St. Luke's monthly Celebrates Newsletter helps St. Lukers connect to one another as we navigate life together.
We wish a very Happy Birthday to all our St. Lukers! Join us in celebrating everyone who has a birthday this month.
We appreciate the faithful commitment St. Lukers make to the church's ministries. Join us in celebrating everyone who has a church Partnership anniversary this month.
On December 28, 2024 Bayley and Lauren Steinwehr were married in the Sanctuary. Congratulations to the happy couple!
On January 2, Larry Brennemancelebrated his 80th birthday! On the following day, a surprise birthday party was held at Brookdale Dr. Phillips with family and friends of St. Luke's in attendance. Special entertainment for family and guests was provided by his daughter, Kathy Nelson, and friend, Andy Matchett. The birthday boy thanks everyone who came and appreciates your friendship and love!
Successful Blood Drive and BP Screening
On behalf of St. Luke’s Care Office and the whole team at OneBlood, Inc., we would like to extend our most heartfelt thank you for your donations at our recent Blood Drive on campus. We collected a total of 12 pints of blood and 2 platelets, saving up to 42 lives! Our local hospitals heavily rely on these drives to save lives. In addition, our Blood Pressure Screenings on campus allowed us to identify several people with marked hypertension, and our volunteer nurses were able to provide education and advise them to follow up with their physicians. Hypertension can affect many bodily systems so it’s important to keep those readings in check.
If you missed this one and would like to participate in our next Blood Drive, mark your calendar for Sunday, May 18 from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. You can go ahead and secure your appointment now by clicking HERE.
Our very own John Mason celebrated his 40th birthday on January 25! We wish him a happy birthday, and thank him for all the music and leadership he provides. Happy birthday, John!! We are incredibly grateful for you!
Throughout January, our kids learned about BE-ing more like Jesus at Camp Believe It. Each week they earned a badge with the big idea and worked all month to earn an extra sign-language memory verse pin!
St. Luke's Shout Outs!
The Februaryfeatured Staff Shout Out goes to ourYouth Ministry Program Coordinator, Cody Lach!
Shout out to Cody for all your help with the Circles Holiday Toy Drive at the end of last year. Thanks for collecting toys and engaging the youth in pricing and packing them, your help ensured we had a great number of teen toys!