St. Louise School Weekly Bulletin

School News for Jan 25-Feb 1, 2024

A Note from Mr. Fuerte

Dear Families,

Re-enrollment begins for the 2024-2025 School Year

We are excited that the re-enrollment process begins today for our current school parents. Today in the Red Envelope, school families will receive a hard copy of the instructions for re-enrolling for 2024-25 school year. You will also find the instructions below in today's bulletin.

The deadline to complete your re-enrollment is February 12 – you won’t want to procrastinate since current families who re-enroll by the 12th save $125 on their registration fee and will be guaranteed a spot for next year. Don’t delay because we have many prospective new families wanting to join the St. Louise community and we will begin accepting new students shortly after February 12.

I know that enrolling your child at St. Louise is a big commitment of both time and treasure for your family. Here are some reasons why St. Louise School is worth it!

#5 – More than just the 3 “R’s” your children learn at any school (Reading, ‘Riting, ‘Rithmetic), at St. Louise they learn a total of 6 “R’s”, as we are able to add Religion, Respect, Responsibility.

#4 – St. Louise graduates are accepted to the finest high schools and are well prepared for the rigors of secondary education.

#3 – Paying for your child to be educated at St. Louise is a sound investment in your child’s future.

#2 – The St. Louise teachers and staff are second-to-none in the skills they bring to their jobs and the concern they have for your kids.

And the #1 reason you should re-enroll your children in St. Louise is…

#1 - Christ is the reason for our school. He is the unseen but ever-present teacher in every classroom. He is the model for our faculty and the inspiration for our students.

In addition to receiving your re-enrollment instructions today, I would like to provide information on applying for a tuition assistance grant. Please go HERE for tuition assistance information.

We certainly wouldn’t want a family to choose to not return to St. Louise School simply due to the assumption that it might be impossible on the family budget to pay tuition. We purposely work at building up our tuition assistance account exactly for this reason of making sure a family who desires a Catholic school education can get financial help if they are facing a difficult financial situation. Thanks to generous contributions from school supporters such as many school parents, our Father Phil Wallace Tuition Assistance Endowment Fund is around $2,700,000, and thus is generating enough interest income each year for us to be able to provide financial aid to over 10% of our student population.

Besides scholarships helping to make St. Louise accessible, we are proud that our 2024-2025 tuition rates continue to be one of the most affordable Catholic or private school educations on the Eastside! With this welcome news, I hope you won’t delay in finishing your re-enrollment paperwork and paying your $125 re-application fee by the deadline of February 12th. Again, please realize that after the 12th, we’ll start filling open roster spaces to newly enrolling families, and the fee increases to $250.

Congratulations in your wise investment in your children’s future by re-enrolling them for a St. Louise School Catholic education!

St. Louise Open House – Share your St. Louise Story and earn a Tuition Referral Bonus

Invite friends, co-workers, neighbors to our Open House this Sunday, January 28 from 3-5:00. When they enroll, you will receive a Tuition Discount of one month tuition.


Catholic Schools’ Week - January 28 – February 4

  • Special fun crazy themed wear during the week.
  • 7/8 grade students will have lunch with their parents on Wednesday, January 31, 2024, from 11:30am-1:00pm. Mrs. Herridge has sent information to the 7/8 grade parents. 
  • Eighth grade student essays being read at the January 27 and 28 parish Masses.
  • 2 graders leading CSW Masses.
  • A week of Appreciation for Catholic school teachers.

Update on School Personnel

Another update in terms of School Personnel is that Mrs. Sharilyn Lux will be stepping down as Junior High Spanish Teacher at the end of the school year. We will be looking for a Grades 6-8 Spanish Teacher in the next few months and we want to thank Mrs. Lux for starting the Spanish program at St. Louise. The message below is from Mrs. Lux:

I have been so blessed with the experience of starting the St. Louise Spanish program in the Junior High at St. Louise as an optional elective. It has filled my heart with joy to grow with the program to the current level of 3 years of required Spanish and introducing Spanish Club to St. Louise. It is a pleasure to work with such a fantastic team of dynamic individuals. I am excited for where God’s plan takes me.


Mrs. Sharilyn Lux

Have a blessed weekend,

Mr. Mike Fuerte


Announcements - 2024-25 Re-Enrollment Details


We are excited to invite our Current Families to re-enroll for the 2024-24 School Year and Kids Club beginning today. You read in Mr. Fuerte's letter above about the importance and value of Catholic Education, and below are some details, and the steps to complete the re-enrollment process. You'll receive additional information in your Red Envelope today as well - so check your student's backpack and get started saving your spot for next year!

Step 1 - 2024-25 Parent Contract

This form from DocuSign is being emailed to each family individually. Look for it in your inbox (or your junk folder). Please contact the school office if you do not receive this emailed contract. Please complete, sign, and submit the Parent Contract.

Step 2 - Re-Enrollment Fee

Please pay your non-refundable application fee online here at a special reduced price of $125 per family. After February 12, the fee increases to $250.

