St. Louise School Weekly Bulletin

School News for November 16-29, 2023

A Note from Mr. Fuerte

Dear Families,


Parent-Student-Teacher Conferences Begin Next Week


Thank you for signing up for your children’s required November conference time. Some of you may have arranged to meet yesterday, November 15th, during our half-day conferences. We appreciate you meeting with your child's teacher so you can celebrate the successes of your child's schooling and discuss any areas needing improvement. Partnering with your child's teacher is fundamental to your child's educational success, and the teachers appreciate the super support of our St. Louise teachers!

We ask that our families arrive a few minutes early for your scheduled conference time. There is no need to check in at the office on Monday or Tuesday - just head straight to the classroom. Teachers will have their schedules posted on their doors, and chairs on which to wait outside the room. School-age siblings may wait in the school library to watch a video or read a book, and they will be supervised by one of our teachers. Please note, our library-supervising teachers are not able to watch non-school-age children, such as your toddlers or babies, so please find childcare at home for these younger ones. The library will be open Monday, November 20th, 2023, from 10:00am-7:30pm (No supervision between 12:30pm-1:00pm and 4:00pm-5:00pm) and Tuesday, November 21st, 2023, from 8:00am-12:00pm. Thank you!

The school will close after our final conferences finish on Tuesday (around noon), and the entire school staff will enjoy this extended break. For them and for you, our school families, I offer this prayer:


Thanksgiving Prayer


Almighty Father,

I thank You for our St. Louise families and faculty, and for all the blessings that You pour out on us each day. I give thanks for the support of school parents, the talent of our teachers, the dedication of school staff, and the hard work and kind hearts of our school students! Along with all of them, we give thanks to You for this wonderful St. Louise community we have created, knowing You are watching over and guiding us.

Lord God, Heavenly King,

I ask that our St. Louise parents, students, and staff continue to be blessed by feeling Your love and presence in our lives. We know that this life is not all there is; that the best is yet to come if we live for You. So, help us each day to live our lives in ways that honor and please You. And may we never forget to give You all the praise and glory and thanks, not just on Thanksgiving, but every day. We ask this through Christ our Lord.


Thanksgiving Baskets

Thank you for all your support and donations to our Thanksgiving Basket Drive. In coordination with St. Louise Parish, St. Vincent de Paul, and school Faculty and Staff we are able to provide gift cards and a thanksgiving basket full of food for families in need in our community during the holiday season. 

Advent Drive – New Bethlehem Programs

In your red envelopes today in the bulletin you will find information on our St. Louise Advent Supply Drive for New Bethlehem Programs. You may drop off items in the St. Louise School Lobby November 27-December 11. Thank you for your support of New Bethlehem Programs. 

Quiz Question

First and 5th person to email me the correct answer will receive a Charger Card.

Question: In what year did the “First Thanksgiving” occur?


Blessings on a Wonderful Thanksgiving,

Mr. Mike Fuerte


p.s. Please note that there will not be a Parent Bulletin sent home next week. 


Photo Retake Day - Tuesday, November 28

  • Missed picture day? Students who missed picture day should plan on getting a photo taken on makeup/retake day. Families can preorder photos here: 2023-24 St. Louise Parish School Retake Day Pre-orders 11/28 (deadline to preorder is the night before, 11/27)
  • Preordered photos and would like a retake? If you preordered picture day portraits and would like a retake, your student can return their portrait package in exchange for a complimentary retake replacement.

Please let Linda Bowers know know if you plan to have your student’s photo retaken.

Sign Up to Serve

School Families Needed to Serve at Weekend Masses

We are asking St. Louise School families to help serve at weekend Masses one weekend each month. We need:

  • Family Greeters - you'll greet Parishioners as they enter the Church.
  • Family to Bring up Gifts during Communion.

Students will need to be in uniform and families should arrive 20 minutes early. Students can earn a Free Dress Coupon for serving.


Check your Red Envelope today for a special THANK YOU to all the volunteers who helped make "A Grand Affair" such a success!

Don't forget that there is still time to make online purchases for teacher experiences and the Burgermaster & IHOP lunches.

Congratulations to our Kids' Raffle Basket Winners:

Elisa, Mackenzie, Hailey, Matias, Christopher, Francis, Ty, Miriam, Danny & Presley.

Chargers C.A.R.E

During the Advent Season, St. Louise will be supporting New Bethlehem Programs with a donation drive to collect some of the organization's most needed items.

New Bethlehem Programs is part of Catholic Community Services and provides assistance, including shelter, for families experiencing homelessness on the eastside.

Please see the flyer in your Red Envelope today, and bring your donations to the school lobby before December 11.

Clubs & After School Activities


Sign up today for this year's Battle of the Books with Mrs. Green.

For 4th-5th Grade Students and ONLY 25 spaces are available so act fast!

First meeting will be Monday, Dec 11 with sessions every Wednesday Jan 10-Feb 28. School battle will be March 6 with the winning team going to districts on March 20.

Sign up for Battle of the Books

Parents' Club News

St. Nicholas Christmas Party - Saturday 12/2

The Parents' Club is excited to announce that the long standing tradition of the St. Nicholas Christmas Party is back!

Mark your calendars for Saturday, December 2 from 9:00-11:30 for this fun event!

  • Get pictures taken with St. Nicholas (beginning at 10am).
  • Enjoy breakfast treats, coffee, and hot chocolate.
  • Make and take arts and crafts.
  • Crafts for purchase
  • Cost per family - $20

Ice Skating is BACK at the

Bellevue Downtown Park!

Charger Cards

Did you know you can benefit from your rebate earnings? Don't stop when you hit the $125 rebate minimum! Keep going to earn 50% of any additional rebates back to you. Additional rebates can go to your next year's tuition, a cash rebate, or a donation to the Fr. Phil Endowment Fund. Be sure to complete your participation form here to choose how you want to receive your rebate.

Mark your Calendar!

  • November 16 - Treat Sale
  • November 20-21 - Mandatory Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences
  • November 22-24 - Thanksgiving Break
  • November 28 - Picture Re-Takes
  • December 2 - St. Nicholas Christmas Party 9:00-11:30
Subscribe to the School Calendar Here

Charger Shout Outs!

Speech Team - 2023 Archbishop Murphy Speech Tournament


Congratulations to the St. Louise Speech Team who performed exceptionally well at the 2023 Archbishop Murphy Speech Tournament this past Saturday. We are proud of our 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. There were 11 schools and 161 total speakers competing in the event.


Congratulations to all of our category winners and finalists, especially:


Mia B - Most Inspirational Speaker for St. Louise


Kalei K and Leika K – 1st Place Open Duo Interpretive (Each receives a $1,500 scholarship to AMHS)

See the full list of Winners & Finalists Here

We LOVE our Volunteers!

Volunteers Needed for St. Nicholas Christmas Party - Saturday December 2

  • Friday, December 1 - help needed for set-up and decorating
  • Saturday, December 2 - help needed for:
  • Set Up
  • Serving
  • Check-in
Sign Up Here

Parish Happenings

A Message from Fr. Gary

Dear Friends at St. Louise,

Most of you know that I had minor surgery on October 23 (although one person told me, no surgery is minor . . . anything can happen). Well, something did happen, and it was more than just the surgery!

It was a time to reflect on the gift of God’s constant care for me...

Read More

Gallery - 4th Grade Cow Eyes, Speech Team, Math Games at Seattle Prep & Congratulations Mr. Walker on leading Seattle Prep Cross Country to another State Victory!

Thank you St. Louise Sponsors!

Antizana Garvizu Family

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