to reflect Joseph's status as the patron of workers.

The Church encourages us to be devoted to St. Joseph because he was a model in the heroic practice of all the virtues. The example of virtuous living he gave in the exact fulfillment of the duties of his state of life is worthy of our reflection. He was prudent in caring for his wife and the child Jesus; he showed great leadership in protecting them and assisting them. He was conspicuous for his fortitude and courage. He protected and defended  Mary's virtue in the time of courtship and throughout their life together. They had made a promise of chastity, and because they were resolved to live it for God they were blessed above all others. While Mary inspired him to practice this virtue perfectly, he, as a real man, understood the profound meaning of her inspiration and how it came from a heart that was steeped in the love of God.

Pope Leo XIII in his encyclical Quamquam Pluries (On the Devotion to St Joseph) in 1889 explains why we place so much trust in this saint:

Thus in giving Joseph the Blessed Virgin as spouse, God appointed him to be not only her life’s companion, the witness of her maidenhood, the protector of her honor, but also, by virtue of the conjugal tie, a participator in her sublime dignity. And Joseph shines among all mankind by the most august dignity, since by divine will, he was the guardian of the Son of God and reputed as His father among men.

Hence it came about that the Word of God was humbly subject to Joseph, that He obeyed him, and that He rendered to him all those offices that children are bound to render to their parents. From this two-fold dignity flowed the obligation which nature lays upon the head of families, so that Joseph became the guardian, the administrator, and the legal defender of the divine house whose chief he was. And during the whole course of his life he fulfilled those charges and those duties.

…It is, then, natural and worthy that as the Blessed Joseph ministered to all the needs of the family at Nazareth and girt it about with his protection, he should now cover with the cloak of his heavenly patronage and defend the Church of Jesus Christ.”

One hundred years later Pope John Paul II echoes his predecessor in his 1989 Apostolic Exhortation  Redemptoris Custos   (Guardian of the Redeemer), hoping "that all may grow in devotion to the Patron of the Universal Church and in love for the Savior whom he served in such an exemplary manner ... In this way the whole Christian people not only will turn to St. Joseph with greater fervor and invoke his patronage with trust, but also will always keep before their eyes his humble, mature way of serving and of "taking part" in the plan of salvation."

St. Joseph plays a prominent part in popular devotion: 
·      In the custom of reserving Wednesdays for devotion to St. Joseph — popular since the 17th century — which generated pious exercises including that of the  Seven Wednesdays;
·      In prayers such as that of Pope Leo XIII,  Ad te, Beate Ioseph , which is daily
recited by the faithful;
·       In the  Litany of St. Joseph, approved by St. Pope Pius X;
·      In the recitation of the  Chaplet of St. Joseph, recollecting the Seven Agonies and Seven Joys of St. Joseph.

St. Teresa of Avila wrote, "Of all the people I have known with a true devotion and particular veneration for St. Joseph, not one has failed to advance in virtue; he helps those who turn to him to make real progress. For several years now, I believe, I have always made some request to him on his feast day, and it was always been granted; and when my request is not quite what it ought to be, he puts it right for my greater benefit.”

Daily Morning Prayer to St Joseph

Blessed Joseph, husband of Mary
Be with us this day.
You defended the Virgin
loving the Child Jesus as your son,
you rescued Him from danger of death.
Defend the Church, the household of God,
purchased by the blood of Christ.
Guardian of the Holy Family,
be with us in our trials,
may your prayers obtain for us
the grace to flee from error
and wrestle with the powers of corruption,
so that in life we may grow in holiness
and in death rejoice in the Crown of Victory. Amen.

Excerpted from:
Jennifer Gregory Miller
St. Joseph: a Theological Introduction by Michael D. Griffin, O.C.D.
Visit our parish website for information on Mass times, ministries,
sacraments, and volunteer opportunities.

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