Step 3 - 2024-25 Skyward Student Re-Enrollment & New Sibling Enrollment

Complete the Student Re-enrollment form through the Skyward student management system. You must confirm that the student and family information we have in Skyward remains accurate heading into the new school year – such as your family’s address, phone numbers, email addresses, etc. Additionally, you can register your new siblings here and sign up for Kids Club too! To do this, please:

  1. Log into Skyward here.
  2. Once you log in, click on “Re-Enrollment for "2024-25" and follow the steps to completion.
  3. If you forgot your log-in ID and/or password, there is a link you can click to have it sent to you (or you may contact Mindy Morgan or Tracy Brown in the school office at [email protected]).
  4. If you will be newly enrolling a child who has never attended St. Louise School, please click on the “New Student Online Enrollment” link on the left-side after you log into Skyward.

Unfortunately, Chick-Fil-A will no longer be able to provide Hot Lunch to St. Louise after January 30. We are working on a new vendor, but for the short term, we will not have a Hot Lunch option for Tuesdays.

We apologize for the inconvenience, and will keep you posted on a new Tuesday vendor as soon as possible.

Please reach out to Mindy/Tracy in the office with any questions.

Current Families are welcome to attend the Open House - bring your incoming siblings to check out their new classroom, or attend the Middle School Presentation.

RSVP for Winter Open House

Breakfast for lunch?? Yes please!

Did you miss signing up your child for this fun lunch during the auction?

There is still time to do so until February 1.

Not sure if you've already signed up - contact the front office to check.

Order IHOP Lunch for February 6
Register for the Father/Daughter Dance

Chargers C.A.R.E. & Auction News!

You Are Invited

New Bethlehem Program's Annual Fundraiser - Mardi Gras Soiree! Consider attending this fun evening with proceeds supporting NBP.

Buy Tickets

Thank you to those who have inputted their feedback to our Auction Survey so far - we received a fantastic set of responses last week.

Please consider taking 2-3 min to share your opinions and preferences on the upcoming auction as well as areas of focus for fundraising for STL

Take the Auction Survey

Clubs & Extra-Curricular Activities

Looking for Summer Camp Opportunities for your Middle Schoolers? Check out Seattle Prep's programs happening in June!

Parents' Club News - Charger Cards & Parent Education!




If you are interested in childcare for the event, please email [email protected]. Note that child care is available for fully potty trained children ages 4-14.

RSVP for Parent Education Night

Mark your Calendar!

  • January 25 - Parent Education Class 6pm
  • January 25 - RE-ENROLLMENT Begins
  • January 26 - Grandparents' Mass & Reception 9am
  • January 27/28 - Catholic Schools Week Masses all weekend
  • January 28 - Winter OPEN HOUSE & Middle School Presentation, 3-5pm
  • January 29-Feb 2 - Catholic School's Week!
Subscribe to the School Calendar Here

Charger Shout-Outs - Liam C. & Andre O.

8th Graders Liam C. and Andre O. just completed serving for one week as Washington Senate Pages at the capitol in Olympia!

The Washington State Legislature has one of the finest page programs in the country. Each year, hundreds of students from across Washington State have the opportunity to take part in the legislative process and observe the Legislature and other branches of state government in action.

Pages are sponsored by legislators and serve for one week during the legislative session, which runs January-April in odd numbered years and January-March in even numbered years. Pages spend their week learning about the legislative process while distributing materials throughout the Capitol Campus, assisting offices, delivering messages, working on the Senate Floor, and presenting the colors at the opening of the day's legislative session. Pages also spend time each day in Page School learning about all aspects of state government.

Way to go Liam and Andre!

We LOVE our Volunteers!

Hospitality Help Needed

The St Louise Hospitality Committee could use your help with donations of home-cooked and store bought goods and other supplies to support our four upcoming events. Please use the below Sign Up Genius Links to sign-up for specific items. Please pay close attention to the amount needed and deadlines to be brought into school. Donations can be counted for school required volunteer hours. Please reach out to Meghan Green (206-388-9350) with questions.

Grandparents' Mass - Jan 26


Winter Open House - Jan 28


CSW Teacher/Staff Luncheon - Jan 31


Father Daughter Dance Volunteers Needed

Volunteers are needed to help decorate the Parish Hall Friday, March 1 anytime from 10:00 AM to 5:30 PM and possibly on Saturday, March 2 from 12:00 PM. Also, if you would like to help out during the dance serving ice cream, please contact Silvia Macias at [email protected]

A Note from Fr. Gary & Parish Happenings

Dear Friends of St. Louise,

Lent is early this year. In fact, Ash Wednesday falls on February 14, Valentine’s Day, or as we say in Spanish, El día de Amor y Amistad (the Day of Love and Friendship). Since God is love and we have no greater friend than Jesus himself, it seems appropriate that we begin our Lenten Journey to renew and strengthen our friendship with the Lord with prayer, penance, and fasting instead of flowers and chocolate. (The night before will work just fine for those! It might even be easier to get a restaurant reservation, if you are going out to celebrate.)

Meals together are so often an expression of love. Jesus built on this human experience when he instituted the Eucharist. Since this year is the Year of Eucharistic Revival, we will offer an opportunity to help St. Louise parish dive deeper into our appreciation of the Eucharist...

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See What Happened this Week - Science Club & 1st/4th Grade Buddies!

Thank you St. Louise Sponsors!

Antezana Garvizu Family

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