Come worship with us this Sunday

at 3810 Ridgewood Rd. Copley, OH

or on Facebook Live at 10:00 AM

Or visit our website:

Click Here to view this Sunday's Bulletin

Scriptures for Sunday, December 10th

Psalm 85 • Isaiah 40:1-11

2 Peter 3:8-18 Mark 1:1-8

ADGL Newsletter

The latest edition of the ADGL newsletter is available. CLICK HERE to read a special Advent message from Bishop Mark Engle.

2023 Advent Prayer Wall

"I came that they may have life and have it abundantly."

During the Advent season, St. Luke's will have a prayer wall in the Sanctuary filled with names of people and places connected to the St Luke's family.  Throughout advent we will be praying and asking Jesus to fulfill every promise he has spoken over each name. 

Please feel free to grab a marker and add the names of family, friends, places, etc. to the wall! Let's fill the wall with every person and place connected to the St Lukes family.  

Also, please take some time to read over the wall and pray asking God to make the fullness of life known over each name.  As you come and go from the church during this season come a few minutes early or stay a bit late and spend some time at the wall praying.

Reach out to Tim Ghrist with any questions and please share testimonies of how God is answering these prayers. 

An Advent Annoucement from Rev. Dan Morgan

This Sunday Advent begins, and this Advent we will experience some changes to our Sunday morning worship. 

Advent is a season of anticipation and wonder.  To enhance those qualities of Advent we will take these four weeks to turn our hearts to how the Holy Spirit of God is speaking to us.

We will put special emphasis on the Person, the Power, the Gifting, and the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. After Church Bishop Roger and Gretsie Ames will lead us in discussions about these topics and answer questions you may have about the Holy Spirit.

We will take time to listen to the leading of the holy spirit and respond with practical applications in our worship each Sunday during Advent. 

We will use the structure of Morning prayer to learn a Daily Practice that could be used by each of us in our own lives as a devotional tool in our personal rule of life.  Corporately we will use morning prayer as way of mixing up the routine a bit so the Lord can speak to us through a new cadence of anticipation and wonder.

Having the space to try a new liturgy and to listen to the holy spirit corporately and pray into what He might be telling us are the reasons we will refrain from having communion during advent.  Furthermore, refraining from Communion will aid in building an anticipation for the true meaning of Christmas in the incarnation of Jesus.

Let's seek His heart together as we wait and pray.  We will then return to regularly celebrating Communion on Christmas Eve.

With childlike Joy, let’s be watchful, and filled with wonder as we await the coming of Jesus!


Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Services

This year the 4th week of Advent and Christmas Eve fall on the same day… Sunday, December 24th. 

We will have our Sunday Morning Advent Worship service at 10:00 AM and, later that day, our Christmas Eve service at 7:00 PM. Our Christmas Day service will be at 10:00 AM Christmas morning. 

Mark your calendars and plan to join us as we celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus.


The clergy and vestry of St. Luke’s is asking each of us to prayerfully consider who the Lord would want to serve as a member of our Vestry. 

Vestry Nomination Forms are available on the Welcome Board or you can CLICK HERE to complete the form online. 

Forms need to be completed and returned by

Sunday, January 14, 2024.

To submit a prayer request through our website,



If you would like a prayer request sent out to the St. Luke's Prayer Team, call or text (330)-703-2932.


If the request is for someone other than yourself, please obtain permission from them before sharing to preserve their privacy.

December Offering: $11552

Needed Monthly: $38,333

YTD Offering: $393,261

YTD Other Income: $35,642

YTD Budget: $454,452

YTD +/- ($25,549)

Ways to support St. Luke's Church

  • Mail checks to: St. Luke's Church 3810 Ridgewood Rd Copley, OH 44321

  • St. Luke's Website ( in the upper right corner, click on the button that says, "Give." You can fill out the form with a credit card/debit card or bank routing and account number. You will receive a receipt by email. This can be set up as recurring if you choose. There is a 2.9% surcharge for this option. Click here to be taken to the website.

  • Your Own Bank - send a payment through your own bank account's bill pay on the bank website. The church will receive a paper check in the mail. This can be set up as recurring if you choose.

  • Drop off in the church mailbox or come inside to the office.

Senior Pastor

Rev. Daniel C. Morgan

Associate Pastor

Rev. Andrew D. Unger

St Luke's Church

3810 Ridgewood Rd.

Copley, OH 44321


Click below to email our staff:

Jim Fulton - Parish Administrator

Laura Ghrist - Director of Worship Arts

Terry Hamilton - Bookkeeper

Scott Souders - Assoc. Pastor

John Wagner - Assoc. Pastor

St. Luke's office hours are Monday thru Thursday, 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM

St Luke's Church is part of the Anglican Diocese of the Great Lakes

under the leadership of Bishop Mark Engel.

Follow Jesus. But click below to find us on Facebook or YouTube.

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If you have a ministry announcement or event you would like added to the weekly newsletter or Sunday announcements, please email us or send the information to the church office by Wednesday at 12:00 PM. Thank you.