Come worship with us this Sunday

at 3810 Ridgewood Rd. Copley, OH

or on Facebook Live at 10:00 AM

Or visit our website:

Click Here to view this Sunday's Bulletin

Scriptures for Sunday, March 1st

Exodus 20:1-21 • Psalm 19:7-14

Romans 7:12-25 • John 2:13-22

Memorial Easter Lilies

If you would like to purchase Easter Lilies in remembrance or in honor of someone in your life, place a check for $20 in the offering plate with “Memorial for _____” in the memo, or contact Jim Fulton. Your memorial will be displayed on Easter Sunday and listed in the bulletin.

Holy Week Seder Meal

Why Celebrate Passover?

Passover is a Feast of the Lord – a Celebration commanded by God.

“And when your children say to you, ‘What do you mean by this service?’ you shall say, ‘It is the sacrifice of the Lord's Passover, for He passed over the houses of the people of Israel in Egypt, when He struck the Egyptians but spared our houses.’” And the people bowed their heads and worshiped.”  Exodus 12:25b-27 (ESV)

Passover is a Celebration!

This is a significant celebration in the Bible. The Passover Feast is part of our Hebraic heritage, a feast that points to the death and resurrection of Jesus, our Messiah.

Our Lord Jesus, as an observant Jew, celebrated the Feast of Passover. He said to the disciples before His crucifixion, "I have earnestly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer; for I say to you, I shall never again eat it until it is fulfilled in the kingdom of God." Luke 22:15 (ESV)

 Experience a Passover Seder Meal

Join us for the Passover Seder, remembering the Exodus and God’s deliverance of His people out of bondage.

Experience the Passover celebration as our Lord Jesus did at The Last Supper. Discover for yourself the foundation of Communion instituted by our Savior.

Participate in this Feast of the Lord rooted in our Hebraic heritage.

Wednesday, March 27th, at 6:00 PM, we will gather together in The Harbor.

The Seder meal’s main meat dish will be provided.

Participating families are asked to bring side dishes and salads.

Please do not bring any dishes with pork products (bacon, sausage, ham) or shellfish (shrimp, lobster, clams).

Also, no yeast products (bread, rolls, croutons).

Please sign up if you plan to attend. Sign-ups begin Sunday, March 3rd after church in the Café.

The Stage 4 ministry is in need of volunteers.

The need is great, but the workers are few.

Stage 4 meets Tuesday evenings at 6:30 PM or Thursday mornings at 9:30 AM. 

Contact Pam Harris for more information.

Holy Week is less than month away. This year we will be remembering our Lord’s Passion with services each evening of Holy Week.

Sunday, March 24th, 10:00am – Palm Sunday service

Monday, March 25th, 7:00pm – Stations of the Cross

Tuesday, March 26th, 7:00pm – Worship Circle service

Wednesday, March 27th, 6:00pm – Seder Meal

(sign ups for the meal begin this Sunday, March 3rd)

Thursday, March 28th, 7:00pm – Maundy Thursday

Friday, March 29th, 7:00pm – Good Friday Tenebrae

Saturday, March 30th, 7:00pm – Holy Vigil service

Sunday, March 31st, 10:00am – Easter Sunday

Invite your family and friends as we worship together

Bill and Marjorie Johnson, who have so diligently served our body in the Café, will be unavailable to serve as often this year, so we are asking small groups, Life Groups, and individuals to sign up to serve in the Café. 

There are currently 29 opportunities to bless the body after our services with food and fellowship. See the clipboard in the Café to sign up.

Crosswinds Ohio, Inc. is having its Q1-2024 update meeting immediately following the service on Sunday, March 3rd, in The Harbor.

There will be food, fun, fellowship, and live music. In addition, Sunny from Almighty Jesus Ministries in India will join us in a live broadcast with an update about his work with widows and orphans and their outreach to share the gospel in their village.

In addition to the fine healthy food provided by CW's growing food ministry, there will be a guitar clinic.

For more information, contact Chris or Gary Neffenger (330-319-5734).

February ADGL Newsletter

As part of the Anglican Diocese of the Great Lakes, we are part of something bigger. Keep up with events and happenings in the diocese by reading the monthly newsletter.

CLICK HERE or go to the St Luke's website and look under Events/Newsletters to see the latest events, information, and messages from Bishop Marc Engel.

To submit a prayer request through our website,



If you would like a prayer request sent out to the St. Luke's Prayer Team, call or text (330)-703-2932.


If the request is for someone other than yourself, please obtain permission from them before sharing to preserve their privacy.

February Offering: $32,656

Needed Monthly: $40,895

YTD Offering: $58,216

YTD Other Income: $853

YTD Budget: $79,728

YTD +/- ($19,659)

Ways to support St. Luke's Church

  • Place your offering the basket during the Sunday Offertory.

  • Mail your check to: St. Luke's Church 3810 Ridgewood Rd Copley, OH 44321

  • Visit St. Luke's website. In the upper right corner, click on the "Give" button. You can fill out the form with a debit/credit card or bank routing and accouint number. You will receive an email receipt. If you chose, this can be set up as recurring.

  • Your Own Bank - send a payment through your own bank account's bill pay on the bank website. The church will receive a paper check in the mail. This can be set up as recurring if you choose.

  • Drop off in the church mailbox or come inside to the office.


Rev. Daniel C. Morgan

Associate Rector

Rev. Andrew D. Unger

Associate Pastor

Rev. Scott Souders

Associate Pastor

Rev. John Wagner

St Luke's Church

3810 Ridgewood Rd.

Copley, OH 44321


Click below to email our staff:

Jim Fulton - Parish Administrator

Laura Ghrist - Director of Worship Arts

Michelle Strickland - Bookkeeper

St. Luke's office hours are Monday thru Thursday, 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM

St Luke's Church is part of the Anglican Diocese of the Great Lakes

under the leadership of Bishop Mark Engel.

Follow Jesus... but click below to find us on Facebook or YouTube.

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If you have a ministry announcement or event you would like added to the weekly newsletter or Sunday announcements, please email us or send the information to the church office by Wednesday at 12:00 PM. Thank you.